Saturday, February 28, 2004
Neat!! I just saw an owl flying past the house! It's been ages since I saw one, I think it was a barred owl:
Click on the owl to hear what it sounds like:) I hope I see it again, although I don't want it to get the squirrels that come to the feeder! I got out to the mall today to find some jeans, I found two pairs ~ one at reitmans and the other at suzy shier ~ the suzy shier pair have this big pink embroidered "M" on the butt LOLOL kind of like Laverne's "L"
Oh well, at least it's my last initial! they had A and C as well, I have no idea what they stand for?? It was so hard to find a pair that fit, since I am 2-3 sizes smaller now. It felt like spring today, I totally have spring fever now ~ I can't wait till the snow's gone!!
oighrig 6:38 PM - [Link]
Friday, February 27, 2004
Back again.... I was looking on the net and came across some before and after photos of ppl who had orthognathic surgery, most are incredible! None are quite like me, but it's still neat to look at! Dr. Sherrard made me feel quite conifident in my surgeon, telling me that he is known worldwide and is one of the best ~ he even goes with a group to vietnam sometimes to provide services there. Also, he said that if I lived in the states it would cost about 25-30,000 dollars! But b/c we have healthcare and it is corrective surgery it's free for me! Yah!! I love this country!
oighrig 12:16 AM - [Link]
Thursday, February 26, 2004
I had an orthodontist appt today ~ it was the worst one yet! The pain was so bad I actually had tears streaming down the side of my head ~ and I don't usually cry from pain. Something good happened at least, dr. sherrard said that I should be really pleased after my surgery (DUH!! LOL) but that he thinks I will look "gorgeous" LOLOL woohoo! he complimented me on my "high cheek bones" which I never really liked, but maybe I will after the surgery. He also mentioned that since it's been 3 months I am ready for surgery!!! I was predicting a LOOOONG time before it would happen, but maybe not?? Maybe it will be before my next birthday? EEEK!! I was thinking next February. Another good thing, although painful, was that they removed the stupid spring from my bottom teeth which has been driving me mental lately. I am SPRING FREE!!! YAH!! I am going to have to start thinking of what to get seamus for st. patrick's day ~ I saw some cute chocolate shamrocks at laura secord today, maybe something like that.
oighrig 7:13 PM - [Link]