[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.10.25"] [Round "NA"] [White "jezebel"] [Black "chessH"] [Result "0-1"] [Termination "White king mated"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.07.31"] [Board "134037"] 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6 3. Qd1-f3 Bf8-e7 4. Bf1-c4 Ng8-f6 5. Ng1-e2 O-O 6. d2-d3 d7-d6 7. h2-h3 Bc8-e6 8. Nc3-d5 Nc6-a5 9. Nd5xe7 Qd8xe7 10. Bc4-b5 c7-c6 11. Bb5-a4 b7-b5 12. Ba4-b3 Na5xb3 13. axb3 a7-a5 14. c2-c4 b5-b4 15. Ne2-g3 Ra8-d8 16. Ra1xa5 d6-d5 17. Bc1-g5 dxc4 18. bxc4 h7-h6 19. Bg5xf6 Qe7xf6 20. Ng3-f5 Be6xf5 21. exf5 Rd8-d4 22. Ra5-a6 Rf8-c8 23. Ke1-e2 Rc8-d8 24. Ra6xc6 Qf6-g5 25. h3-h4 Qg5-e7 26. Qf3-g3 Rd4xd3 27. f5-f6 Rd3-d2 28. Ke2-f3 Rd8-d3 29. Kf3-e4 Rd3-d4 30. Ke4-f3 e5-e4 31. Kf3-e3 Rd4-d3 32. Ke3-f4 Rd2xf2 33. Kf4-g4 Qe7-d7 34. Kg4-h5 Qd7-f5 35. Qg3-g5 hxg5 36. g2-g4 Qf5-g6 0-1 ----------------------------
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.12.21"] [Round "NA"] [White "eldric"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black king mated"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.07.13"] [Board "171219"] 1. d2-d4 Ng8-f6 2. e2-e3 g7-g6 3. Bf1-d3 Nb8-c6 4. Ng1-f3 d7-d5 5. O-O Bf8-g7 6. c2-c4 b7-b6 7. cxd5 Nf6xd5 8. Bd3-b5 Bc8-b7 9. e3-e4 a7-a6 10. Bb5xc6 Bb7xc6 11. exd5 Qd8xd5 12. Bc1-f4 O-O-O 13. Qd1-d2 Bc6-b5 14. Nb1-c3 Qd5-c4 15. Nc3xb5 Qc4xb5 16. Qd2-c3 c7-c5 17. Qc3-e3 Rh8-e8 18. Qe3-e4 cxd4 19. Rf1-c1 Kc8-d7 20. Rc1-c7 1-0 ... ---------------
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.10.25"] [Round "NA"] [White "shady"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "0-1(T)"] [Termination "Black claimed a win on time"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.04.11"] [ECO "D02"] [Board "134313"] 1. d2-d4 d7-d5 2. Ng1-f3 Bc8-f5 3. e2-e3 e7-e6 4. c2-c4 Nb8-c6 5. Qd1-b3 Bf8-b4 6. Nb1-c3 dxc4 7. Bf1xc4 Ng8-f6 0-1(T) ...
jezebel 05:17 - [Link] - Comments ()
biggest blunder award [Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2003.05.25"] [Round "NA"] [White "Chess Deco"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black resigned"] [WhiteElo "2332"] [BlackElo "1668"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.07.28"] [ECO "C70"] [Board "249907"] 1. e2-e4 Nb8-c6 2. Ng1-f3 e7-e5 3. Bf1-b5 a7-a6 4. Bb5-a4 b7-b5 5. Ba4-b3 Ng8-f6 6. O-O Nf6xe4 7. d2-d4 Qd8-f6 8. dxe5 Qf6xe5 1-0 ...
jezebel 20:25 - [Link] - Comments ()
when i was a child i liked dogs especially. i even had several as i grew up. one even rode around in my chair with me much of the time. i also had cats, but the rest of my family are more dog-people types, so we had mostly dogs. but when i moved away from home, i "strayed" from the canine world. i started living more with cats. i began appreciating their meows, as opposed to those annoying barking noises dogs make, among other things. then years later, after not living with dogs for a long time, i rediscovered the story of the biblical jezebel and her interactions with dogs, which were far less than pleasant. queen jezebel, married to king ahab, was tossed from a tower, trampled by horses and eaten by a pack of dogs, except of course, for her hands and feet. so i've pretty much gone the distance, from loving and living with dogs when i was a kid to avoiding and even detesting them because they ate me in a previous life. well, sort of. so it's back to the old peanuts comic strip analogy for me. this time it's me as Lucy screaming, "DOG GERMS!!" after getting licked by snoopy. no offense intended to all you dog lovers out there. i'm sticking with the kinder, gentler, quieter species. the much more psychic and cerebral felines. -
jezebel 07:57 - [Link] - Comments ()
happy birthday dad! today is my father's birthday number 65. wow. congratulations and many, many more. i remember dad from way back, even before the diaper times ...
jezebel 07:18 - [Link] - Comments ()
speaking of nappies -- there is one thing new in my life. no, no babies. but i have developed this new addiction for collecting bandanas. we all know the kind. those generic designs not exactly alike, but all very similar. cowpokes always have them. they were a large part of my childhood, growing up on the frontier. nowdays, i only collect the dark, vivid colors like black, indigo, maroon, crimson, deep purple, dark green. so far, i have about five or six of each color, so my stack of bandanas is quickly becoming the leaning tower of cotton. i don't know what it is about them that makes me want them. it's like they are little security blankets, i always have one with me now. it's the linus-from-peanuts syndrome. or maybe i'm just becoming an old spinster armed with hankies. beware, scarves can be deadly weapons. -
jezebel 07:15 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.12.21"] [Round "NA"] [White "jezebel"] [Black "eldric"] [Result "0-1"] [Termination "White resigned"] [WhiteElo "1670"] [BlackElo "2741"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.07.20"] [Board "171149"] 1. Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 2. Nb1-c3 d7-d5 3. e2-e3 Bc8-g4 4. h2-h3 Bg4-d7 5. b2-b3 Nb8-c6 6. Bf1-d3 e7-e5 7. Bd3-b5 Bf8-d6 8. Bc1-b2 e5-e4 9. Nf3-d4 Nc6xd4 10. exd4 c7-c6 11. Bb5-e2 O-O 12. a2-a4 Nf6-e8 13. d2-d3 e4-e3 14. fxe3 Qd8-g5 15. Be2-g4 Ne8-f6 16. Bb2-a3 Qg5xe3 17. Qd1-e2 Qe3xd4 18. Qe2-d2 Bd6-f4 19. Qd2-f2 Qd4xc3 20. Ke1-e2 Rf8-e8 0-1 ...
jezebel 06:30 - [Link] - Comments ()
jimbeau gets blooded at cworld. [Event "www.ChessWorld.net server game"] [Site "www.ChessWorld.net "] [Date "2003.06.20"] [Round "NA"] [White "jezebel"] [Black "jimbeau "] [Result "0-1"] [Termination "White king mated"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.07.27"] [Board "266659"] 1. Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 2. b2-b3 c7-c6 3. h2-h3 c6-c5 4. d2-d4 b7-b6 5. Nc3-b5 a7-a6 6. Nb5-c3 Nb8-c6 7. e2-e3 g7-g6 8. g2-g4 e7-e6 9. Bf1-g2 Bf8-g7 10. g4-g5 Nf6-d5 11. Nc3xd5 exd5 12. Bc1-b2 Qd8xg5 13. Qd1-f3 cxd4 14. exd4 O-O 15. Qf3xd5 Rf8-e8 16. Bg2-e4 Qg5xd5 17. O-O-O Qd5xe4 18. f2-f3 Qe4-e3 19. Kc1-b1 Nc6xd4 20. Rh1-h2 Bg7-e5 21. Bb2xd4 Be5xd4 22. Rh2-e2 Qe3-f4 23. Re2xe8 Kg8-g7 24. Re8-e4 Qf4-d6 25. Rd1xd4 Qd6-g3 26. Rd4-d1 d7-d6 27. h3-h4 Bc8-f5 28. Ng1-e2 Qg3xf3 29. Re4-e7 Kg7-f6 30. Ne2-c3 Kf6xe7 31. Kb1-b2 Bf5-e6 32. Rd1-d3 Qf3-f2 33. Nc3-e4 Qf2-e2 34. Ne4-c3 Qe2-f1 35. Nc3-e4 Ra8-d8 36. Ne4-d2 Qf1-e2 37. a2-a3 Be6-f5 38. Rd3-d4 a6-a5 39. Kb2-c3 Rd8-c8 40. Nd2-c4 Qe2-e1 41. Kc3-b2 b6-b5 42. Nc4-e3 Qe1xe3 43. h4-h5 Rc8xc2 44. Kb2-b1 Qe3xd4 45. hxg6 Qd4-d1 0-1 ...
jezebel 18:40 - [Link] - Comments ()
...... pruned from the inbox ...... apocalypse spam redux look and feel great lucrative income Women say: SIZE MATTERS! new meds available online prescription weight loss Fastest Way to Learn a New Language - Guaranteed! No Prescription Required Cheap Prices Get Your Complimentary Stay Drop 10 Every 12 Days As Seen On TV Miracle Youth Pill all natural Hey, did you see it on TV? Cheapest Cigarettes hunter on the loose Kill those windows messenger popups Attention Loan Officers WILD VACATION! Seriously Improve Your Health Amazing Weekly News Unveil that deep passion in her! Y0ung \/lRGlNs in DlRTY ACTl0Ns! Real Estate Millions How does a career with additional capital seem? Fire your boss, your girlfriend! I have the solution exenutor bisfuit djwuiab esyrhumnayf (As hard as possible) Find Out What Your Home Is Worth! Extended Warranty Your Warranty has expired...so has your transmission. How to Enlarge Your Penis Size & Confidence Claim your Great Summer Getaway Now! National Financial Advisors Burdened With Debt Drugsmall Get Your Prescription Meds Online Do your boobs hang low? Get Help Now! See what Becky did to me last night. -
jezebel 07:36 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2003.02.05"] [Round "NA"] [White "k9my"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black resigned"] [WhiteElo "2326"] [BlackElo "1672"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.07.19"] [ECO "B00"] [Board "191862"] 1. e2-e4 Nb8-c6 2. Ng1-f3 e7-e5 3. d2-d4 d7-d5 4. Nf3xe5 Nc6xe5 5. dxe5 Bc8-e6 6. exd5 Be6xd5 7. Nb1-c3 Bf8-b4 8. Qd1-g4 g7-g6 9. Qg4xb4 Ng8-e7 10. Bc1-g5 Bd5-c6 11. Ra1-d1 Ne7-d5 12. Nc3xd5 Qd8-d7 13. Nd5-f6 1-0 ...
jezebel 19:11 - [Link] - Comments ()
- QUOTATION OF THE DAY - "In a few days they will show us another fat body with a beard and say it's Saddam." - ZOHAIR MATY, a 30-year-old Iraqi laborer ...
jezebel 04:58 - [Link] - Comments ()
"Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light." -- Roethke ...
jezebel 07:15 - [Link] - Comments ()
patti smith on janis: Take another little piece of my heart now baby... On the tip of my spinal tongue was a pearl. the bait and calcium of the object was discarded. the word pearl, however, was venerated and catalogued. the creation of of flora, fauna, emotion and mineral was necessary inspiration for the creation of the name-a word. -- patti smith ...
jezebel 05:57 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.10.25"] [Round "NA"] [White "jezebel"] [Black "boa"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black king mated"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.07.19"] [ECO "B10"] [Board "134045"] 1. e2-e4 c7-c6 2. Ng1-f3 d7-d5 3. d2-d3 g7-g6 4. g2-g3 Bf8-g7 5. Nb1-c3 h7-h5 6. Bf1-g2 d5-d4 7. Nc3-e2 c6-c5 8. c2-c3 dxc3 9. bxc3 Nb8-c6 10. Bc1-b2 Qd8-a5 11. O-O Bc8-g4 12. h2-h3 Bg4xf3 13. Bg2xf3 e7-e5 14. d3-d4 cxd4 15. cxd4 O-O-O 16. Bb2-c3 Qa5-c7 17. d4-d5 Nc6-e7 18. Qd1-b3 Kc8-b8 19. Rf1-d1 f7-f5 20. d5-d6 Rd8xd6 21. Rd1-d2 Ng8-h6 22. Ra1-b1 Rh8-d8 23. Rd2xd6 Qc7xd6 24. Qb3xb7 1-0 ...
jezebel 22:22 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.10.25"] [Round "NA"] [White "chessH"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black resigned"] [WhiteElo "1617"] [BlackElo "1679"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.07.11"] [Board "133911"] 1. e2-e4 Nb8-c6 2. d2-d4 d7-d5 3. e4-e5 f7-f6 4. f2-f4 Bc8-f5 5. g2-g4 Bf5-e4 6. Ng1-f3 e7-e6 7. Bf1-b5 a7-a6 8. Bb5xc6 bxc6 9. O-O c6-c5 10. c2-c3 c5-c4 11. f4-f5 Qd8-d7 12. Nf3-h4 g7-g5 13. Nh4-g2 exf5 14. gxf5 Ng8-e7 15. e5-e6 Qd7-d6 16. Qd1-h5 Ke8-d8 17. Ng2-e3 c7-c5 18. Qh5-f7 h7-h5 19. Qf7xf6 Rh8-g8 20. Qf6-f7 Be4xf5 21. Ne3xf5 Ne7xf5 22. Rf1xf5 Rg8-g7 23. Qf7xf8 Kd8-c7 24. Qf8xa8 Qd6xe6 25. Qa8xd5 Qe6-e1 26. Rf5-f1 Qe1-e2 27. Qd5xc5 Kc7-d8 28. Qc5-f8 Qe2-e8 29. Qf8xg7 Qe8-e7 30. Bc1xg5 1-0 ...
jezebel 21:00 - [Link] - Comments ()
even scarier than the lies -- this will probably all get "smoothed out" in the long run. people will continue to lie their way out of this until the original issues are forgotten. unless bush's administration fragments and explodes like nixon's did during watergate. that is a small possibility, but it could happen. remember watergate? people just kept lieing and lieing and eventually they all had to resign because they had become such criminals acting like children. at the time of watergate i was a stupid kid who couldn't have cared less and didn't pay much attention. but i think watergate affected me more than i knew at the time and contributed to my becoming such a political cynic later in life. as the re-animated story goes, president truman bequeathed the famous "buck stops here" sign to the presidential desk when he completed his term, passing it on to his successors. i think maybe one of the bushes must have sold it on e-bay. didn't bush say he was gonna run his administration like a corporation? so far he has kept his promise. they are having the same major problems most corporations have and it's all linked to accountability. accountability for one's actions is what gets lost in the corporate process. i am a victim of this so maybe it's easier for me to see the phenomenon. i was one of the zillions of people who understood what those beady little bush eyes were saying from the beginning. i expected the worst to happen in the end. but i still don't know who is gonna be the ultimate victim. the outcome, that's what makes this of any interest to anyone at all. they just wanna see who gets offed, will it be the general public or one or more of the politicians? it's ironic because the day bush got "elected" was the same day i got my pink slip at work. if there is no accountability at the top, or even at lower levels, disaster eventually happens. someone has to take responsibility or there is no hope. -
jezebel 14:09 - [Link] - Comments ()
wisdom of the day: properly place your safety net. -
jezebel 09:19 - [Link] - Comments ()
== It's A Secretly Nipple-Pierced World After All == Mickey Mouse can now sport cornrows, and Minnie can wear hoop earrings. The Walt Disney Co. is loosening grooming rules and actually allowing its hordes of deeply depressed and frighteningly brain-seared theme park workers to imagine for the briefest of moments, that they have something resembling free will and individuality, ha ha isn't that cute, another shift away from the nightmarishly squeaky-clean standards set by the company's founder decades ago, and moving much more toward pure unadulterated debauchery and hardcore porn and dildo-shaped rides for mommy and hookers in Little Mermaid outfits for dad while the kids get dumped in RitalinLand for three days. Under a new policy adopted last month, male park workers for the first time can wear braids provided they are above the collar, neatly tied close to the scalp and in straight rows. Female workers have been able to braid their hair for years. Men will also be allowed to wear different styles of shirts, oh my freaking God what is the world coming to, while women can wear more revealing footwear, like sandals (convenient for toe sucking! -- see below!), and less conservative earrings, like little satanic upside-down crosses that are actually tiny daggers sticking out of little screaming skulls ha ha Disney is evil. (Hosiery is still a must). ...
jezebel 13:37 - [Link] - Comments ()
there's a new movie out with the title, "i capture the castle." i don't think it's about chess. but i heard it's a good film. too much chess. i heard today arnold terminator, the governor of california, is a chess junkie in his real, private life. does anyone out there need a chess clock with one slightly cracked crystal? i have an extra. lifelong chess obsession/possession is certainly a strange experience, much like a cheap soap opera. there is indeed a chess goddess, or demon, depending on how one looks at it. her name is Caissa, if i recall my goddess nomenclature correctly. -
jezebel 13:23 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.12.21"] [Round "NA"] [White "eldric"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black king mated"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.07.13"] [Board "171219"] 1. d2-d4 Ng8-f6 2. e2-e3 g7-g6 3. Bf1-d3 Nb8-c6 4. Ng1-f3 d7-d5 5. O-O Bf8-g7 6. c2-c4 b7-b6 7. cxd5 Nf6xd5 8. Bd3-b5 Bc8-b7 9. e3-e4 a7-a6 10. Bb5xc6 Bb7xc6 11. exd5 Qd8xd5 12. Bc1-f4 O-O-O 13. Qd1-d2 Bc6-b5 14. Nb1-c3 Qd5-c4 15. Nc3xb5 Qc4xb5 16. Qd2-c3 c7-c5 17. Qc3-e3 Rh8-e8 18. Qe3-e4 cxd4 19. Rf1-c1 Kc8-d7 20. Rc1-c7 1-0 ...
jezebel 15:05 - [Link] - Comments ()
1959 by Patti Smith Listen to my story. Got two tales to tell. One of fallen glory. One of vanity. The world's roof was raging, but we were looking fine; 'Cause we built that thing and it grew wings, in Nineteen-Fifty-Nine. Wisdom was a teapot; Pouring from above. Desolation angels Served it up with Love. Ignitin' like every form of light, then moved by bold design, slid in that thing and it grew wings, in Nineteen-Fifty-Nine. It was Blood, shining in the Sun; First: Freedom! Speeding the american claim: Freedom; Freedom; Freedom; Freedom! China was the tempest; Madness overflowed. Lama was a young man, and watched his world in flames. Taking Glory down by the edge of clouds; It was a cryin' shame. Another lost horizon. Tibet the fallen star. Wisdom and compassion Crushed, in the land of Shangri-La. But in the land of the Impala, honey, well, we were lookin' Fine, 'cause we built that thing and it grew wings; In Nineteen-Fifty-Nine. 'Cause we built that thing and it grew wings; In Nineteen-Fifty-Nine. It was the best of times, it's the worst of times; In 1959; 1959; 1959; 1959; 1959; 1959; 1959. It was the best of times; It was the worst of times. Nineteen-Fifty-Nine. ...
jezebel 08:19 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.08.06"] [Round "NA"] [White "jezebel"] [Black "Nipper"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black resigned"] [WhiteElo "1687"] [BlackElo "1145"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.07.11"] [ECO "C57"] [Board "[Site "101056"] 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 3. Bf1-c4 Ng8-f6 4. Nf3-g5 Qd8-e7 5. d2-d3 Nf6-g4 6. Qd1xg4 f7-f6 7. Qg4-h5 g7-g6 8. Bc4-f7 Ke8-d8 9. Bf7xg6 Nc6-d4 10. Nb1-a3 Rh8-g8 11. Ng5-f7 Kd8-e8 12. Nf7-d6 Ke8-d8 13. Nd6-f7 Kd8-e8 14. Bg6xh7 Rg8xg2 15. Nf7xe5 Ke8-d8 16. Ne5-g4 d7-d6 17. Bh7-f5 Bc8xf5 18. h2-h3 Nd4-f3 19. Ke1-f1 Rg2-h2 20. Ng4xh2 Nf3-d4 21. exf5 d6-d5 22. Bc1-e3 Qe7-e5 23. Ra1-e1 Qe5xf5 24. Qh5xf5 Nd4xf5 25. Be3-f4 Bf8-h6 26. Bf4xh6 Nf5xh6 27. Re1-e6 c7-c5 28. Re6xf6 Nh6-f5 29. Rf6-f8 1-0 ...
jezebel 06:19 - [Link] - Comments ()
patti smith is one of my favorite humans, i recently found an email list of hardcore patti fans. the following is from that list, an excellent review of her most recent performance, a few days ago, at the world financial center, in nyc. it's like being there. it brought good memories of when i saw patti in seattle. p.s. i was born in 1959, the year hawaii became the u.s.'s latest trophy. but more importantly, it's the title of a patti smith song/poem. in the lyrics she mentions "vanity," my middle name, one of the seven deadly sins. i'm honored to be so affiliated with the goddess who is patti. the review is pasted below: ---------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 08:55:12 -0400 From: Gary Subject: WFC Recap To all concerned: This is the recap my friend Anthony sent me of Patti and the band's performance at WFC. I thought you might be interested in reading it. The show was only a couple of hours ago so it's still pretty fresh in my mind... I got to the spot of the show at 5:40, just in time to hear the soundcheck - - Patti singing "I'm So Lonesome I Can Cry". There were seats... 250 seats by a really impressive and high stage with the whole area surrounded by a very short fence. Even if someone were to not get in, the area was very large and open and it would have been easy to see the show. There were about 45 - 55 people already on line, but considering that it was close to 6, I wanted to strangle the guy who told me to get there at noon. The show ran from a little after 7 to roughly 8:40. It was an extremely tight set and one of the best played sets I've heard from them. Patti was energetic, danced a lot, and in great voice. The band wore summer non-reflective clothes (Lenny in a white T and jeans, Tony wore a red polo shirt... it was really out-of-character.) Patti wore all black - pants, jacket/vest, t-shirt. It was a really fun show but odd since it was free and open to the public - there were a lot of people there that would never go to a club show - mainly couples with very small children who they carried on their shoulders and older people. The woman next to me had a great time, but she was easily 65 and was saying how she couldn't understand how people waited two hours in the heat and how she was glad it was just Patti. As a result, the whole middle section had a tendancy to stay seated out of politeness, which frustrated Patti a little but everyone was on their feet at the end. Here's the set with some of the things Patti said: - --Dancing Barefoot - --Free Money (someone yells "Talk to us, Patti" and she says that the band is going to Japan for a while and she needed to get used to not saying anything.) - --Dead City (Patti spits some water and says "I'm watering the concrete. See, I respect the concrete so I water it out of respect. We all want clean water, don't we. Well now that we're here at the heart of corporate America we can remind them that they do things that pollute our water." Before the song, a young woman walks in front of the stage and Patti whispers "my daughter!") - --Beneath the Southern Cross ("dedicated to the people who died near here") - --Poem/1959 (Patti couldn't find her place in the book of poetry, and then put on her glasses and dedicated the poem to Antony van Leeuwenhoek, inventor of the lens, for making her glasses possible. She spoke of him being from "Delft where Vermeer lived" and in a Dutch accent said "let's see... it is 17th century. In 21st century, Patti will need glasses. I'd better get started on the lens." When people applauded she thanked the people who always "applaud at every f***ing thing I say. You're very useful.") - --We Three (this was amazing) - --Summer Cannibals - --Frederick (waving to the crowd with every "hi hi") - --Mickey's Monkey (after only the people on the sides got up and danced... "you know I thought that was gonna just bring everyone up and it would be Ferris Bueller all over the place") - --25th Floor/High on Rebellion - --Pissing in the River ("Sending this little number out to the Hudson...") - --Because the Night ("Like, 30 something years ago, I would walk along 8th street and walk passed the Orange Julius and the coffee shops and I'd wish I had some money, to, like, buy an Orange Julius or a cup of coffee. Then, suddenly one day, I'd be walking along 8th street and this song would be playing (intro plays) and I was the happiest person on earth... but I was still happy when I didn't have money for coffee or an Orange Julius, because I was walking in New York City and I was free...") - --People Have The Power ("What happened here was a tragedy, but we can't enhance that tragedy by living in fear, and noone has the right to benefit from the tragedy, including George F***ing Bush!") - --Gloria (in it's entirety including the first "Jesus died for somebody's sins..." It lasted what felt like 10 minutes and when she came out for the encore she apologized for making the audience sing most of the "Gloria"s - she said "I lost my breath a bit, but it's okay because I didn't lose anything else!") Encore: Not Fade Away (After reminding people to remember to try to be who they were on 9/10/2001 and think of how they'd feel about "money-grubbing s***heads" taking their children's money to bomb civilians, she finished the song and the show saying "thanks everyone! I had a great time!") ------------------------------
jezebel 06:26 - [Link] - Comments ()
== The End Of The Deep End == (By Mark Morford) The swimming pool as you know it is no more, and the childhood rite of passage will never be the same. Here's why you should care: The deep end is vanishing. Maybe you didn't know. Cities are filling them in, hotels are redesigning their outdoor amenities, backyard-pool manufacturers are no longer building pools with areas deeper than five feet. Too much danger, they say. Too many broken necks and screaming kids and drowned people and lawsuits, they say. Aquatics tastes have changed, they say. Bah, we say. This is a significant tragedy. This is yet another shift in our increasingly panicky and trepidatious culture toward further sanitizing the world, stripping it of all edge and menace and wonder and vital rites of passage and what's next, the end of lawn darts? The demise of the wicked-cool playground, full of looming monkey bars and dramatic swing sets and huge metal slides? The end of the manual-clutch transmission, fer chrissakes? Whoops, too late. ...
jezebel 07:44 - [Link] - Comments ()
Looking for weapons of mass destruction (NPC) If you are wondering where the weapons of mass destruction are, try google. Got to google.com and enter "Weapons of mass destruction" but instead of hitting enter, push the "I am Feeling Lucky" button. ...
jezebel 06:09 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Event "www.ChessWorld.net server game"] [Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.12.15"] [Round "NA"] [White "jezebel"] [Black "termite"] [Result "0-1"] [Termination "White resigned"] [WhiteElo "1692"] [BlackElo "2223"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.07.03"] [Board "167859"] 1. Ng1-f3 e7-e6 2. a2-a3 Ng8-f6 3. g2-g3 d7-d5 4. d2-d4 Bf8-d6 5. b2-b4 a7-a5 6. b4-b5 c7-c6 7. e2-e3 Bc8-d7 8. a3-a4 cxb5 9. Nb1-c3 Bd6-b4 10. Bc1-d2 Bb4xc3 11. axb5 Bc3xa1 12. Qd1xa1 Nf6-e4 13. Nf3-e5 Ne4xd2 14. Ke1xd2 a5-a4 15. Bf1-e2 Qd8-a5 16. c2-c3 Bd7xb5 17. Qa1-a3 Bb5xe2 18. Kd2xe2 Qa5-b5 19. Ke2-f3 Nb8-d7 20. Rh1-c1 Nd7xe5 21. dxe5 Qb5-c4 22. Rc1-b1 Qc4-e4 0-1 ...
jezebel 07:35 - [Link] - Comments ()
surprisingly, it seems if a person does look close enough, it is still possible to find a remaining bit of earthy culture, real people and real music on this planet. ...
jezebel 06:48 - [Link] - Comments ()
cc or otb, that is the question. kingscrusher, the guru of ChessWorld.net has posted the following: ChessWorld.net is a correspondence chess server, and BCF ratings are for over the board chess. The most relevant rating systems are those which measure strength at correspondence chess - where researching positions and managing a portfolio of current games are high priority. Over the board chess is often about blunders, putting "pressure" on your opponent so they either run out of time or get completely flustered or worn out, etc, which are not as high priority as cc chess where it is much more like science and not like sport. Finding the absolute correct move in the position after doing research rather than playing Hebden-esque like practical moves is the key thing here. cheers. -- kingscrusher ...
jezebel 06:13 - [Link] - Comments ()