Saturday, June 19, 2004
It's cold and rainy today ~ only 11 degrees right now, blah... There are about 4 squirrels (both red and grey) and a chipmunk chasing eachother around the feeder so that's providing me with some entertainment at least. If it wasn't supposed to rain all weekend I would be going to Hillsborough to take the Salem & Hillsborough Railroad which I haven't done since I was a kid. My grandmother's family is from Hillsborough, it's so pretty out there! You can take a vintage 1959 train tour which is a lot of fun esp. in the fall! This is the 1959 train they have now:
And this is the one they also had running when I was a kid, which is WAY better but oh well..
I don't remember much of the tour except that you go over this huge trestle over Hiram Creek:
It's neat driving under there too ~ I have a vivid memory of getting a new toy and playing with it while we were driving through there, it was woman ninja in a red outfit LOLOL I loved it! I thought she was so cool LOL OMG!!! I just found a pic of her:
Her name was Jinx and apparently she was a rare female GI Joe character ~ I remember thinking how different and cool it was to see a GIRL who kicks butt! And I definitely wanted that outfit too LOLOL Well, I'd better go eat now ~ I think I will be super skinny by the time of my surgery b/c I almost dread eating now!
oighrig 7:54 PM - [Link]
Friday, June 18, 2004
I have tonnes to catch up on since APRIL, holy I can't believe it's been that long since I've written an entry! For starters, what happened to my blog was that I (stupidly) tried to add something to it using HTML and it completely frigged up!! Nothing would work, things were in the wrong place and I spent days trying to fix it. Eventually I just gave up, but lately I was really missing it so I decided to give it another shot. I think I have everything back to normal now only I lost my links and had to re-paste my guestbook and counter. I decided to add my picture too, to make it more personal I guess ~ and maybe somebody will nominate me as the WHITEST person in the world, keep your fingers crossed for me! LOL So ~ just to get up to speed, I no longer work at the same place:( I stopped working the end of may. It was really horrible for me actually and I still miss it there ~ esp. Seamus! We became very close and esp. during the last couple of months. My last day was a friday but b/c it was such short notice and I was feeling really emotional I decided to come in monday to get my time card signed and have a proper goodbye. I had tears in my eyes on friday and felt like I would start bawling at any moment! Plus I wanted to get Seamus a card etc. So I managed to find a "it's not goodbye, but until we meet again" card with an Irish blessing on the cover ~ how perfect was that! LOL It was still really sad saying goodbye but I was more prepared for it. I took his picture to remember him by, which I have yet to get developed. Later he gave me a lift across the causeway and I got to take a little tour of the shipyards and he told me where everybody used to work etc. It looks like a ghost town now! I don't have a new job yet ~ I just had 4 teeth extracted last week and thought I would wait until I was recovered before I start looking or call Kelly's for more temporary stuff. So far my recovery seems to be okay ~ OMG the oral surgeon who did it was SOOOO weird!!! The whole place seemed like it belonged on an episode of Twin Peaks! It was in an old Victorian house and the doctor never cracked a smile and sounded like the teacher from Ferris Bueller ~ he kept repeating everything too. I was starting to get really nervous at that point ~ I had never been put to sleep before and was worried what it would feel like and what my reaction to it would be. Now I totally recommend anesthesia to everybody!! LOL it was the best!! It was a needle in the arm and not even 20 seconds later I was completely out. I was lucky in the fact that I had no swelling or bruising ~ I was really swollen right after the surgery but by the end of the day it was gone. There wasn't any pain either, just discomfort from having to bite down on the gauze all the time. One tooth wouldn't stop bleeding, and in fact I am worried I might have an infection with that one. I have an appt at dr. sherrard's on monday for my braces so I might pop in the other office and have him look at it beforehand. Well, as you can see I now have a date for my surgery!! YAH!!!! I am so excited, although I cannot believe it's only 89 days away! It's Sept. 15th, and I have to be there the day before to get some things done. I think I have to stay over for 3 nights! I cannot wait to get rid of this underbite forever ~ since I got my wisdom teeth pulled, I now only have 2 teeth that touch together on my left side. I am basically living off of pasta and rice b/c I can't chew anything very well. Okay that's enough for now ~ I feel better now that I'm sort of up to date. Oh! I got my tax refund the other day for $1947.30!!! yah!! I was so happy and grateful, I may actually take some time off since I haven't really had a vacation in a couple years.
oighrig 2:01 PM - [Link]
Thursday, June 17, 2004
YES!!! I think I have finally fixed my blog!! For some reason it keeps going back to my April entries, but for right now I'm happy that it seems to be working 80% of the time and is looking normal. I have SOOO much to catch up on which I will do later since I am really sick of working on this thing! bye for now
oighrig 11:31 AM - [Link]
testing this stupid blog......plllleeeeeease work?!?!
oighrig 10:09 AM - [Link]