Tuesday, March 02, 2004
I really got a good look at that owl last night, even though it was dark ~ it was so amazing! I got to watch it for a few minutes coming back from the mall, and then it flew into the trees somewhere by my bedroom window ~ I hope it's bringing me one of these:
LOLOLOL I would kill to find out there's a magical world nobody knows about and they want me to join them! I found such a wicked pair of jeans yesterday which I wore today ~ I got so many compliments, even Seamus said 3 ppl said something to him LOL I feel like I'm going to disappoint tomorrow! I wish I could get some more in different shades, I'll have to check out the larger reitmans at mcallister. There was a msg on the phone tonight from dr. sherrard's ~ I have to call back tomorrow to find out what they want. Yikes! I hope they aren't changing the date of my consultation appt! Well, at least if they were going to do that, now would be the time instead of a couple days before. Oh! and I cannot imagine that it is about a date for my surgery!!! I would think I'd have to have the consultation first?? Hmmmm... I'll have to wait and see I guess.
oighrig 11:23 PM - [Link]