Monday, June 28, 2004
Yesterday I went on the S&H railroad, however the upload tool isn't working for this stupid blog so I can't paste a picture GRRRR It was a lot of fun ~ we went a lot slower than I would've liked and we couldn't go very far b/c the inspectors hadn't given the all-clear on this little bridge so we had to stop there and turn back. So today is Election Day ~ I am and always will be a grit, so I'm definitely voting Liberal and I don't care who knows it! I think if Harper gets in we will have a major deficit and healthcare will become private ~ 2 horrible things I do not want to see happen to this country! I wish his last name wasn't Harper b/c that was my grandfather's mother's name LOL Maybe he was adopted.....
oighrig 2:20 PM - [Link]
Woohoo!!!:) These are the best quiz results I ever got LOL
 You are going to marry viggo mortensen.He is very friendly and funny and has a lot of respect for you and your friends. He is also very good with kids and would be an ideal father. Congrats!!
Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (14 choices now!!) brought to you by Quizilla ...Sigh.......
oighrig 1:52 PM - [Link]