Wednesday, January 28, 2004
How hilarious is this?! It's not really a contest, but an opportunity to read other ppl's blogs, and introduce your own blog. Blogger Idol This week's theme is the 80s ~ hmmm... since I am late getting into this, I'll just put my top ten memories: 10. Punk 9. E.T. 8. The Goonies 7. Strawberry Shortcake 6. The Beachcombers 5. National Filmboard commercials 4. Baton twirling LOL 3. crimped hair 2. Fame! 1. Mr. T Okay those are just off the top of my head like a therapy experiment, but there you have it LOL Of course I have to include one of my fav. 80s bands ~ I think I had all their albums Glass Tiger! Wow! this is the first time I've been to their website ~ cool! and Alan Frew looks even better than he did back then:) Well, back to my everyday life ~ I laughed so much today, those british guys really crack me up sometimes. Bill is so cantankerous and Bobby always gives him a hard time, they are like an old married couple ~ today they were looking at some printouts bobby had taped to one of those wipe-off marker boards (is there a name for those??) Bill demanded a black marker so bobby got one for him, and I guess he figured he wanted it to write on the paper. He noticed bill writing on the board itself afterwards and he said "I guess I shouldn't have gotten you an indelible marker" LOLOLOL Bill swore and started laughing ~ I have yet to see what all he wrote on there, but he seemed to be writing for a few minutes LOL My new favourite song is Don't look back into the sun by the Libertines Check out "listen to an excerpt"!!:)
oighrig 11:29 PM - [Link]
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Today wasn't as bad at work, some ppl were actually excited about the change, like Brian for instance. He will be moving to Halifax to get a job there, he said it'll be a nice change ~ I totally agree! I wish I could move to Halifax, Saint John is nice but there's nothing for me here. I can't move to NS until after my surgery though b/c the province of NB pays for it if I go outside the province. Oh well! Brian gave me a really good tip for job hunting, he said I should look into Document Control ~ that's what Corinne does, she has had no training/school and she makes a lot of money just from having the experience. I do have a lot of experience in doc. control ~ and I guess they make big $$, I am pretty excited to look into this now! I usu. look for administrative/clerical jobs. My tooth is KILLING me!! aarughhh! I hope it's just the shifting/pressure from the braces ~ I can't let anything cold touch it or it's the worst pain ever! That happened once with another tooth a while ago, it bothered me for a couple days and then completely went away. I started noticing this one yesterday ~ thank god for advil!
oighrig 11:34 PM - [Link]
Monday, January 26, 2004
Well today completey sucked. Everybody at work found out they are getting sacked at the end of March, some ppl only have 2 weeks left! I haven't heard if I will be there the whole time or not, it would seem stupid to have me (a temp) stay on while ppl like Brian and Corinne get the boot first. There was such a depressed atmosphere at work today ~ it made me sick to think that this 'family' is going to be broken up, I cannot imagine them all not working in the same place! :( I have to really to start looking for work now ~ I wasn't looking very much up till now b/c I loved it there and had hopes of staying on. This may be a good thing in the long run but right now I'm depressed that I won't be working with Seamus anymore! And I feel so bad for him and some of the other guys b/c they are probably too old to easily find a job:( One good thing today was being able to get interest relief from my student loan fairly easily. Now I don't have to worry about that for a while ~ I need enough $$ for orthodontist bills first and foremost, everything else comes in second. Okay, I'd better brighten up this blog a little... what makes ppl feel happy..... hmmmmm.....
Wouldn't you have killed for something like this when you were a kid?? I watched the golden globes last night for the hell of it ~ it was funny that from the pre-show till the end I kept seeing this "white thing" which was really some woman in a HIDEOUS white dress and weird bleached hair that was cemented into what looked like a conehead LOLOL Finally I got a good look at her when she was on stage ~ it was gwen stefani from no doubt. I saw a best/worst dressed show today and she was one of the 2 worst..... LOL okay I found a pic of her:
This actually looks pretty good compared to other angles, and especially since no humans were standing beside her LOL I wish I found a pic of her hair!
oighrig 10:05 PM - [Link]
Sunday, January 25, 2004
Well, I couldn't pass the day without mentioning Robbie Burns (since it is his birthday today) ~ although he has nothing to do with my Scottish Gaelic heritage, and a lot of ppl tend to commercialize him to the point where you want to GAG, he was still a great poet and I do have some lowland ancestors along the line, so here is my tribute:
 That is a neat ring I found on the net which is inscribed with his own writing, it says "to thee and me love" ~ Happy 244th Birthday Robbie! Today has been a lazy day, I was disappointed to learn that LOTR isn't playing today at 4 like I thought ~ #&$@*!!!! I can't get out to the later one. Maybe next weekend, although I wanted to see Big Fish sometime soon. At least that one isn't 3 1/2 hours! So I added some links and miraculously figured out how to add music to my page ~ I am such a computer genius! I bought new slippers yesterday ~ these ones look as if they might last longer than a month and they actually fit! And now I'd like to pay tribute to the sexiest Scottish guy from the 70s, Mr. Donnie Munro of Runrig!
This is of course one of my favourite bands who I listen to almost everyday RUNRIG Well now that you have a new "Man of Your Dreams", I'll leave you ~ ta for now
oighrig 4:37 PM - [Link]