Saturday, March 13, 2004
TO SUSHI!! Yesterday I decided to buy all the ingred's I needed to make sushi, and went all the way to quispamsis to get them.... today I spent all afternoon making it and put a lot of effort into making it perfect ~ and GUESS WHAT?!?! I HATED it! It was one of the top most disgusting things I have ever eaten, it made me shudder and my stomach turn. I still feel sick thinking about it. I gave it about 3 tries and that was it. I do think a better filling than cucumber might have helped, and mom said she doesn't like that brand of seaweed as much as the other kinds, so MAYBE it can be a BIT better, but I still don't know how anybody can say that they LOVE it!? It's cold, bland, slimey, and whatever taste there is, it's gross! Well, at least I can say I tried it ~ I am going to try listening to my gut and sense of smell from now on, both gave me clues that I wouldn't like it! I have a 5 dollar movie coupon that expires the 15th ~ it's only good at famous players which is the crappy theatre uptown, and I just called to find out what was playing tomorrow and they only have Cody banks 2, and starsky and hutch! S & H might be kinda funny, and I might watch it on dvd someday, but I really don't care to see it at the theatre! So screw it, I'll just let the coupon expire b/c if I do see a movie this weekend it will be LOTR again. I didn't go to work today, there was an ice storm/snow storm last night and most of today ~ I have yet to try shovelling, there is a layer of ice underneath the snow:( Only 11 days left till my appt!! Mom booked our hotel today, we're staying at the Maranova! LOL I stayed there before years ago, I wonder if it's changed a lot? I heard they renovated. And I also read somewhere that it's haunted! Well, better get to sleep now ~ I think I'll try the movie line to see what time LOTR is on, although I bet it's still 8:15 ~ I wish they had a matinee! Bye for now, and remember: sushi is evil!!! (no offense to Japanese ppl LOL)
oighrig 12:04 AM - [Link]
Monday, March 08, 2004
Guess what I went to see today:
SOOO good!! I love horse movies ~ although afterwards I was disappointed to find out that this "true story" is reportedly a lie:( Augh! I was looking online to find out more about Frank Hopkins and apparently he fabricated most of his stories. Oh well, it was still a great movie and Viggo Mortensen looked great as well! LOL And I also found a neat site about Long Riders ~ ppl who have travelled great distances on horses, I think I want to add this to my "things to do before I die" list! But horses are so expensive....sigh I also found out there are several books out there written by long riders, which I would love to check out! It turns out that my sister-in-law just started doing the same pilates program I have LOL!
I've been doing it for a few weeks now, but she just got the dvd a few days ago ~ she said everyone in her office is starting to use the same one too. She hadn't seen me in a while and was impressed with the results LOLOL It has definitely helped me get more toned ~ I want to be in tip top shape for my surgery, besides summer which is when I want to learn how to swim finally!
oighrig 12:19 AM - [Link]