Saturday, April 03, 2004
OMG what is with this #*^*@&^$@ (#*&%^@^%# blog???!?!?!? for the past few days it has been completely blank and wouldn't let me post anything, now after messing with my template for EVER I finally got it to at least show my posts but it was all in black and white and my links are all gone etc. I am testing this post to see if it actually works....
oighrig 5:29 PM - [Link]
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Okay what is wrong with this *#(%&@ blog tonight?? For some reason I can't see any of my old posts to edit them or whatever. I want to try something new, but.... Well, I'll try it on this one, but if it doesn't work and I can't erase this afterwards I'll be so ticked!! |
oighrig 12:18 AM - [Link]
Sunday, March 28, 2004
I was extremely bored today so I figured out how to take pics through some old binoculars LOL ~ the first one is of the spring break up on the river, the second is just a neat one I took over the flag in the backyard.
 I really like the second one ~ I am trying to think of what else I could try now! Once I fill up the feeder and the birds come back I might be able to get some good shots. Nothing much is new ~ my brother and sister in law came up yesterday so we finally got to celebrate his birthday. He liked the gifts and told me they both liked the cds I made for them a while ago ~ they really liked Golden Brown by the Stranglers which is one of my fav's too ~ I leant him some of my old 30s/40s cds since he is starting to get into jazz from that era now. Okay I just realized that I somehow posted my last message twice?? I'd better fix that now.... LOL I was wondering why it seemed so long!
oighrig 4:34 PM - [Link]