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Thursday, March 18, 2004

So yesterday was St. Patrick's day ~ I decided to get Seamus that choc. shamrock afterall which he liked, he left in the afternoon to start celebrating early ~ and just like I predicted he had a pretty good hangover today LOL

It's scary to see that only 4 days are left till my appt ~ we're going up to visit my brother on sunday b/c it's his birthday on monday, and then on monday it's the drive to halifax, I hope it's good weather! It feels about -20 out right now, and we got light snow all week.

I have to think of something for my brother, he is so hard to buy for!!! As are all guys really ~ I mean you can't resort to lotions and bubble baths when you're at a loss LOL I hope I can find something tomorrow b/c it's the only day I have to shop.

Work seems to be getting more and more tense and the project comes to an end, there are so many major deadlines and problems ~ at least most ppl are keeping an upbeat spirit. Speaking of work, I haven't told chris about taking monday and tuesday off yet LOLOL oops!! I kept forgetting all week, or thought of it just after I saw him. Oh well, corinne or callie should be able to handle doing up a shipment if one goes out ~ today I even made up an instructions list of what to do and where to find files. I've missed days before but it was never expected, and just in case for some reason I can't make it back for wednesday it's good to know they can resort to my list.

Oh!! last night I had the MOST HORRIBLE dream about teeth!! OMG I was mentally disturbed all day b/c of it LOL I must've been thinking about my appt and surgery earlier in the day. I had these HUGE teeth and they were horrible, they were pronged and about to break and some had holes through them and I could actually take my whole jaw out! I had these big clusters of weird teeth at the back like clumps of grass ~ god, it was so awful!! I hope I have more pleasant dreams tonight. The night before I dreamt I was in Scotland visiting some ppl in a remote village, and there was a sort of nature nut there who was telling us about "the General" which he said was a kind of mossy grass (red in colour) that grows all over Scotland LOLOL I remember the ppl we visited were kinda rude though.

oighrig 11:28 AM - [Link]