Thursday, February 05, 2004
This is what I saw today on the sympatico homepage ~ an ad for the personals section
LOLOL It made me laugh ~ at least she has the guts to be different. Well work was frustrating today ~ the last annoying records I need to enter into the system were handwritten by Malcolm who has the worst handwriting ever! It is so small and messy and in pencil, I can't tell a "1" from a "/" or a 4 from a 9 etc etc ~ I have little post it notes all over! I am on the hunt tomorrow for a new facial cleanser and moisturizer ~ I cannot go on another day without trying something?! My skin is so sensitive and dry ~ I looked online and this seems to be the best for my skin type. I hope it works! The moisturizer I have works well for a while but then all of a sudden my face will reject it and I get a rash/break out ~ grrrrr! If I had more $$ I would see a dermatologist, although I've heard that they don't help anything most of the time.
oighrig 1:11 AM - [Link]
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Today I worked my butt off trying to finish the MTR log ~ I mean sparks and smoke should have been coming from the keyboard. At 4 I was so happy b/c thought I was completely finished everything only to find out after that there are about 400 records left ~ agh! It was like SPRING today, yesterday too ~ it's so weird how different you feel in the winter and how you forget what spring and summer are like. I felt really energised and ready to get out and do things. Okay, so I found this on the web tonight
The dark green represents where the most single ppl are ~ Nunavut here I come! LOLOL I suppose Saskatchewan wouldn't be so bad, check out how light the Maritimes are ~ sigh...
oighrig 12:53 AM - [Link]
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
It's been a while since my last post ~ not much to update unfortunately, I was working saturday yet AGAIN ~ at least I have some overtime $$$ coming my way soon, yay! Seamus was late this morning, usually he is there at 7 and I come in at 8 ~ he didn't come in until almost 9! I had all sorts of horrible things running through my mind like what if he got in a car accident etc. LOL I was really worried ~ I always expect the worst for some reason. Speaking of Seamus, he called me a "wee fit girl" today LOLOLOL I nearly died laughing ~ he was talking to Ronnie about how I take a walk at lunch everyday. People have been clearing little spots on the river for ice rinks and now I want one! That would be SO wicked!! Somebody put their fishing shack and ice rink right in front of our house so if I did go make one it would have to be off to the side ~ grrr! At least it's fun to look out and see the kids trying to skate LOL Hey, check out my friend Heather's adopt-a-pet commercial for the US naval base in Sicily where she works ~ be sure to vote at the bottom of the page too! She may get a job at Disney for the next talking animal movie LOL
oighrig 1:32 AM - [Link]