Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Not much to report today, work was pretty boring ~ I woke up really late and had like FIVE minutes to get ready, so that was a bad start LOL I hope that doesn't happen again! On saturday I found something new and exciting ~ I came across a webpage saying that a Gaelic radio show from Cheticamp was now online and it just so happened that it was on that evening so I got to listen to it. They played a lot of Gaelic songs, most of which I have in my collection, but it was great hearing another song by Colin Watson (someone I know from St.FX) he is such a good Gaelic singer, I hope he has an album out sometime soon! They didn't have a lot of conversation or a lesson like I expected, and you could tell that they were recent learners, but I was impressed with their enthusiasm for the language and culture. CJKM Aiseirigh nan Gaidheal Of course there's always Island Echoes on CBC Radio One from Sydney which usually features some Gaelic content, a lot of fiddle tunes especially! The first program is on from 6-7 Sat. and the CBC one is on from 8-9 so it's a good night for Gaelic if you've got nothing else going on. Port Hawkesbury also has a program on Sunday nights from 6-7 called Highland Fling which features the fiddle, bagpipes and Gaelic song. 101.5FM The Hawk You may need to download Abacast to listen which only takes a few minutes. So I've been watching American Idol and they had their first vote show tonight ~ I think Fantasia(?) will do really well, she has such a unique voice, it should be interesting so see who got through to the next round tomorrow night.
oighrig 11:42 PM - [Link]
YAY!! Today I got my consultation appointment letter in the mail saying that I have an appointment with Dr. Precious (LOL!) on March 23rd at the QEII (Centennial building) in Halifax:
I cannot wait! I am so excited! It's on a Tuesday morning so I will have to take 2 days off work ~ my mother has agreed to drive me down which is good b/c I really don't think I can afford the bus fare, it would be close to 200 bucks plus hotel/taxi fare etc. You'd think I was going to Europe at those prices! So I added a countdown to my appointment ~ hopefully soon after my appt I will know when the surgery will be (eek!!) then I can countdown till then. This is scary but exciting, it's what I've wanted more than anything ever since jr. high ~ I will be reborn after this I think! I didn't do much on the weekend, we got a big storm on saturday so it got me out of work (yah!) and I didn't even have to shovel b/c our eccentric Polish neighbour used his 4 wheeler/snowblower invention to clear our driveway LOL I wished he hadn't b/c he is older and has had heart problems, but he's one of those tough guys who won't listen to anybody. Yesterday I found 3 tender leaf tea figurines to add to my little collection ~ I now have 7 of the 30 Canadian birds they gave out in the 60s and 2 of the "peoples of many lands" ~ here's a pic of all the birds:
GUGHHH!! I am dying of thirst ~ I think I'll sign off before dehydration kicks in....
oighrig 1:15 AM - [Link]