Thursday, February 19, 2004
I'm home today b/c of the snowstorm ~ the roads were pretty bad, we didn't get a lot of snow but it's drifting in areas and cars were sliding everywhere ~ the plough hadn't even been by yet. I hate missing work but I have no choice, a cab is like 24 bucks! So having time on my hands I decided to showcase my sea monkeys LOLOL Here is their world debue:
You can sort of see one over the space ship ~ they're actually quite big now, but kinda transparent. I had some when I was 6 and remember being totally disappointed in them, I thought for sure they would look like the cartoons and build little kingdoms and have families LOLOL This is pretty funny ~ check it out! Dial a Song AND!!!! i almost DIED when I found this the other day!!! Virtual Gramophone from the National Library of Canada ~ I can't wait till they add more!
oighrig 10:50 AM - [Link]
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Today was moving day. The 2 big bosses from up the hill plus a couple other guys are now moved into the "cottage" where I work. I was really worried they would kick me out of my office b/c there's hardly any room in that place, but so far so good! It is really going to suck having bill todd and robin (the new boss from out west) working so close by:( Tomorrow will be the test to see how it goes...... Oprah had another "real age" show today, and I just took the test online, my real age is 23.55 YAY!!! over 3 yrs younger ~ I need to increase some vitamins, and other things I just didn't know like blood pressure etc. I think I will have to get blood work done sometime before my surgery ~ I don't even know what blood type I am?! One of my degus escaped earlier in my room LOL this is the second time so far. I was putting new food in the dish and he hopped out ~ thank god he doesn't go too wild, after a few minutes of exploring he came back and went in the cage willingly ~ they are impossible to catch! I think he was a little scared of the freedom LOL

oighrig 11:29 AM - [Link]
Sunday, February 15, 2004
So today I decided to add some radio programs to my links section ~ it's easier for me to just go to my blog and listen from here instead of finding the links another way. Tonight the ECMAs are on ~ I can't wait! I love the ECMAs, I wonder if any Gaelic performers will win this year. I hope they come back to Saint John soon, I had a blast at the last one! My head is killing me today for some reason ~ aughhh!! I even took an advil which only helped a bit. I think it's tension pain from my shoulders/neck?? I worked yesterday, only until 2 thank god ~ of course there was a problem right at the last minute which always happens. I spent half the time over in the main building with Stan and Callie ~ Callie is another temp who has been there as long as I have, I get a kick out of her b/c she can be pretty funny sometimes but she is really flakey and bossy ~ I didn't know how much more I could take after a while, so I went back to my office to try to find something else to do. I watched a soccer game today ~ the first time in years I think, I used to be really into it when I was in high school. My best friend was from Portugal and was a Porto supporter , and I was for the Glasgow Rangers ~ mainly b/c of Ally McCoist!
Today's game was Arsenal vs Chelsea ~ Arsenal won, but I was rooting for Chelsea b/c they were the underdog. Better put my clothes in the dryer now, considering they've been sitting in the washer for a couple hours....
oighrig 3:00 PM - [Link]