Saturday, January 24, 2004
fast.free.simple.RELIABLE. Okay, what was that last one again? I tried all last night to get logged in but kept getting an error. Well at least it's working today ~ I wonder how often that happens?? So this is what it looks like today from the patio, we have tonnes of icicles
Those are snowmobile tracks on the river from some of the neighbours. It's freezing out but sunny at least ~ only a couple more months of winter to go! The most AMAZING thing happened today ~ I didn't go to work!!!!! YAY!!!!! I actually have the whole weekend off, 2 whole days! Chris asked me to yesterday but I said I couldn't ~ I needed a break! I slept in till 10 this morning. Yesterday I had a couple guys come in to my office looking for MTR reports ~ they are both around my age I think, they're here from NFLD to help out with the project. When they first came in they said they were looking for some "HOBS" LOLOLOL After they mentioned it a couple times I realised it was Newfenese for hubs LOLOL (which are attachments welded to the pipes we produce) not that I could really tell you what one looked like, I'm just an office girl LOL I guess the way I say it is more towards hobs, but not THAT bad ~ I'm not used to hearing a martime/newfoundland accent considering everyone I work with is British/Irish! One of the NFLD guys is pretty good looking ~ I see him almost everyday at the 4 o'clock meeting outside my office. It was so cold yesterday the door to the cottage froze shut ~ and of course I was on the outside of it! LOL I was coming back with more MTRs from the main building ~ Shane and I were stuck out there with Ronnie looking out trying to open it from the inside. I motioned to boot the door open which had them laughing, it finally opened after a couple minutes ~ my hands were freezing b/c I didn't have my mitts on. I saw a flash of red by the bird feeder just now, it must be the cardinal ~ I should go and put more food out, I hope I can get through the snow?? LOL that was funny... hobs... I thought: is that anything like a hobbit? Speaking of, I think I will go see Lord of the Rings again at the matinee tomorrow ~ I want to see it once more before it leaves the theatre. I especially want to see THIS guy again! ....sigh
Would you like to hear some Scottish Gaelic songs? :) BBC Gaelic Song Box Be sure to click on Seumas Watson's ~ he's someone I know from university, and a great Gaelic singer! It's amazing that there are ppl all over the world interested in Scottish Gaelic. I need new slippers desperately ~ the sole is almost completely off of the right one. It's hard enough walking without them flying off my feet b/c they're too big, now I keep tripping over the sole ~ grrr! I'd better go clear the driveway a little, I only shovelled part of it yesterday. Fresh air here I come!
oighrig 12:22 PM - [Link]
Thursday, January 22, 2004
So do you like my new sweater????
I got it at Suzy Shier today for only 20 bucks! I love it ~ it looks like Roots Canada only it doesn't cost a fortune. I feel very Canadian in it :) I also got a white collared shirt for under a v-neck sweater, and some blue PJs ~ those were both 10 bucks, they were having a huge January sale. I had an orthodontist appt today, and she put a spring on one of my bottom teeth. It can't straighten until there's room for it to move ~ thank god I only have that one crooked tooth. It doesn't feel as different as I thought it would. I finally got news of my consultation in Halifax for my surgery, they are emailing the Dr. today and will get back to me soon to book an appt. I hope I can get one on a friday or monday so I don't have to take much time off. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! Oh, get this ~ the doctor's name is Dr. Precious LOLOL Someone told me there is also a Dr. Lovely and Dr. Good(something?) Hopefully this is a good sign! Oh my gosh ~ the most stupid thing happened at market square after my appt. I sat down at a bench to scratch a set for life ticket and this weird guy sits down beside me. He started asking me questions, shook my hand etc. and then asked if I had a good memory and gave me his phone number!! LOLOL and he kept harassing me to call him, it was so embarrassing! I didn't know what to say ~ there was obviously something wrong with him (and NO not just b/c he wanted me to call him LOL) I've seen him around town before. I got up to leave b/c I was getting a drive home but I still had about 10 min to spare so I waited by the pedway, well he followed me and started asking me to call him on sunday! So then I took an elevator and hid by standing in the parking garage for a while. I felt bad for the guy, I really didn't know what to say?? I checked the mail for the first time this week and it was like Mary Poppins' mailbox ~ it was bottomless! There was a bunch of junk like usual, but a letter from Tanya YAY! I was surprised to get something from the Celtic Studies Dept at St.FX ~ they're doing a review and sent me a big survey to fill out. I feel so connected now LOL Saint Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia I love that new song by Outkast ~ Hey ya, I d'loaded it tonight. I'm sure it's one of those songs that will get old real fast, but right now I love it!
oighrig 8:47 PM - [Link]
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Well they still hadn't fixed the fan at work today, big surprise.... Seamus was annoyed and called Richard to get his butt over there and fix it (it's nice having a huge grumpy Irishman in your corner sometimes:) but all he did was jab at it with a pen which seemed to work for a few minutes. At least it's not as bad as it was, and if it gets worse I'll just have fun doing the same ~ I had thought about it before, but it's connected to all the computers and with my luck I would wipe them all out! So I found out today from Norm that it was Seamus' birthday last saturday ~ shoot! I wish I had known, maybe I will get him a belated b'day card. It was Stan's birthday on friday and I guess since there are a few others w. January b'days at work that they are getting together on friday night to celebrate at the 3 mile. I was formally invited today, but I don't think I'll go since everybody's older/married. I'll have to ask Seamus if he's going or not ~ I somehow can't see him wanting to, esp. with Callie being there, but at the same time it's kind of in his honour. UGHHH!!! I now have a #2 on my list of worst drinks ever! Today at lunch I decided to get a bottle of juice at the petrocan, I was going to get my usual orange juice but saw they had ruby red grapefruit juice too ~ I thought That'd be a nice change! I never really had grapefruit growing up, I think maybe a few times and I remembered not being a fan of it. I figured since it was by tropicana it MUST be good, I mean, ppl buy it don't they?? AUGH! it tasted like (from what I can imagine?) some kind of poison!! I could barely get a sip down it was so awful. How on earth can ppl drink that stuff?! Oh, in case you're in suspense, my #1 worst drink was from my university days and I was into weird hippie vitamins and health food. It was a powder called Greens+ and it's made from rare seaweeds from japan and plants you can only get from a mountain top after slaying a dragon and fighting off pterodactyls (did I spell that right?) and you're supposed to mix it with water or apple juice. First of all, it doesn't mix very well so it basically stays in clumps. I thought I would die with the first gulp ~ it was so horrible!! I cannot immagine grass and dirt tasting as bad! I tried the apple juice suggestion too, but I think that was even worse.
oighrig 6:38 PM - [Link]
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
I have recently rediscovered the 80s Scottish band Big Country
I love their sound, it makes you feel great ~ I only just found out the sad news that stuart adamson committed suicide 2 years ago:( He was such a great musician, with such a unique style. Agh!! I hate when I catch on to ppl too late. Well, today mainly consisted of RRRRRRRRRRRAHHHHHH..rrrrrr...RRRRRRAAAAHHH!!!!!!! This stupid mechanical box in my office has a fan that needs to be oiled, and it can only be likened to a jet engine/train/tortured cow ~ of course coupled with an Irishman doing his best to imitate it throughout the day:) Chris @ 9am says "someone will fix it within a couple hours", so of course at 4:30 it was still driving me mad ~ there is no way I am sitting through another day with that! I actually had tears in my eyes just before I left ~ I think I was going mental! Speaking of mental ~ Heather wrote this in her email today by mistake: "His show has been getting very heavy mental like lately." LOL! It was in regards to Steve's radio show. Something hilarious happened recently ~ my mother had a little bout of road rage/parking lot rage the other night and in her anger blurted out "Come on you little Christer!!" I tried not to smirk at first b/c she was so ticked, but eventually I bursted out laughing and she did too ~ what the *#&$ is a Christer?? Well anyway, at work yesterday I was slogging away at my reports and came across an email from a Norwegian guy named Christer!! To which someone had replied "Dear Christer:" I almost DIED trying not to laugh out loud, what are the chances?:) It's funny what ppl will come out with when they're angry.
oighrig 8:29 PM - [Link]
Monday, January 19, 2004
Well, here is my first blog post of the year ~ I must start out with the funniest (and most accurate) online quiz ever:).....
 Mean lil fellow, arn't you?
What Monty Python Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
oighrig 11:24 PM - [Link]