Monday, November 17, 2003
Rise of Fascism in US Politics? Read this bone-chilling piece on the incitement to violence found in Right Wing propaganda:
This is not mere hyperbole; it is an exercise in eliminationism. As Buzzflash recently observed, talk like this is part of an increasing trend in conservative rhetoric: Pat Robertson wishing to "nuke" the State Department, Bill O'Reilly saying Peter Arnett should be shot, Coulter wishing Tim McVeigh had set off his bomb at the New York Times Building, John Derbyshire wishing for Chelsea Clinton's demise. Unsurprisingly, the same kind of talk is now heard on the "street" level, and it often pops up on talk radio. Welcome Back to the Radio, Rush!
sixfootpole 1:56 PM - [Link]
E-Harmony Linked to Focus on the Anus Heavily-promoted eHarmony.com does not match up same sex couples. Signorile links eHarmony founder with Focus on the Anus...er Focus on the Family. UPDATE: I took EHarmony's "personality test" (turns out I'm a "Surly Smartass"(R)). Today I got emails from two women who want to meet me. Oh. My. God. What am I going to do?
sixfootpole 1:16 PM - [Link]
Voice of Jane Jetson and Blondie Dies Actress Penny Singleton dead at 95.
sixfootpole 12:10 PM - [Link]
Massive Civil Rights Violations Against People with HIV From the ACLU
sixfootpole 12:05 PM - [Link]
Saturday, November 15, 2003
Can Republicans Make "Political Hate Speech" Stick to Democrats? I sense they will only fool the easily fooled on this one. From Spinsanity.
sixfootpole 11:09 PM - [Link]
The Stranger Not to be missed: The Queer Issue. Among the topics: MONOGAMY IS UNNATURAL GAY BATHHOUSE: Straight Boy Undercover LESBIAN BATHHOUSE: Straight Girl Undercover YOU GO, GAYS: The Gay Civil Rights Movement GAY MARRIAGE:Careful What You Wish For MONOGAMY IS UNNATURAL:Fidelity Comes Hard For Humans--Gay and Straight SUCKING COCK IN COLLEGE:Or, On the Annoyingness of Bisexuals J. CRUD:Smashing the Myth of Gay Style YOU ARE NOT A GIRL:And You Never, Ever Will Be THANK YOU, GAYS!:The Many, Many Things for Which Straight People Owe a Debt of Gratitude to the Gays: An Exhaustive List STRAIGHT MAN'S BURDEN:How AIDS Has (Not) Affected Me REJECT!:The Float Designs You Won't See at This Year's Gay Pride Parade NAMBLA-RIFFIC!:The Beauty of Adolescent Boys COCK CRAZY:Lesbians don't turn me on THE HOUSE AGENDA:Homophobic Blacks Dance to the Sounds of Gay Sex ARREST HOMOSEXUALS:It's For Their Own Good AFFIRM HOMOSEXUALS:Who Was it That Said, "Love One Another"? TOM OF FINLAND:Dirty, Dirty, Dirty WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE GAYS?:Quotes from Notable Straight Folks
sixfootpole 7:26 PM - [Link]
Confederate Rainbow Flag You have to see this.
sixfootpole 2:02 AM - [Link]
The "Before" Picture. Clearly. Somebody needs a spa day.

sixfootpole 1:39 AM - [Link]
Greek Men Fined for Kissing on TV Although Madonna and Brittany Spears carried on with impunity, two men were fined. In Greece. I thought that's where they invented men kissing.
sixfootpole 1:30 AM - [Link]
New GLBT Bookstore in Minneapolis The Strib reports that a new GLBT bookstore will open on East Hennepin.
sixfootpole 1:24 AM - [Link]
J-Lo Will Sell Lingerie Does this mean that she will start wearing underwear?
sixfootpole 1:21 AM - [Link]
Charles Moose Applies for Minneapolis Police Chief Position
sixfootpole 1:15 AM - [Link]
Friday, November 14, 2003
At the Movies, Part 1: Elf In need of a dose of comedy (see At the Movies, Part 2), I went to see Elf, a film with mixed reviews that looked amusing. Will Farrell plays the title character, a human raised with elves (don't ask) who leaves the North Pole to find his real father. The plot is an incoherent, incompetent disaster; the script has so many problems, I don't even want to think about it. Farrell, however, completely works as a perky, candy-addicted love-bomb. This movie reminds me of the equally awful Legally Blonde 2; the charismatic lead seems to be in a battle between their first-rate performance and a hideous script. Farrell wins, director Jon Favreau (writer of the very fine Swingers) loses big time. At the Movies, Part 2: Baise-Moi Those of you who read French have already been scandalized by the title (interpreted as "Rape Me" in the USA. Not quite...). This is a film that belongs to the tradition of shock/art films - some of which are good (Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer, Demonlover) and some of which are unconscionably smug, condescending and shallow (Man Bites Dog, Funny Games). I'm not sure what to do with this one. It concerns a pair of put-upon French women on a killing spree that more strongly resembles Henry and Otis in Henry than it does Thelma and Louise. The women are, refreshingly, not on a feminist agenda (they kill men, but they kill women too - all killings are obscurely motivated or just plain cold-blooded), but there's some nonsense about how it makes them feel better and yet they feel like dying. Yech. No wonder I needed to see a comedy afterward.
sixfootpole 1:04 AM - [Link]
Thursday, November 13, 2003
Rock, Republicans, Hard Place Calpundit sez that the Repubs will be forced to deal with the deficit by raising taxes, thus handing victory to the Dems.
sixfootpole 3:40 PM - [Link]
If You Missed Santorum Pounding His Fist... ...on C-SPAN in the wee hours (I work nights), complaining about "activist" jurists (it's always about sodomy and abortion with these people), you could take in this editorial from Pittsburgh Business Times. It seems that Santorum himself filibustered ALL of Clinton's nomineess in the past and is a little pissy about having the same thing happen to his Republican President.
Unable to put a "hold" on nominees as Mr. Santorum did when the Republicans controlled the Senate, the Democrats, the minority party, are using the filibuster to block an up-or-down vote on a few nominees. Under Senate rules, it takes 60 votes to stop a filibuster. With just 51 Republican senators, the GOP cannot force a vote unless some Democrats go along.
sixfootpole 3:35 PM - [Link]
Governator Was a Gloomy Gus New tell-all book from former employee of Minnesota Governor's mansion sez Jesse watched a lot of TV and that his feather boa was always in reach.
Another photo shows the Venturas' bedroom, painted in bright pink, which Creed describes as "Pepto-Bismol walls, trimmed in cough-syrup fuchsia." ...Even Jesse's taste in decorating is under scrutiny. The Strib show Jesse's official portrait.
sixfootpole 1:32 PM - [Link]
Ten Commandments Judge Removed
Thursday Moore said he had no animosity toward the court. But, he said, unless the states stand up, "public acknowledgment of God will be taken from us. In God we trust will be taken from our money and one nation under God from our pledge." ...well, yeah. I'm amazed that Moore and his supporters don't get it. The first commandment is a clear violation of the freedom of religion clause and has no place in public life. I'm sure his monument will make a lovely lawn ornament.
sixfootpole 1:26 PM - [Link]
Bizarre Love Triangle Study shows that love triangles are common. I prefer love trapezoids myself.
sixfootpole 2:14 AM - [Link]
Farm Report Fewer soybeans than expected, but there's plenty of corn. Less tofu. More grits.
sixfootpole 2:11 AM - [Link]
Straight Eye for the Queer Guy Butch it up, girls! Comedy Central, home to South Park and The Man Show, is preparing a Queer Eye parody.
sixfootpole 2:04 AM - [Link]
Is the CD Toast? A new medium the size of your fingertip could replace the CD.
sixfootpole 1:59 AM - [Link]
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Bush Praises Gay Churchb> From The List (available by email): President Bush congratulates MCC on it's anniversary.
sixfootpole 3:27 PM - [Link]
Minnesota Men of Color Audited State cancels funding for Minnesota Men of Color - an HIV outreach group geared toward gay men of color - after audit. Minnesota Men of Color website is down.
sixfootpole 3:18 PM - [Link]
AIDS Vaccine Fails.
sixfootpole 3:12 PM - [Link]
Harvey Milk High Students Arrested - in Drag "Five Teens Posed As Prostitutes Who Posed As Cops" As Cindy Adams would say: Only in New York, kids, only in New York.
sixfootpole 3:09 PM - [Link]
Amazon Top Sellers Michael Moore, Al Franken and Molly Ivans continue to kick O'Reilly's ass.
sixfootpole 3:04 PM - [Link]
Catholics Fail to Suprise Catholics plan to issue a statement on same-sex unions. I wonder what they'll say?
sixfootpole 2:41 PM - [Link]
Response to Hate Speech Editorial at University of Minnesota Director of GLBT Programs responds to this editorial by a student. I'm not convinced that it is hate speech, but it's pretty crappy reporting.
sixfootpole 2:39 PM - [Link]
Same-Sex Couples in Minnesota at 1%
The 2000 Census reports more than 18,000 Minnesotans living together in a gay or lesbian relationship - nearly one percent of all couples in the state, married or otherwise.
From MPR. In a related story on the same site, GLBT families scored their own "strength" higher than hetero families.
sixfootpole 2:31 PM - [Link]
Fair and Balanced Public Radio on Gay TV in St. Cloud This MPR story on KinPride asks the local Catholics for an opionion:
The Family Life Bureau counsels gay parishioners on how to grapple with their sexuality which, as Catholics, will always be at odds with their faith. While the Diocese's Christine Codden agrees education about homosexuality is needed in the Saint Cloud area, she wouldn't yet recommend Kinpride to parishioners. Having seen just a few of the programs, Codden is still figuring out what the show is all about. Codden: I don't think they've aligned themselves of where they're coming from. What are they promoting? Is it the lifestyle, a gay-lesbian lifestyle? Or is it support and a helping with homophobia that we can get that behind us? I'm all for those kinds of things. But if it's for advocating a gay lifestyle, I would be concerned with that. So I haven't seen a lot of that yet, and I don't know where it's going. Another of Codden's concerns is the show's time slot: 4 pm Tuesday afternoons, just as kids are coming home from school. But Kinpride's Michael Smith disagrees his show would be harmful to young people in any way. Smith: I think it would be a good thing for a kid to watch it. Again, it's not a promotional tool, or recruiting tool, it's just there. I remember, quite honestly, going to a couple of counseling things when I was 16, and I saw a receptionist there who knew a friend of mine, and I left. I struggled. If there's somebody out there who may question it, this might be a great show for him, to understand, "Hey, I'm not a freak."
From the MPR website.
sixfootpole 2:21 PM - [Link]
Sunday, November 09, 2003
Lying Liar Update David Corn reports on Ann Coulter's lies. (A trivial lie, but a lie nonetheless. You don't think she practices bias, do you?) He begins his piece by warning: "Don't read this if you want to believe Ann Coulter gets her facts straight." Corn's choice of the word "believe" is instructive. The Right Wing complaint about bias is the media is largely a matter of faith, not a matter of fact. Coincidentally, as I write this, Bernard Goldberg, author of Bias and Arrogance, is on C-SPAN Booknotes. Like any skilled rhetorician, he is full of unverifiable anecdotes (like his books) and evasive, non-answer answers to the softball questions from the moderator. (Hint to anyone who's concerned about eliminating bias from the media: watch C-SPAN. They never take sides. Everyone is heard from.) Anyway, Coulter gets in way over her head on the movie Patton. As Al Franken once said, "What is wrong with her?"
sixfootpole 10:53 AM - [Link]
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
In the Cut The reviews of Jane Campion's new film In the Cut seem to be missing the point. Most reveiwers (American reviewers, anyway) are preoccupied with plot. But plot is secondary - it's a bit like evaluating the success of a building by examining the procedure used to drive the pylons. If you look beyond the plot, you see so much more. Campion's strategy of emphasizing atmosphere and character leads away from the serial killer formula plot and into a examination of the erotic appeal of danger. I suppose that idea makes people uncomfortable, but there it is. Isn't this the essence of why we go to the movies in the first place? The appeal of movies is that we get to live vicariously through some thrilling experience that we would never desire in real life.
sixfootpole 1:05 PM - [Link]
Clayton Cramer Watch Clayton Cramer has shown himself to be utterly obsessed with homosexuality (in a negative way). You can read him every day and discover that he's found a new way to obsess about the people he can't stand. Now he's found a buddy. You two girls should get together sometime.
Much of the justification for homosexuality is based on the idea that people are "born that way". There have been studies done to support that theory, and it seems plausible to me. But I don't think it matters. Some people are born with a propsensity to lie, some with a propensity to steal, others seem inclined to set fires, to murder, to rape, to molest children, and the list goes on. We all face a unique set of challenges in our lives, and we all struggle with powerful desires within us that drive us to do evil. Just because I really want to doesn't mean it's ok for me to do so -- even if that want is genetic or environmental in origin
Gay people are just like pyromaniacs, murderers, rapists, etc. Lovely.
sixfootpole 12:36 PM - [Link]
Mrs. Brolin on CBS "Reagans" Babs has this to say about CBS caving into Right Wing pressure. The movie might very well stink. It may even be part of someone's political agenda. However, I find it appalling the right-wing of the blogosphere SUPPORTS this defacto censorship. I realize that the government is not involved, but I don't see any reason to celebrate this event. The free-thinkers who support this should think twice. Arthur Silber's take on this is the best I've read:
[Columnist] LeBoutillier's perspective on this is overwrought in the extreme -- but if conservatives themselves choose to view the cancellation of an insignificant television program in this light, the rest of us would probably be well-advised to take them at their word. This "total victory" will likely only embolden them to try this kind of thing more and more often. And that could be very dangerous Read the whole thing.
sixfootpole 12:23 PM - [Link]
Howard Dean Shows Backbone Unlike CBS, Howard Dean (right or wrong) sticks to his guns. The PC Dems are all over him for it.
sixfootpole 11:52 AM - [Link]
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Happy Fun Sex Movies Sorry I missed this: Channel 9 (KMSP-TV in St. Paul) did a story on local boy Chi-Chi LaRue, one of the most famous gay porn videomakers. He makes "happy fun sex movies"!
sixfootpole 2:01 PM - [Link]
A Fabulous Rationalizaton The most fabulous rationalization for anti-gay discrimination from George Will. The "limits of inclusiveness" apparently end at gay people. Why is this bigot writing for a reputable magazine?
This is not to say that homosexual behavior is inherently wrong, let alone that it is a great intrinsic evil like slavery. The analogy with the popular-sovereignty argument is intended to underscore the fact that although tolerance is often a virtue, it is never sufficient as a nation?s, or institution?s, animating principle. If a nation or institution is limitlessly inclusive, then citizenship or membership is meaningless.
Earlier in the piece, Will complains about "intolerable incoherence". I don't know of a better illustration of incoherence than his denial that he means to say that homosexual behavior is wrong. You can't defend and condemn at the same time.
sixfootpole 1:54 PM - [Link]
I Know You Are. But What Am I? While many pixels have been burned on the CBS Reagan movie (The big whimps at CBS are shelving it and selling it to Showtime), many more have been burned on Mel Gibson's film about The Passion. This Village Voice piece attempts to explain Gibson's motivations. Has anyone noticed that both of these films have been effectively defeated in the press before anyone has actually seen the films? UPDATE: Drudge features excerpts from the script in which Ronnie cusses. He may not have cussed in the Oval Office (and I don't know why not...if I were President, I'd let the potty mouth fly...), but he sure cussed on the set in Hollywood. TV Party has a series of clips of Ronnie taking You Know Who's name in vain - repeatedly!
sixfootpole 1:46 PM - [Link]
Monday, November 03, 2003
First Gay Pride Parade in Taiwan For full flavor, you must check out the outfits! Coming soon to the International Male catalog!
sixfootpole 3:27 AM - [Link]
Pet Shops Boys Claim They are Not Ironic... ...or are they just being ironic? Since Neil Tennant is my role model, I'm distressed. If you can't count on your ironic icon, who can you count on? At a time like this, I meditate upon my "WWLD" (What Would Lileks Do?) bumper sticker. (Alerted by Andrew Sullivan).
sixfootpole 2:47 AM - [Link]
Sunday, November 02, 2003
Sean Hannity is Next! Ed Asner: 'Hannity's next ... just like we went after Limbaugh'.
sixfootpole 11:33 PM - [Link]
CBS Caves on Reagan Film Arthur Silber says it best:
It's not censorship, for the very simple reason that it is not the government doing this. And that is why I am frankly astonished that CBS is proceeding in this manner. It also disproves the widely-held view that "evil" corporations like CBS will do anything for money: surely this intense controversy would have resulted in huge ratings for this miniseries -- and therefore, very high advertising rates -- and it still might, if CBS shows it. (I guess it's possible that all major advertisers might pull out, but I tend to doubt that.) But never underestimate the power of cowardice. In my view, what CBS ought to have done was to have simply said: We hired these producers and this director to make this miniseries. We stand by them. It's their product. Once the film is completed, and you've seen it, complain all you want. But we hired them, they will complete it, and we'll show it.
While you're at it, read all of Arthur's Light of Reason blog. He's posting up a storm these days!
sixfootpole 9:55 PM - [Link]
This explains why I feel so much better since I quit watching Oprah.
sixfootpole 9:18 PM - [Link]
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Camille Paglia Returns to Salon
We pick up the conversation from there -- and cover other recent key cultural developments, from Gen. Wesley Clark ("What a phony!"), Sen. John Kerry ("the hair!"), and the tumultuous fall of Rush Limbaugh. She also cast a disapproving eye on the confused antics of Madonna, the comedic influence of David Letterman, and bloggers ("endless reams of bad prose!"). Read the whole thing.
sixfootpole 1:22 PM - [Link]
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
The "C" Word Communism seems so retro (like split-levels and shoulder pads), but if you're an anti-war protestor, you're probably...(rumbly music)...a Commie! I confess that I giggle a bit when I hear the word "communist", but it is for real. International ANSWER/WWP/IAC are actually funded by real live communists (North Korea in particular) as documented in Micheal Totten's post here. (Hat tip to Andrew Sullivan for the link.)
sixfootpole 11:42 AM - [Link]
Greetings from Fun City! (Almost) Minneapolis is more fun than Las Vegas!
sixfootpole 11:15 AM - [Link]
Monday, October 27, 2003
Kill Bill compared to Ulysses Lileks hates it enought to review it twice without seeing it once. Harry Knowles acknowledges how much it hurts. City Pages recognizes the DePalma allusions. And now, Flak Magazine compares it to Joyce's masterpiece.
sixfootpole 1:58 PM - [Link]
First Amendment Rights vs. Non-Discrimination Law At the University of Minnesota, a student group had taken action regarding their freedom of religion rights vs. the non-Discrimination policy at the "U":
The Maranatha Christian Fellowship, an organization that promotes Christian beliefs, claims a University policy requiring student groups to sign an Equal Opportunities Statement violates constitutional rights. Every student group on campus must sign the statement before becoming an official group, which provides access to University funding and other student group amenities. The statement forbids student groups from denying membership based on sexual orientation, religious affiliation or other discriminatory factors. The federal lawsuit seeks a court order to prevent the University from requiring religious groups to sign the statement. The suit claims admitting members who have extramarital sex or participate in other activities Maranatha condemns are contrary to its beliefs.
This issue of religious freedom has come up before. Why doesn't the U simply stop funding religious groups on campus? For that matter, why doesn't the U stop funding all non-Academic groups entirely. Let them get their own funding and let them have their autonomy.
sixfootpole 1:31 PM - [Link]
Drag Queen Homecoming - What about the picket line? The University of Minnesota is celebrating Homecoming with a lip-synching contest hosted by local drag queens. Will the drag queens cross the picket line?
sixfootpole 1:22 PM - [Link]
Cher on C-SPAN Eschaton reports that Cher called in to C-SPAN the other day. Is there anything that Cher can't do?!
sixfootpole 1:19 PM - [Link]
Sunday, October 26, 2003
Just Because Sodomy is Legal Doesn't Mean the Police Can Sodomize Suspects, Does It? Excellent City Pages article on the Stephen Porter case. Not quite Rashomon, but a strong telling of both sides of the story. Did the police really do this or did the guy make it up. Turns out Porter is alleged to be a police informant.
sixfootpole 11:05 PM - [Link]
Queer Eye for the Pillsbury Bakeoff?
Crain's online news service reports that General Mills is in talks with Ted Allen to host the 2004 Pillsbury Bake-Off. Allen is one of the so-called "Fab Five" who star in Bravo's "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." He's the food and wine expert on the show, in which gay men perform makeovers on their straight brethren.
From the Strib.
sixfootpole 10:58 PM - [Link]
Chuck Palahniuk Outed? This is the first time I've heard this about Chuck Palahniuk. (From the Bookslut).
sixfootpole 10:49 PM - [Link]
Monday, July 21, 2003
Gay Cars Car Talk of NPR fame has a cute list of the most popular Gay and Lesbian cars. Notice that the girls picked ONLY trucks and station wagons!
sixfootpole 2:24 PM - [Link]
Drudge/Paglia This is old news, but in case you missed it... La Paglia interviews Drudge in the Spy-ish Radar. Update: You'll probably have to register with Yahoo! Groups, but here is a Group featuring dozens of photos of Drudge. Alas, he is wearing both shirt and pants in each pic.
sixfootpole 1:41 PM - [Link]
Life is Like Gay Porn The Gawker reports that the new FDNY calendar features only hairless firefighters. Just like in the movies!
sixfootpole 1:37 PM - [Link]
Egypt Appeals Court Acquits in Gay Trial From the Strib
sixfootpole 1:35 PM - [Link]
My Last Post on "Queer Eye" John Derbyshire from The Corner:
...another attempt to mainstream the contempt and condescension that male homosexuals feel towards normal men. The subtext is that normal guys are clunky, clueless doofuses (doofi?) who need to be taken in hand (sorry, sorry) by the hipper, smarter, more knowledgable guys of the homosexualist fraternity. So..."another" attempt? What are the other attempts to "mainstream contempt and condescention"? Derb fails to list them for us. "Homosexualist"? Puleeze. The most heinous columnist this side of Ann Coulter must be Brent Bozell. This is the same guy who called the gay-ish Tony Awards a "sewer". Lovely. In Bozell's world, homophobia is a "traditional value", and a gay TV show is a "hate crime...drenched in perverted homosexual sex...". Sounds like an enticement to me!
sixfootpole 1:28 PM - [Link]
Yahoo! Groups Deletes "Controversial" GLBT Group (From Eva Young's Nooz and Comments) The US Queers Yahoo! Group, subject of a very silly drubbing by >"Concerned" Women for America
sixfootpole 12:29 PM - [Link]
Black Eye for the Straight Guy (Link from Gawker Harvey Fierstein, Barry Diller, Rip Taylor, Nathan Lane, and the ghost of Rock Hudson are involved. This is similar to my "Real World" fantasy. Put 7 gay men in their Thirties in a coldwater loft in Minneapolis during January. There are two bedrooms, the bathroom is down the hall (shared with the band next door and a piece-work wholesaler upstairs) and the kitchen is fabulous. Who will survive?
sixfootpole 12:12 PM - [Link]
Sunday, July 20, 2003
Slippery Slope Goes Both Ways When a Little Rock high school student came out, the school administrators forced the Bible on him. This just goes to show that when someone violates your First Amendment rights, they tend to violate ALL of your First Amendment rights. Pretty slippery. Anyway, Calpundit addresses the story: "a step in the right direction".
sixfootpole 10:50 AM - [Link]
Jason Lewis: Anal Rape Nightmares? Over at the Live Nude Blog!, Paul Demko has a few words about the Focus on the Anus crowd. You know. Ron Rosenbaum, Jason Lewis, Rush Limbaugh,etc.
sixfootpole 10:38 AM - [Link]
Hindrocket? Explain, Please In a scathing, hard-ass anecdote about cuts in public health-care funding, Hindrocket at the Powerline blog puts the phrase "domestic partner" in quotes. Not once, but THREE times.
sixfootpole 10:29 AM - [Link]
Slippery Slope Update Eugene Volokh addresses the possibility that the Lawrence decision could lead to...hold on to your pants...student-faculty dating!!! Apparently, the University of California has a policy against faculty-student dating. Hugh Hewitt wondered if the Lawrence ruling might violate right to privacy. So much fuss over a little sodomy.
sixfootpole 10:18 AM - [Link]
"Queer Eye" Goes Network Bravo's "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" will be shown on NBC. Did anyone else notice the obsessive product-placement on this show? Lots of DKNY and hair "products", name-dropping of mail-order gourmet food houses. Even Bazooka bubble gum. How gay is that?
sixfootpole 10:01 AM - [Link]
Monday, June 30, 2003
Happy Sodomy! Soundtrack:"London" by Pet Shop Boys I missed out on the big sodomy ruling, but the Volokh Conspiracy says it all. In relation to this issue, some bloggers for your Shit List: Clayton Cramer Powerline These two are typical of the conservative bigots who jump through a dozen abstract legal hoops to keep sodomy laws on the books. Why don't they just come out and tell us it's because they think homos are icky? Better yet, why don't they just come out?
sixfootpole 1:28 PM - [Link]
Today's Soundtrack:"Wave of Mutliation" by the Pixies The song selection explains my absence during the past few weeks. I'm in the midst of Summer Session Hell which keeps me occupied 4-5 nights per week. This, of course, leaves no time for blogging. My class for the second Summer Session is Evolutionary Biology. This is the science that gets the Fundamentalists' undies in a bunch. You know. The earth is only 10,000 years old. The fossil record is there to test our faith in God. Biologists are a bunch of degenerate atheists. Anyway. I think Black Francis picked the word "mutilation" because the song is about a sort of backward spiritual mutation rather than biological change. (English Major. Must. Stop. Close. Analysis. of. Every. Text.) Naturally, it's about a girl.
sixfootpole 1:20 PM - [Link]
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Front Page Magazine Two articles of interest on Front Page Magazine today. Firstly, Horowitz reiterates his "Radical Holocaust" piece from the book "The Politics of Bad Faith". His basic thesis, that Gay Radicalism had made the AIDS epidemic worse for gays, is truly chilling. I don't agree with everything, but he makes a strong case that basic public health protocols are being circumvented due to the bullying pressure of the Left. It can only get worse. (STD's are WAY UP among Gay men.) The second article is by IGF editor Steven H. Miller. As I said a few months ago, the Culture War seems to have transferred to the Liberal and Conservative wings of the Republican Party. The GOP can no longer ignore this, but I'll bet they waffle through two more Presidential Elections. GWB and the current Senate won by very thin margins, helped along by the Great Middle. This Great Middle tends to be a pretty tolerant/open-minded constituency and a virulent anti-gay campaign could cause the GOP to lose big time (according to Miller, gays are about 5% of the GOP vote - that's enough to win). I think the Religious Right is going to discover just how tenuous their hold on the GOP is. Since the Dems now have a splinter party (Greens) to keep the Far Left out of their hair, here's to hoping that the Reps will get a similar party to keep the Leviticus crowd out of national politics.
sixfootpole 8:37 AM - [Link]
Absent Blogger Regular readers (all 2 of you) have probably noticed the dearth of postings lately. I'll resume this coming weekend (June 14).
sixfootpole 8:16 AM - [Link]
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
Young Hipublicans Social Liberalism is the Rule Among Young Republicans (from IFG) David Brock fears it's only the new fashion, but these young people seem to take tolerance as a given and are wary of extremism on the Right. Steve Miller sez:
Those in the conservative/libertarian camp are taking on the reactionary bigotry of their forebears, so in the not too distant future both the mainstream right and left will offer welcoming alternatives to gay people, as the preachers of prejudice find themselves increasingly marginalized.
sixfootpole 10:19 PM - [Link]
Boy Meets Boy New Bravo Series "Inspires" Traditional Values Coaltion (from Light of Reason) It looks like Nola.com thinks that "balanced" reporting requires the opinion of the Religious Right on all GLBT stories. Even an innocuous one about a TV show on an arty cable network.
sixfootpole 10:11 PM - [Link]
Horowitz David Horowitz responds to "Concerned" Women of America and other Religious Right groups regarding his "Pride Before a Fall" editorial.
sixfootpole 7:01 AM - [Link]
Bush Basket Richard Goldstein, how regards the Republican agenda as a threat equal to the 9-11 attacks(?!), waxes philosophical about the Bush Basket (see below). Too bad Goldstein has NO SENSE OF HUMOR.
sixfootpole 6:46 AM - [Link]
Sunday, May 25, 2003
Michael Moore has been hacked! Here's the copy:
Mr. Moore, your documentary "Bowling for Columbine" is fictitious, not factual. David Hardy's Truth About Bowling is simply damning. You deliberately deceive your viewers, who are only expecting a slightly biased factual report. Mr. Moore, my personal hope is that you publicly apologize, not for your ideas, but for dubbing your lies the truth. Please see revoketheoscar.com Love always, NHA Crew.
sixfootpole 11:31 PM - [Link]
Saturday, May 24, 2003
Very Bad Things Why is "Anti-War" Organization ANSWER a "Very Bad Thing"? International ANSWER is a Communist front organization run by members of the WWP (Workers World Party). ANSWER spokesperson Brian Becker is an associate of the WWP. (He has written for the WWP as shown here. Likewise, the International Action Committee (IAC), a further associate of the WWP and ANSWER, has Sara Flounders in common as shown here. Flounders is also named "co-director of the International Action Center" (IAC) according to the ANSWER website. Oddly, none of these three organizations is candid about their associations with each other. The ANSWER website, for example, demurely lists the IAC on their "coalition list" despite the fact that they are essentially the same organization. What is ANSWER hiding from their audience of (mostly young) people who care about social issues? The WWP, through ANSWER, is hiding the International Communist movement's 100 million murders committed in the past century in the name of socialism. (The Nazis killed "only" about 25 million.) Several Communist regimes, in China, North Korea, and Cuba still exist and remain a threat. What does the WWP (and ANSWER) have to say about these regimes? The WWP (via its IAC branch), currently supports the genocidal North Korean regime among other repressive communist regimes throughout the world. The IAC's position on several matters, including their repugnant rationalization in support of the Chinese Army during the Tianamen Square massacre, is found on their website: http://www.iacenter.org/. Since the AIC and ANSWER profess to care about social issues, including GLBT rights, their support of these repressive, anti-gay and racist regimes is completely disingenuous. In light of this information, it is clear that the liberal social positions on their websites are a deliberate deception. The recent coaltion of the Green Party with ANSWER is very disturbing. Additionally, the WWP's support of the Palestinian Authority, despite the PA's atrocious record of persecuting gay people and Jews, is unconscionable. I doubt that most anti-war supporters and Green Party advocates are aware of any of these connections. Since the WWP has worked so hard to conceal its real agenda - the promotion of International Communism and it's inevitable repression of social freedoms - this comes as no surprise. ANSWER and other Leftist organizations, such as the Green Party, appeal to social justice advocates and minorities in the United States. Marxist ideology, with its promise of an egalitarian, non-materialistic society, appeals to young, idealistic minds and to people who care about legal and social justice. The FORCE required to compell people to comply, however, has left a legacy of genocide and oppression that rivals any other political movement in history.
sixfootpole 3:11 PM - [Link]
Racial Threats Bethel College Experiences Threatening Atmosphere This is the fifth racial threat incident at this Baptist College and Seminary.
sixfootpole 5:49 AM - [Link]
Catholics More Bigotry from the Catholic Church Cardinal Arinze in a commencement address at Georgetown, stated that the "family" is under seige.
"It is opposed by an anti-life mentality as is seen in contraception, abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. It is scorned and banalized by pornography, desecrated by fornication and adultery, mocked by homosexuality, sabotaged by irregular unions and cut in two by divorce." Whatever.
sixfootpole 5:44 AM - [Link]
Friday, May 23, 2003
Promise Keepers "Promise" Keepers Are Cumming! Including this guy. I wonder which of the Core Values he is demonstrating.
From NOW:Founder Bill McCartney was instrumental in passing Colorado's anti-lesbian and gay Amendment 2, which was so extreme that it was later ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. He has referred to homosexuality as "an abomination of Almighty God". McCartney has also been a featured speaker at rallies of Operation Rescue.
sixfootpole 9:22 AM - [Link]
Minnesota Bars Closing Extended to 2 AM Since there is no clause in the new law that prohibits gay bars from taking advantage of this, will Arlon Linder and the Minnesota "Family" Council take action?
sixfootpole 8:22 AM - [Link]
Thursday, May 22, 2003
Santorum Santorum a Big Problem for Republicans (from &C at New Republic Online) This piece might be a bit behind the curve - bloggers have been blogging about it for weeks - but it shows what's at stake for the Republicans in the next election. That "great middle" that elected Bush and Congress is the prize if the Republicans do the right thing.
sixfootpole 8:39 PM - [Link]
Abstinence Pledge
The Abstinence Pledge Hoping to duplicate the success of the Minnesota Taxpayers League's "No New Taxes" pledge, the Minnesota Family Council this week introduced the Abstinence Pledge. Like the Taxpayers League's pledge, the "abstinence pledge" is designed to force legislators and candidates to go on the record with a promise to abstain from any sexual activity that does not result in procreation.
It's a joke, but it's pretty funny. PLUS, there's a nice picture of Arlon Linder.
sixfootpole 8:22 PM - [Link]
J-Lo J-Lo Gets an Adults Only Slip-up from Faux News From badmouth.net. Watch the video clip.
sixfootpole 8:18 PM - [Link]
Heterosexual Menace Anti-Smut Advocate Charged with Sexual Assault Against Two Children(from Morons.org.) Byzantine Menace Priest Get Naked, Get Wasted, Gropes Servers and Cops (from Smoking Gun) Christian Menace Christian Coach Tormets Top Student. Has History of "Outing" Other Coaches and Forcing Relgious Practices on Students and Co-workers.
sixfootpole 8:14 PM - [Link]
Discrimination This Time it's the Catholics The Catholic Church has rescinded an award for her teaching services because she's a Lesbian. Catholic Parents Online is the pressure group that forced the Archbishop to remove the award. Notice that her sexual preference has NOTHING to do with her work. You can let Mrs. Colleen Perfect, President CPO know how you feel.
sixfootpole 7:03 PM - [Link]
Obituary C.A. Tripp, Pioneering Author His 1975 book "The Homosexual Matrix" was one of the first scholarly works showing homosexuality as "a healthy occurrence" (Larry Kramer).
sixfootpole 6:57 PM - [Link]
Santorum Popularity Not Hurt by Anti-Gay Remarks Santorum's approval rating remain the same, but his disapproval rating has risen.
sixfootpole 6:53 PM - [Link]
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
PETA Does That Stand for "People Eating Tasty Animals"? PETA hits a new low. PETA is a front and a mouthpiece for several terrorist organizations such as Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front.
sixfootpole 4:05 PM - [Link]
Police Undercover Minneapolis Police Officer Speaks A horrific interview with Duy Ngo, a Minneapolis police officer who was machine-gunned by a fellow officer. Why on earth did ANY cop machine-gun ANYONE lying face down in an alley? As long as the Minneapolis Police investigates itself, we'll never get an answer.
sixfootpole 10:47 AM - [Link]
The Religious Wrong American Family Association The e-e-e-e-e-vil AFA is getting on the Make a Wish Foundation's case for participating in a comic book convention. You know. One of those Satanic Homosexual Abortion Pornography Communist comic book conventions. (From the Bookslut.)
sixfootpole 10:06 AM - [Link]
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Right and Wrong See Tammy Bruce on C-SPAN. (Look for "Washington Journal Entire Program (05/19/2003)")
sixfootpole 5:21 PM - [Link]
The Religious Right Religious Right Won't Stand for "Tolerance" Horowitz takes the Christian Right to the cleaners for their hostile intolerance.
sixfootpole 6:40 AM - [Link]
Monday, May 19, 2003
Smoking A massive study shows that second-hand smoke is harmless. What about a study showing that FIRST-hand smoke is harmless? That would be something to get excited about!
sixfootpole 8:01 PM - [Link]
Liberals From Michael Totten on the changing definition of "liberal":Last night Andrew Sullivan wrote "Today's right looks for converts whereas today's left looks for heretics...The right is always trying to build an audience; the left is busy purging theirs'." To some extent, Andrew, yes. My personal experience (see above) validates this. But the Christian Right is even more hell-bent on rooting out heretics. They declared war on me (and you) long ago.
sixfootpole 7:55 PM - [Link]
Arrest John Tomars' (aka TEG) arrest warrant. (Via Live Nude Blog)
sixfootpole 7:15 PM - [Link]
Commencement 2003 Students Walk Out on Santorum Jessica Lange Links Mall Daycare Centers to Poverty (Q:Can poor people afford day care?) Clinton's Blasts at Bush Received Warmly Donahue Booed for Supporting Separation of Church and State Cosby Speaks without Incident
sixfootpole 12:48 PM - [Link]
Election 2004 "It's homosexuality, stupid"! The complete insane World Net Daily addresses the coming Culture War on the Right. The gay issue will only heat up along with the 2004 campaign.
sixfootpole 8:17 AM - [Link]
Sunday, May 18, 2003
Naughty From Alas, a Blog
sixfootpole 10:47 AM - [Link]
Art Saddam's Art Collection speaks for itself...

sixfootpole 10:27 AM - [Link]
Saturday, May 17, 2003
Cuba Hollywood Leftist Oliver Stone is misinformed about Cuba. Don't tell me he didn't read Further Tales of the City!
sixfootpole 9:10 PM - [Link]
Iraq Iraq on the Verge of Civil War What will President Bush do about it? On a related note, Samizdata pleads with Iraqi War Blogger Salam Pax to think twice about joining the Marxists.
If the Iraqi Communists, unlike the Iraqi Party of God, will not persecute someone for being gay, that is not because they think such matters are a private issues... there are no private issues under collectivism... it just means they will allow you to do this or that, not that they think you have the right to do as you please. Remember that before you start sticking up pro-collectivist posters in Baghdad, Good Mister Pax. Thought Mesh wonders why ANY homosexuals are Marxists.
sixfootpole 8:52 PM - [Link]
Zimbabwe Mugabee Deports Journalist (From Sullivan) Zimbabwe President Mugabee has taken to deporting journalis. This bit of propaganda diguises the fact that white landowners, most of whom inherited their land from generations of farmers, are being forcibly removed. In the name of postcolonial "justice". Meanwhile, a one-prosperous economy is defeated.
sixfootpole 8:50 PM - [Link]
Marxism Marxist Regimes Kill Cinderella Bloggerfella quietly and calmly shows that Marxist rhetoric is responsible for nearly all of the genocide and starvation in the world. Not capitalism.
sixfootpole 9:05 AM - [Link]
Film Jean-Luc Godard While the rest of y'all are out seeing The Matrix, I'll be parked in front of the DVD player playing The Jean-Luc Godard Drinking Game.
sixfootpole 8:52 AM - [Link]
Evil Corporations Those "Evil Corporations" Offer Domestic Partner Benefits in Increasing Numbers The Lunatic Left can read this and weap: Private employers are way ahead of the public sector and same-sex marriage law in offering benefits to same sex domestic partners. Capitalism has been very, very good to gay people.
sixfootpole 8:13 AM - [Link]
YWCA Former NOW Pres is New Head of YWCA Traditional Values Coaltion and "Concerned" Women for America are not happy that Ireland is running the YW. It appears that, just like the first women's rights conference in 1848, they are being portrayed as "queer."
sixfootpole 8:04 AM - [Link]
Friday, May 16, 2003
Fashion Be Afraid....Lavender Magazine Publishes Fashion Issue The "Look" this season is "Pasty"!
sixfootpole 6:49 AM - [Link]
Busted Cruising Clergymen Arrested as Crosby Park The story is here.
sixfootpole 6:44 AM - [Link]
Thursday, May 15, 2003
"Busted Cruising" Update Dateline: Men's Room, Willey Hall, University of Minnesota A few weeks ago, someone asked why there are no stories about men getting busted for cruising. Well, I formed my own one-man I-Team and investigated for you. I'll report the results periodically. One of the busiest biffies on Campus - Willey Hall. Right next to the bus stop. In the basement of the Student Union. Listed in the Damron Guide for generations. Today, however, the place is bust. All but one stall was empty. No noises. No staring. No loitering. No men, period. Clicks on the Gaydar: 0 Next project: Wood Lake Nature Center, Richfield
sixfootpole 10:34 PM - [Link]
GLBT Studies Major Change in the Mission of the U of MN GLBT Program B. David Galt, Director of the GLBT Programs Office at the University of Minnesota sent out a letter to the Q of M list-serv. The entire letter is reproduced here. It appears that there has been a major change in how the University sees its mission in relation to the GLBT Programs Office. Frankly, it's all a bit over my head. However, it does appear that there will not be a major in GLBT Studies any time soon. I'm not convinced that this is a BAD thing. I've long felt that minoritiy studies (Women's Studies, African-American Studies, etc.) need to be fully integrated into academic life. I fear that, unless there is compelling scholarship and a substantial body of work to be studied (as is the case with AfroAmerican studies, for example), specialized sub-studies end up balkanizing the Humanities in our Universities. (Witness the disaster that is Women's Studies.) In these types of programs, only the choir hears the preaching. Aren't we better off integrating minority perspectives so that all students, regardless of Major field, are exposed to multiple perspectives as a matter of routine in History, Literature, Sociology, Biology, etc.? Also, I'm not sure that this constitues, as Galt implies, an abandonment of equal rights for GLBT students. The College of Liberal Arts (CLA) has found inconsistencies in the GLBT programs in relationship to CLA's mission. This is a legitimate concern. Years ago, when Women's Studies was a new fashion, conventional standards of scholarship were eschewed, leading to the abandonment of science, sociology and psychology (patriarchy and hierarchy, you know), leaving contemporary Feminism is its current bizzaro world state of hard-core Leftism. As for student life, social and political outlets for students have been available (without CLA support, thank you very much!) for generations. The students formed their own groups, wrote their own papers and found their place in the world without hand-holding. As I've said in the past, we don't need Lavender Graduation, "safe" spaces and other special privilages. We aren't that fragile. What I think really stinks, however, is that this announcement came out during Finals Week, after the student newspaper has shut down for the summer. Therefore, there will be minimal publicity (if any) and no public debate at all. Boo! Hiss!
sixfootpole 10:16 PM - [Link]
NGTLF NGTLF Study of GLBT Experience on US College Campuses From the GLBT Programs Office & Schochet Center for GLBT Studies at the University of Minnesota:
Last week the National Gay Lesbian Task Force released "Campus Climate for National Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender People: A National Perspective" the most comprehensive such study ever done. The University of Minnesota was one of 14 colleges which participated in the study, representing one-fifth of the sample. The report finds that one in three GLBT undergraduate students have experienced anti-gay harassment in the past year. The complete 78 page report is available online at http://www.ngltf.org/library/index.cfm. I have a few problems with the design and premise of this study. See what you think.
sixfootpole 9:48 PM - [Link]
Litigation The "Oreo" Whoes Alphecca is full of fumes over a lawsuit in which Oreo cookies are deemed unhealthy. A San Franciso attorney attempted to get them banned. Meanwhile, over at The Corner, Richard Simmons -yes, THAT Richard Simmons - comes to the defends the right for Americans to buy and eat unhealthy foods. (It's almost as good as when Simmons flirts with David Letterman!) On the very same Corner, we find an affirmative action joke. And finally, today....The lawsuit has been dropped. Can I say something about flakey Northern California? There are so many jokes about The Peoples Republic of...Marin County, Berkley, etc., but what else can you call this? It's pretty low-grade totalitarianism, but totalitarianism nonetheless. What's next? Affirmative Action for cross-dressers?? OOPS,...they already did that.
sixfootpole 6:30 AM - [Link]
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
Culture War HRC Survey Reveals That Gay People Are Ordinary Don't tell the Lavender Greens, but a recent census survey reveals that gay people are like everyone else. Gay people are not the Underground or the Avant-Garde or the natural enemy of capitalism or necessarily Democrats. The only major difference is that more gay people than straight people rent apartments. That's a pretty thin pretext for fighting "heterosexism" and "patriarchy".
sixfootpole 3:04 PM - [Link]
Law and Order TEG's Search warrant The Live Nude Weblog has a scan of the search warrant for TEG
sixfootpole 1:58 PM - [Link]
Friday, November 28, 2003
sixfootpole 3:59 PM - [Link]
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
sixfootpole 10:46 PM - [Link]
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
sixfootpole 11:01 AM - [Link]
Sunday, November 23, 2003
sixfootpole 11:47 PM - [Link]
Blogstudio is toast.
sixfootpole 9:50 PM - [Link]
The Christian Right vs. Disney This columnist reveals the ongoing conflict between the Far Right and the Disney Studios. Seems that the real target is Miramax. Miramax head Harvey Weinstein is a major Democratic contributor. By the way... why all the fuss over Santa Claus, Mr. Drudge? Santa is a secular symbol.
sixfootpole 9:47 PM - [Link]
Drudge vs. Disney? Columnist Sean Means gets to the essence of the battle between the Christian Right and Disney:
The story feels like part of an old battle, to attempt to drive a wedge between Disney and its Miramax subsidiary. Republicans would love to knock Miramax co-founder Harvey Weinstein a few pegs -- not just for the movies he makes, but because he's a prime fund-raiser for the Democratic Party.
sixfootpole 11:21 AM - [Link]
Monday, May 12, 2003
Culture War The Hazards of Visiting the Utne Reader Site Out of curiosity and in the interest and getting multiple perspectives (even if painful. I'm talking about you, Z Magazine), I popped over to the Utne Reader site, home of the locally-grown Lefty Reader's Digest. Anyway, "cultural theorist" Peter Lurie said:
The architecture of the web, and the way users navigate it, closely resembles theories about the authority and coherence of texts that liberal deconstructionist critics have offered for 30 years.? Web surfing, he continues, ?mimics a postmodern, deconstructionist perspective by undermining the authority of texts. . . . And a community of citizens who think like [deconstructionist] Jacques Derrida will not be a particularly conservative one.?
...which I understood as:
Blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah...postmodern, blah blah [blah] blah Derrida blah blah blah. Also in Utne (where old ways are always the best ways): Guatemalan judges are using "traditional Mayan methods of punishment".
The move is the result of a federal law that allows indigenous people to use their traditional legal systems.
Are human sacrifices far behind? The Left is very much into "traditional" things, aren't they?
sixfootpole 11:42 AM - [Link]
CELEBRITY Lileks Gets Photoshopped The "Finals Issue" parody of the Minnesota Daily (University of Minnesota student newspaper) features an unattributed Photoshopping of Blog Daddy James Lileks. (It is located within the hilarious Swimsuit Issue of the Daily sports section.)
sixfootpole 9:34 AM - [Link]
EISNER: Time to Blow the Whistle on the Language Police
sixfootpole 7:27 AM - [Link]
Democrats Edwards Supports Gay Adoption Edwards said, "Discrimination goes against everything I beleive in," at HRC dinner. Kerry Has His Say at Bob Jones University Kerry confronts the anti-Catholic, anti-gay, racially biased school. BJU, a festering symbol of the intolerant wing of the Republican party, has long been a deal-breaker for moderate Republicans. Will Kerry's confrontation appeal to Southern voters or alienate them?
sixfootpole 7:21 AM - [Link]
Culture War "Outed" Congressman Writes Memoirs The Strib's review of GOP Congressman Steve Gunderson's memoirs.
sixfootpole 7:18 AM - [Link]
Saturday, May 10, 2003
Drugs Are psychedelics GOOD for you? Read Slate and decide for yourself.
sixfootpole 8:13 PM - [Link]
Free Speech Rex Wockner Caught Lurking in US Queers (Msg below) Columnist Rex Wockner from his posting in the "notorious"* US Queers Yahoo!Group. Anyway, Check out Rex: ------------------------------ The Wockner Wire #202 is online at: http://365Gay.com/opinion/wocknerwire/wocknerwire.htm Topics this week: * Catholic Sex Police Invade Senate * How to kill off the family in one easy step * Fun with bigamy, polygamy, adultery and incest ------------------------------ *(After escaping from FreeRepublic, please visit Eva's Blog for the truthful verion of the US Queers "scandal". Must have been a slow news day at FreeRepublic.)
sixfootpole 8:08 PM - [Link]
Gender Wars Who Says Feminists Have No Sense of Humor?....uh, well, they don't...so... Feminist author Naomi Wolf sues comedian to keep a spontaneous, satirical interview off the air.
sixfootpole 7:57 PM - [Link]
Identity Politics Dogs Are Dangerously Underpetted THE ONION: Another Identity Group to worry about.
sixfootpole 7:48 PM - [Link]
Pornography Visa and PayPal Crack Down on Porn According to Forbes, 80% of internet billing service iBill's profits are from "naughty" sites. They're giving up the business. PayPal is doing the same. Vendor says "This is stupid."
sixfootpole 7:36 PM - [Link]
Republicans White House Aids Meet with Gay Republicans In the New York Times via Sullivan. Predictably, "Concerned Women" for America is (are?) very unhappy. Good.
sixfootpole 7:24 PM - [Link]
Friday, May 09, 2003
Culture War Outrageous Liberal Fiction SocioPol says it best. Go there. (Permalink doesn't seem to work.) Caveat: As Ruth Fisher would say: "Language!"
sixfootpole 8:39 PM - [Link]
Blacklisting Pinko Commie Fag Sealed McCarthy hearings revealed. This article at 365gay.com reveals what was once a common practice: blackmailing of gay men. Gays in public service or in security positions were especially vulnerable. Quote: "It is from the McCarthy hearings that the phrase "pinko Commie fag" first came into existence."
sixfootpole 7:26 AM - [Link]
Blacklisting Hollywood Silences Critic The William Morris Agency has successfully used a technicality to shut down a site critical of Hollywood Leftists called "Boycott Hollywood". The site's owner, Lisa S., tells her story at Front Page Magazine, chronicler of Left Wing Bigotry and Censorship.
sixfootpole 7:25 AM - [Link]