Thursday, January 02, 2003
Note: am in the process of getting my Greymatter layout/template working. In the mean time, for all new journal posts, please refer to Weblog page. Thanxs!
kcrys 5:37 PM - [Link]
Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Today's Spark by Diarist.net: What do you most wholeheartedly celebrate? Birthdays? Anniversaries? Parenthood? Love? Life in general? Why do you celebrate, and how? Why is the occasion or event ? and the observance of it ? important or significant to you? Is it significant to others? Does it matter? Also: Is there something you do not like to celebrate? What and why? I celebrate life in general. Birthdays, anniversaries, love they are all parts of life. I have had enough celebrating of those things in my past, that I am done with it. I do celebrate my birthday by treating myself to something that day. Anniversairies? Well mine and Silven's anniversary we do celebrate in our own little way, when we remember it. We have treated each other to dinners, or just wished each other a happy anniversary. All dependant on if money is tight at that time of year or not for us. One thing I don't like celebrating is Valentine's Day. This day has been come way too commmercialized for me. There is so much expectation on couples, especially those that aren't in a relationship. It's as if you don't have someone special to share you should feel really awful. There is too much hipe about being in a relationship with someone. What happened to the relationship that you have with yourself? Why would this be wrong to celebrate on Valentine's day? I don't see any reason why this shouldn't be celebrated. I think for this Valentine's day, instead of celebrating the love for someone else, or family, everyone should take the time to celebrate their love for themselves. For if we don't love ourselves, how can we love someone else? Speaking of celebrations... Happy New Year to everyone! May all your dreams and wishes come true in 2003.
kcrys 7:25 PM - [Link]
Monday, December 30, 2002
I don't know what I was doing at the time, or rather what website I was surfing when I found a link to the Universal Life Church. They offer free ordaintion via their website for those wanting it. I really thought this was a scam, but I talked to a friend of mine from SaskaMoon about it. Seems it's not a scam, and he's been ordained through them for over 10 years now. With that, I decided to check it out more. Here is what it says on their site, a bit about what they are about:
The Universal Life Church has only two tenets (beliefs/doctrine) - to promote freedom of religion and to do that which is right. It is the responsibility of the individual to determine what is right as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others and is within the law.
This really spoke to me. I found links to sites of people from all over the world how are part of various pagan traditions who have been ordained by the ULC. I liked the idea of being able to perform handfastings and other such things, legally. So I decided to become ordained. Though I can't do much about with it in Canada, the ULC is not recognized as a church here, yet. With thousands of ministers residing in Canada, they are dealing with the Canadian goverment to become legal here. You can read more about that and the ULC via their site. In other news... Saw my physiotherapist today, after an absence of a few weeks. She started working on my lower back. Said it's going to take a while but I should be able to walk without it hurting so much after she's through with me. Which was music to my ears! I also found out that the dizziness and nausea and feeling I'm going to pass out isn't from my balance being off due to some infection, or rather past infection. Am going to have to mention this to my family doc when I see her again. Think I'm going to leave my update of the day in my head and the past. Am getting tired and think I'm just going to head to bed and read for a while. Have a headache coming on too. Nite all!
kcrys 11:25 PM - [Link]
Yup I did it again, a new layout for the site. Surprise, Surprise. *laugh* I have decided and made a promise to myself that I will only change the colors for this layout every six months to a year. My focus is to be on the content, my writing, rather than the web design of the site. ...and now after fooling around with getting the guestbook to work, I think I'm going to head to bed. Nite all!
kcrys 1:17 AM - [Link]
Sunday, December 29, 2002
Wounded... yup that about explains how I feel right about now. There is such a great snow storm going on outside, and I realized I can't go play in it cuz I'm sick. I so wanted to go play too! Though I don't want to get sick again, or get any worse than I am right now. Just starting to feel it letting go of my body, definately don't need it to latch on again and stay longer! *pout* Make that a double pout!! *laugh* With that thought let's go onto today's topic from Diarist.Net Spark: In My Room ? 29 December 2002 Think about all the rooms in all the houses you have lived in. Describe them in your journal and reflect upon whether where you have lived may have affected how you felt at different times in your life. ? From Writer's Digest All the rooms in all the houses I live in...hmm... considering we moved around so much I'm having a hard time remembering all the houses, let alone all the rooms in them! *laugh* The last house I do remember living in with my parents was an older house that was built before the church in the town. We did alot of work on that house. To me it was really never a home. I never felt that welcome there. I always felt I was intruding. Even my own room I didn't feel that comfortable in. The room was "dressed up" more for my mom than for me. And I was moved around in that house alot too. First I was upstairs, where I think I would have preferred to be. Then I moved downstairs into the front of the house. That room was so cold, which no one ever believed me about. I had no privacy in it. No door either, just a piece of fabric hanging over the doorway which if you looked closely you could see into my room through. This room was also by the front door. In direct line with it actually. Which meant each time someone opened the door in the winter time, in the cold air would come and right into my room too. This house definately affected how I felt at that time in my life. I wasn't happy. I didn't want to be there, which was reflected in the many fights I had with my parents and my being grounded so often. The first chance I got I moved. It might not have been a smart move from someone else's perspective, but for me it was the best thing I could have done for me. When I was living with Silven for that while, I did not feel comfortable there at all. I felt I was intruding. That the apartment wasn't my home too. That is definately reflected in what was going on in my life at that time. Things were not good with us at all and we eventually went our separate ways for a while. Moving out of that place was a good thing for me, though I moved in with a friend...whom I will never live with again. That was another place I didn't feel I was welcome, though I was. I felt I was always on display and had to be careful with how I dressed and all. I also didn't have privacy unless my roommate wasn't home. I was in alot of flare ups cuz of the stress I was under while in that place. The only place I have felt comfortable in is my place right now. Mind you it doesn't have many rooms being a bachelor suite, but it has me written all over it. It's my home. I feel comfortable here. I'm safe. Feeling as I do in this place, when things affect my life coming home wraps me in its warm and allows me to get any emotions out. With getting those emotions out I'm able to look at things in many different lights and am able to make the right decisions for me.
kcrys 12:23 PM - [Link]
Saturday, December 28, 2002
Decided to try some bbq chicken that a store here offers. Am not very impressed with it. Though Myrah seems to just love it! *laugh* Not much going on here so not going to bore ya with my rambling about nada. Am getting rid of this cold ...really slowly. Did find some interesting sites. I'll be added them to the resources page in the coming days.
kcrys 5:54 PM - [Link]
Friday, December 27, 2002
Friday 5 for December 27, 2002: 1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year? 2. What was your biggest disappointment? 3. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions? 4. Where will you be at midnight? Do you wish you could be somewhere else? 5. Aside from (possibly) staying up late, do you have any other New Year's traditions? Answers... 1. getting my cell bill uptodate...I would mention having Myrah come into my life, but I don't think that is really an accomplishment. *laugh* 2. I haven't really had any disappointments this year 3. I already have, check out yesterday post 4. am not sure where I will be at midnight, though I hope to be with Silven where ever I may be. No I don't wish to be anywhere else. 5. I haven't started any New Year's traditions, though I am giving thought to starting something for 2004, just don't know what it is yet... hey I do have all year!! *laugh*
kcrys 3:54 PM - [Link]
Despite wanting to go out with this cold and rather being snuggled under warm blankets with a good book I went out. Paid my cell bill and got Myrah some food and litter. She's good now for a while. And so is my cell bill, all caught uptodate now. Next bill to catch up on is the cable bill, which will be caught up February. Then all will be well in kcrysland once again...and finally too! I'll be able to get another ear piece for my phone, since I lost the other one I had while I was in Montreal, or somewhere in that time frame. It left and didn't say goodbye! Jeeze the nerve of things, I swear! *laugh* Talked to Carebear for a little bit today on my bus ride back from Lawson Mall. Hoping I'll get that darn money and my books back from her next week before she leaves for a week's trip. Seems the bus fare here is going up yet again. I swear is was only 2001 that they put the fare up to $1.75. Now it's 10 cents short of $2. Jeeze! I hope they'll be putting that money to good use and getting more of those canola run buses. I think I'm going to curl up with a book I'm almost finished (Warlock by William Smith) and have one of those donuts I got last night...all while watching Myrah go nuts cuz I opened the window a bit to get some fresh air in here. Man if she's crazy like this now, I'm almost scared to know what she'll be like in the summer time when I have the windows open all the time! ...Ciao!!
kcrys 2:13 PM - [Link]
Now that was relatively painless! *laugh* I have uploaded my pages to my new host Threnody.ca and have gotten my Blogstudio blog to be ftp'd to it for now. I downloaded Moveabletype which I am hoping to use once I can figure out if I can use it on my new server or not, and get it working. I sent an email to the owner the domain who offers subdomains to see if I am able to use Moveabletype, should hear back from her relatively soon. I just want thank FoxPaw for all her help and deeming worthy. Thanks FoxPaw! ...and with that I think I am off this technological contraption that has taken over various parts of my life and allow myself some shut eye before coming back here again. Caio!
kcrys 12:15 AM - [Link]
Thursday, December 26, 2002
Question of the day: "What are your New Year's Resolutions? Which of them are "reruns" from last year? Which do you think you have the best chance of honoring, and which do you think will be the first to go out the window? If you don't make resolutions, why not?" Resolutions. Hmm, I haven't made any New Year's Resolutions in years. Why? Most of what I had resolutioned to do through the new year, I never did and I would end up being disappointed in myself. That may be because I set my bar too high for me to actually achieve those goals. So let's see. If I was to make say 3 resolutions for this coming year, 2003, I would have to say they would be...in no particular order... 1. bettering myself by learning more about myself and the world around me 2. getting to a point where I have money for the last week of every month before I get paid so I am not worrying about money for food. 3. keeping uptodate on my bills hmm...well seems I could go on, but I think those three are good enough for this year. I don't want to set my limits too high and become disappointed with myself again.
kcrys 10:17 PM - [Link]
k it's official. I hate being sick. Well ok not HATE, but dislike. Do like getting the attention I get when I am sick. I haven't been sick in months which is a nice change for me. I'm usually the one that gets sick at least once a month or every two months. me thinks me is going to go back to being wrapped in my blankets...a blow this darn tap that is called my nose too! *laugh* nite all!
kcrys 7:11 PM - [Link]