[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2003.7.30"] [Round "NA"] [White "paintgod"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "0-1"] [Termination "White resigned"] [WhiteElo "1272"] [BlackElo "1618"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.11.29"] [Board "302337"] 1. c4 c5 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. g3 d5 4. cxd5 Qd8xd5 5. Nb1c3 Qd5d8 6. Bf1g2 Ng8f6 7. O-O e5 8. d3 b6 9. Nf3xe5 Nc6xe5 10. Bc1g5 Ra8b8 11. Ra1c1 Bf8e7 12. Bg5xf6 Be7xf6 13. Nc3e4 Bc8b7 14. Ne4xf6 gxf6 15. Bg2xb7 Rb8xb7 16. Qd1a4 b5 17. Qa4b3 c4 18. dxc4 Ne5xc4 19. Rc1xc4 bxc4 20. Qb3e3 Qd8e7 21. Qe3xe7 Ke8xe7 22. b3 c3 0-1 ...
jezebel 01:00 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.10.25"] [Round "NA"] [White "rsargent29"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "0-1"] [Termination "White resigned"] [WhiteElo "1435"] [BlackElo "1618"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.11.24"] [ECO "D20"] [Board "133933"] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. Nb1c3 e5 4. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 5. d5 Nc6b4 6. e4 f5 7. Nf3xe5 fxe4 8. Qd1a4 Bc8d7 9. Ne5xd7 Qd8xd7 10. Qa4xd7 Ke8xd7 11. Ke1d2 Ng8f6 12. Bf1xc4 Bf8c5 13. a3 Nb4d3 14. f3 Nd3f2 15. Rh1e1 Rh8e8 16. Kd2c2 a6 17. Bc1e3 exf3 18. Be3xc5 Nf2e4 19. Nc3xe4 Nf6xe4 20. Bc5e3 fxg2 21. Be3g1 Ne4g5 22. Bc4e2 Re8e4 23. Be2d3 Re4xe1 24. Ra1xe1 Ra8e8 25. Re1d1 Ng5f3 26. Bd3xh7 Re8e2 27. Kc2b3 Kd7d6 28. Bh7d3 0-1 ...
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.10.25"] [Round "NA"] [White "jezebel"] [Black "rsargent29"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black resigned"] [WhiteElo "1613"] [BlackElo "1437"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.11.15"] [ECO "C50"] [Board "133926"] 1. e4 e5 2. Bf1c4 Bf8c5 3. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 4. d3 d6 5. Nf3g5 Qd8f6 6. Qd1f3 Qf6xf3 7. gxf3 Ng8h6 8. Nb1c3 Nc6a5 9. Nc3b5 Bc5b6 10. f4 Na5xc4 11. dxc4 f6 12. Ng5f3 Nh6g4 13. Bc1e3 Ng4xe3 14. fxe3 a6 15. Nb5c3 Bb6xe3 16. Nc3d5 Be3b6 17. f5 Ke8d7 18. Nd5xb6 cxb6 19. a4 Kd7e7 20. Rh1g1 Rh8g8 21. Ra1d1 Bc8d7 22. b3 Bd7c6 23. Rg1g4 h5 24. Rg4g3 Bc6xe4 25. Nf3h4 Be4xc2 26. Rd1d2 Bc2e4 27. Rg3g6 Ra8d8 28. Ke1e2 Ke7f7 29. Ke2e3 1-0 ...
jezebel 01:00 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2003.7.30"] [Round "NA"] [White "jezebel"] [Black "paintgod"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black resigned"] [WhiteElo "1611"] [BlackElo "1155"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.11.15"] [ECO "C46"] [Board "302336"] 1. Nb1c3 e5 2. e4 Nb8c6 3. Ng1f3 Ng8f6 4. Bf1c4 h6 5. a3 d6 6. d4 Bc8g4 7. d5 Nc6d4 8. h3 Bg4xf3 9. gxf3 Nd4xf3 10. Qd1xf3 Bf8e7 11. Bc4b5 Nf6d7 12. Rh1g1 g5 13. Qf3g4 a6 14. Bb5d3 Nd7f6 15. Qg4f5 Qd8d7 16. a4 Qd7xf5 17. exf5 O-O-O 18. b4 Nf6d7 19. a5 Kc8b8 20. b5 Be7f6 21. Nc3e4 Bf6g7 22. Bc1e3 Nd7f6 23. Ne4xf6 Bg7xf6 24. Ra1a4 Bf6g7 25. bxa6 f6 26. Ra4b4 1-0 ...
jezebel 01:00 - [Link] - Comments ()
Dubya, Like A Wanker In The Head Tens of thousands demonstrators marched through the heart of London on Thursday, toppling a 17-foot tall papier mache statue of Bush to show their anger for the Iraq war and Prime Minister Tony Blair's support of the invasion. Bush and Blair vowed "not to flinch or give way or concede one inch" to terrorism in the wake of deadly bombings against British targets in Turkey, proving that they are, of course, complete morons, and ignoring the fun fact that it was pretty much the needless and bloody war on Iraq which prompted the goddamn Turkish bombings in the first place. "I am terribly sorry, but savage indisputable life-crushing hypocrisy is well beyond us, lads," Blair muttered, as Bush stood off to the side, blinking in the bright lights and looking around all confused and baffled, as if he'd just figured out how Velcro works. "Wow, you Brits speak English too? That is so amazin'," Bush muttered. "I thought all you Europeen people spoke, you know, Europeen.'" He then drifted into a reverie featuring Jell-O shooters, giant dustballs, and a long, beautiful, meditative line of barb-wire fenceposts in a Texas oil field. "Run off and bring daddy some crumpets," mumbled Blair, to the wall. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2003/11/20/international1521EST0684.DTL&nl=fix ----------------------------------------------
jezebel 15:09 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.10.25"] [Round "NA"] [White "jezebel"] [Black "Ducks"] [Result "0-1"] [Termination "White resigned"] [WhiteElo "1613"] [BlackElo "1804"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.11.8"] [ECO "C02"] [Board "134042"] 1. e4 e6 2. e5 d5 3. d4 c5 4. Ng1f3 Qd8b6 5. b3 Nb8c6 6. c3 cxd4 7. cxd4 Ng8e7 8. a3 Ne7f5 9. Bc1b2 Bc8d7 10. Nb1c3 Nc6xd4 11. b4 Nd4xf3 12. gxf3 g6 13. Ra1c1 Bf8h6 14. Nc3a4 Qb6d8 15. Rc1c3 b6 16. b5 O-O 17. Rh1g1 Bh6f4 18. h3 Qd8e8 19. Rc3b3 Qe8b8 20. Rg1g4 Bf4xe5 21. Bb2xe5 Qb8xe5 22. Qd1e2 Qe5xe2 23. Bf1xe2 Ra8c8 24. h4 h5 25. Rg4b4 Rc8c1 26. Be2d1 Rf8c8 27. Ke1d2 Kg8g7 28. Rb3c3 Rc1xc3 29. Na4xc3 f6 30. f4 Nf5xh4 31. Bd1c2 Nh4f5 32. Bc2xf5 exf5 33. Nc3xd5 g5 34. Nd5e7 Rc8e8 35. Ne7d5 Re8e4 36. fxg5 fxg5 37. Rb4xe4 fxe4 38. a4 Kg7f7 39. Nd5b4 Kf7e6 40. Kd2e3 Ke6e5 41. Nb4c2 h4 42. Nc2e1 g4 0-1 ...
jezebel 06:15 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net] [Date "2002.12.21"] [Round "NA"] [White "Boonaik"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black resigned"] [WhiteElo "1934"] [BlackElo "1615"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.11.6"] "[Site 171087"] 1. e4 Nb8c6 2. Ng1f3 e5 3. Bf1c4 h6 4. O-O Ng8f6 5. d4 exd4 6. Nf3xd4 g5 7. Rf1e1 Nc6e5 8. Qd1e2 Bf8c5 9. c3 b6 10. b4 Bc5xd4 11. cxd4 Ne5xc4 12. Qe2xc4 O-O 13. Nb1c3 a5 14. b5 Bc8b7 15. d5 Rf8e8 16. Bc1b2 c6 17. a4 cxd5 18. Nc3xd5 Bb7xd5 19. exd5 Ra8c8 20. Qc4d4 Kg8g7 21. Re1xe8 1-0 ...
jezebel 06:08 - [Link] - Comments ()
Carnivale Posted by Bill Sherman on September 22, 2003 09:42 PM If you learn anything about life in Depression Era America from watching HBO's new dark fantasy series Carnivale, it's this: it sure was dusty back then. "I'm damn tired of wakin' up with grit in my teeth," one of the sluttish hoochie koochie gals who bump-&-grind for Burnett Bros. Fair observes in the second episode, and from what we've seen so far, we get where she's coming from. Created by Dan Knauf, Carnivale follows the travails of a struggling circus as it drives through Grapes of Wrathland by way of Twin Peaks. First time we see the traveling circus, it's outside the Dust Bowl farm of Ben Hawkins (Nick "Terminator 3" Stahl) and his recently deceased mother. Ben is struggling to hold off a bulldozer that's about to demolish the foreclosed farm and bury his ma in the fallow ground, when the carnie folk show up to provide some moral support - and not incidentally offer him a job as a roustabout once the burying's done. Ben's been "expected" by the show's Management, and before the first episode ends, we have an inkling why. The young farm kid with the chain gang scars on his ankles has healing power in his hands. He cures a small girl stricken with polio at the end of the opening episode, laying waste to the crops all around him as he does. Ben's also troubled by a series of portentous nightmares that he shares with Brother Justin Crowe (Clancy Brown), an evangelist with the ability to impose visions on those he touches. When he catches a destitute Okie woman trying to steal from the collection basket, a shower of coins seemingly starts spurting from her mouth like cherries from an Eastwicke-ian. Brother Justin claims to be doing GodÂ's work, but the way we see him spying on his bathing sister Iris (Amy Madigan) tells a different story. Ben and Justin aren't the only ones seeing omens. Two of the carnies, a blind mentallist named Lodz (Patrick Bachau) and a catatonic fortuneteller known as Apollonia (Diane Sallinger), are tracking the young roustabout with interest - Lodz after he unwisely touches the sleeping newcomer and becomes privy to his nightmares. To the rest of the circus folk, Ben may be a rube - in the opening ep he's taunted by a group of sideshow freaks that includes a lizard man and a pair of singing Siamese Twins - but that's a judgment we know won't last many episodes. The unseen Management, speaking through chatty dwarf manager Samson (David Lynch regular Michael J. Anderson, who must be pleased as punch to not have his words coming out backwards), knows Ben is important in some as yet-undefined Staving-off-Apocalypse kinda way. And Apollonia, speaking telepathically to her Tarot-wielding daughter Sofie (Clea Duvall), doesn't want Ben to get away either. In the midst of all the dark visions (a trailer that appears and disappears, a "pickled punk" that opens its eyes and follows Ben as he dashes out of the trailer, snow that turns into blood on Brother Justin's face, and so on), there's also a mystery surrounding Ben's dead mother and a former Carnivale performer named Hank Scudder, the Gentleman Geek. Could this mystery be related to Ben's dreams? Of course it is, but exactly how is still unclear. We're in, Samson intones in the premiere's opening, a time of Light and Darkness. But all that Great Clash 'tween Good & Evil stuff is still just secondary to the ewww-enducing sight of lizard man Gecko shedding his skin. Carnivale does a slick job evoking the look and feel of its period - and it's filled with lingo and behind-the-tent details Ten-in-One buffs will love. The supporting cast is plentiful if initially a bit confusing: from a still-potent Adrienne Barbeau as the mother of a dim circus strongman to Debra Christofferson's sensuous bearded lady to Ralph Waite (what's a Great Depression fable without Ralph Waite?) as Brother Justin's preachifyinÂ' mentor. On the basis of two slow-building episodes, it's obvious the show's leading toward a showdown between Justin and Ben (one a deliverer of false images, the other a for-real healer), but it's also apparent that there's more to the Carnivale than we've yet been allowed to see. Pretty gothic for HBO, which, after all, has built its teevee drama rep on more moderne angst-filled fare like The Sopranos, The Wire and Six Feet Under (though both this last and Carnivale share a similar love for the macabre). Twin Peaks, perhaps its closest forbearer, still kept its action in the here-and-now, not a year where "The Shadow" still reigned on radio. Will Carnivale build the same level of buzz HBO's Emmy nomination hogs have garnered? Doubtful, but who cares? On the basis of its first two episodes, I'm ready to surrender to the show's first season. Dust and all, Carnivale is the most promising fantasy television debuting this fall. Post a comment (Or ping: http://blogcritics.org/mt/mt-tb.cgi/8573)
jezebel 03:35 - [Link] - Comments ()
THE RAGGED EDGE: The Disability Experience from the Pages of the First Fifteen Years of The Disability Rag. Edited by Barrett Shaw. The Wall Street Journal called The Disability Rag periodical, published between 1980 and 1996, "one of the most important publications to come out of the disability rights movement." National Public Radio's Joe Shapiro says, "The Disability Rag is the voice of a mighty revolution, and this stunning collection from its first 15 years will become an invaluable primer for anyone who wants to understand the new thinking of the disability rights movement. Here are the urgent, spirited and provocative stories that have changed the way people -- disabled and nondisabled -- have come to view what it means to have a disability." (Joseph. P. Shapiro, author of No Pity: People with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement.) The Ragged Edge anthology makes a wonderful gift for colleagues, friends, or anyone who wants to know more about "what makes the disability rights movement move." It has been used by many universities as required reading in disability studies courses. It was named an "outstanding book on the subject of human rights in North America" by the Gustavus Myers Center on Human Rights. *** Order THE RAGGED EDGE Anthology online at http://www.advocadopress.org/backlist.htm or use the order form below. THE RAGGED EDGE: The Disability Experience from the Pages of the First Fifteen Years of The Disability Rag. Edited by Barrett Shaw. 238 pp. $18.95 softbound and digital formats. ISBN: 0-9627064-5-0. ------------ *** ORDER FORM *** --------------------------------- Send me _______ (how many?) copies of "The Ragged Edge" anthology at ____ @ $22.95/copy (softbound) (with Priority Mail Shipping -takes 2-3 days) ____ @ $18.95/copy (we pay shipping via Standard Mail-takes 2-3 weeks) Please specify ____ softbound or ____ digital for speech reader or Braille output Please enclose your check payable to The Advocado Press OR Bill my ___ VISA ___ MasterCard Credit card #____________/___________/________ Name on Credit card _______________________________ Expiration date on credit card (MO/YR) _________/________ Ship books to: Name _________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ City _______________________ ST _____ ZIP ___ Email ________________________________________ Mail to The Advocado Press, PO Box 145, Louisville, KY 40201 For credit card orders, fax this form to 502/899-9562 * For info on discounts on bulk orders, please email us at office@advocadopress.org ...
jezebel 18:10 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.10.25"] [Round "NA"] [White "GrimRob"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black resigned"] [WhiteElo "1945"] [BlackElo "1617"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.11.3"] [ECO "B00"] [Board "133918"] 1. e4 Nb8c6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 Qd8xd5 4. Nb1c3 Qd5xd4 5. Bf1d3 e5 6. Ng1f3 Bc8g4 7. Nf3xd4 Bg4xd1 8. Nd4xc6 Bf8d6 9. Nc3xd1 bxc6 10. Nd1c3 Ng8e7 11. O-O O-O-O 12. Bc1e3 Kc8b7 13. a4 f5 14. Rf1e1 a5 15. Be3d2 e4 16. Bd3c4 Bd6c5 17. Ra1d1 Ne7d5 18. Bc4xd5 cxd5 19. Bd2g5 e3 20. fxe3 Rd8d6 21. Rd1xd5 Bc5b4 22. Rd5xd6 cxd6 23. e4 Bb4xc3 24. bxc3 Rh8e8 25. Bg5f4 Kb7c6 26. e5 Kc6d7 27. e6 Re8xe6 28. Re1xe6 Kd7xe6 29. Kg1f2 d5 30. Kf2e3 h6 31. Ke3d4 g5 32. Bf4c7 h5 33. Bc7xa5 f4 34. Ba5c7 Ke6f5 35. a5 g4 36. a6 f3 37. gxf3 gxf3 38. Bc7g3 Kf5g4 39. a7 1-0 ................................
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.10.25"] [Round "NA"] [White "jezebel"] [Black "GrimRob"] [Result "0-1"] [Termination "White resigned"] [WhiteElo "1629"] [BlackElo "1943"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.11.3"] [ECO "C02"] [Board "133925"] 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. Bf1b5 Bc8d7 5. Nb1c3 Qd8a5 6. Bc1d2 Bd7xb5 7. a4 cxd4 8. Nc3xb5 Bf8b4 9. Nb5xd4 Nb8c6 10. Ng1f3 Ng8e7 11. c3 Nc6xd4 12. cxb4 Nd4xf3 13. Qd1xf3 Qa5c7 14. Qf3c3 Qc7b6 15. Bd2e3 Qb6d8 16. Ra1d1 Ra8c8 17. Qc3d3 Ne7c6 18. Qd3b5 b6 19. Rd1c1 Qd8c7 20. a5 O-O 21. axb6 axb6 22. f4 d4 23. Rc1xc6 Qc7xc6 24. Qb5xc6 Rc8xc6 25. b5 Rc6c2 26. Be3d2 Rc2xb2 27. Ke1e2 Rf8c8 28. Ke2d3 Rc8d8 29. Rh1c1 Rb2xb5 30. Rc1c6 Rb5b2 31. g3 b5 32. Rc6b6 g6 33. Bd2a5 Rd8d7 34. Rb6d6 Rd7a7 35. Ba5d8 Ra7a3 36. Kd3xd4 Rb2d2 37. Kd4c5 Rd2xd6 38. Kc5xd6 Ra3d3 0-1 ...
jezebel 17:12 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.10.25"] [Round "NA"] [White "jezebel"] [Black "Meeuw"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black resigned"] [WhiteElo "1622"] [BlackElo "1560"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.11.16"] [ECO "C50"] [Board "134038"] 1. e4 e5 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. Bf1c4 Bf8c5 4. d3 Ng8f6 5. Nf3g5 O-O 6. Nb1c3 Nc6d4 7. Bc1e3 h6 8. Ng5f3 Nd4xf3 9. Qd1xf3 Bc5xe3 10. fxe3 c6 11. O-O-O d6 12. h3 a5 13. d4 b5 14. Bc4d3 Bc8e6 15. d5 Be6d7 16. Rd1f1 Nf6h7 17. h4 b4 18. Nc3e2 c5 19. Ne2g3 c4 20. Bd3xc4 Qd8f6 21. Qf3xf6 Nh7xf6 22. b3 Nf6g4 23. Ng3h5 Ng4xe3 24. Rf1f3 Ne3xc4 25. bxc4 a4 26. a3 Rf8b8 27. Kc1b2 Bd7g4 28. Nh5f6 gxf6 29. Rf3g3 h5 30. Rh1f1 Kg8g7 31. Rf1f2 Ra8a7 32. Rf2f3 bxa3 33. Kb2xa3 Rb8c8 34. Rf3c3 Kg7f8 35. c5 Rc8xc5 36. Rc3xc5 dxc5 37. Rg3c3 Ra7a5 38. Rc3c4 Bg4d7 39. Rc4c3 Bd7b5 40. Rc3xc5 Kf8e7 41. c4 Ke7d6 42. Rc5xb5 Ra5xb5 43. cxb5 Kd6c5 44. Ka3xa4 Kc5b6 45. d6 1-0 ...
jezebel 18:34 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2003.5.25"] [Round "NA"] [White "Klaus Behrmann"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black resigned"] [WhiteElo "2144"] [BlackElo "1629"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.11.3"] [Board "249936"] 1. e4 Nb8c6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 Qd8xd5 4. Ng1e2 Ng8f6 5. Nb1c3 Qd5d7 6. Bc1f4 a6 7. Qd1d3 b5 8. O-O-O g6 9. d5 g5 10. Bf4xg5 Nc6e5 11. Qd3d4 Ne5c4 12. Bg5xf6 exf6 13. Qd4xf6 Rh8g8 14. Rd1e1 Bf8g7 15. Ne2f4 Ke8f8 16. Nf4e6 Qd7xe6 17. Qf6d8 1-0 ...
jezebel 18:15 - [Link] - Comments ()
- ON THIS DAY - On Nov. 16, 1933, the United States and the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations. President Roosevelt sent a telegram to Soviet leader Maxim Litvinov, expressing hope that United States-Soviet relations would "forever remain normal and friendly." http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/20031116.html ----------- november 16, 1959 another baby was born -- me. -----------
jezebel 04:06 - [Link] - Comments ()
ttt typed: [...] what determines the country a player plays for? Where the person lives? Is a resident of? Citizen of? The flag the player is playing under on Chess World? ------------------- i choose the latter, "the flag the player is playing under on chessworld." why? because as we all know, this site is basically the most dependable thing we all know of. no matter what, i can always retreat to the comfort zone of one of my many little otb worlds. likewise, i have always considered myself to be countryless most of my life (all of my socio-political life). my country was devoured by an unstoppable wave of humanity and raped, much as the palestinians are undergoing now. my surviving ancestors produced descendents who ultimately bore me into the zombieland of the united states. i escaped to the island of oahu where i've been given sanctuary. since there is no native american or cherokee flag at chessworld, then i proudly choose the flag of the other side of my halfbreed heritage. my palestinian half is equally as proud as the cherokee half. so there you have it. that's why i choose the latter example. it's the only true and documented form of citizenship anyone of us will ever need. just as long as we can make our moves before time out. which is what i must go do poste haste. ;)
jezebel 17:21 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.12.17"] [Round "NA"] [White "Sterling"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "1-0"] [Termination "Black resigned"] [WhiteElo "2387"] [BlackElo "1623"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.10.30"] [ECO "C53"] [Board "169014"] 1. e4 Nb8c6 2. Ng1f3 e5 3. Bf1c4 Bf8c5 4. c3 Qd8f6 5. O-O Ng8e7 6. d3 h6 7. b4 Bc5b6 8. a4 a5 9. b5 Nc6d8 10. d4 d6 11. h3 c5 12. d5 Ne7g6 13. Nb1a3 Ng6f4 14. Bc4e2 g5 15. Nf3h2 Qf6g6 16. Na3c4 h5 17. Nc4xb6 Qg6xe4 18. Be2f3 Qe4f5 19. Nb6xa8 g4 20. hxg4 hxg4 21. Bf3xg4 Qf5h7 22. Bc1xf4 Bc8xg4 23. Qd1xg4 f5 24. Qg4g3 exf4 25. Rf1e1 Ke8d7 26. Qg3xf4 Nd8f7 27. Na8b6 Kd7c7 28. Nb6c4 b6 29. Re1e7 Kc7d8 30. Ra1e1 Qh7h5 31. Re7xf7 1-0 ...
jezebel 06:43 - [Link] - Comments ()
. . i bagged one bag of garlic bagels. not bad. also i was gonna get some steel wool to scrub the rust from my tiny iron skillet so i could scramble eggs in it. i used my wok but it's too big and bulky for eggs, but it was really fun and tasted good. so i went to the store and looked for steel wool to scrub the rust. instead of steel wool i found brand new nonstick revere ware 8" skillets for 16 dollars. so i used some birthday money and got a new 8" skillet instead of steel wool. cash well spent. no scrubbing needed. -
jezebel 20:58 - [Link] - Comments ()
today is the beginning of the harmonic concordance. could this be the ultimate day of assencion? i doubt it. it is a lunar eclipse nonetheless. not everyday those happen. find a chair. have a seat. look at the moon. watch it go dark. what could be more exciting? -\
jezebel 05:06 - [Link] - Comments ()
. E-mail message From: mailinglist@michaelmoore.com Subject: "Dude" #1, Three Weeks in a Row, on New York Times Bestseller List November 6, 2003 I'm back home after visiting 39 cities in 23 days on my book tour and I want to thank everyone who came by to see me. It was our biggest tour yet, with five to ten thousand people a night filling basketball arenas and county fair grounds across the country. In many cities there were thousands more of you who couldn't get in (4,000 people pounding on the door in Baltimore was quite a sight!). Next time we do the football stadiums! The book went immediately to #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. And it is still at #1 after three weeks! It is also #1 in the L.A. Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle and most other lists in the country. It took one year for "Stupid White Men" to sell a million copies in the United States. It took "Dude, Where's My Country?" just three weeks. That should give you some indication of the level of concern/frustration/anger in the country right now over what the Bush administration is up to. All over America, this is what I saw on the tour: Tens of thousands of average Americans who don't like their commander-in-chief lying to them in order to start a war. Not a night went by where I didn't have parents or siblings of soldiers in Iraq coming up to me, many of them in tears, pleading with me to "do something" to help bring their loved ones home from this war without end. It was heart-wrenching, and I never knew quite what to say except to tell them that they were not alone and that all of us are doing our best to get rid of George W. Bush. But that's a year away. How many more of our children will be sent to their deaths for another no-bid multi-billion dollar Halliburton contract in the next 12 months? What was amazing to me on this tour was that some of the biggest and most enthusiastic crowds were in hard-core Republican areas like Stockton, California and Wooster, Ohio. I get it when 13,000 show up and try to squeeze in as they did at Berkeley's Greek Theatre. But when five or six thousand show up in places like Pullman, Washington (on the Idaho border) or Ypsilanti, Michigan, I'm convinced that there has been a shift, a real shift, in public opinion, and the only question now is what are WE going to do? This week the Senate gave Bush the $87 billion he was looking for to continue the debacle in Iraq. But the Republicans knew that voting for this might come back to haunt them, so they asked the Democrats if they could just have a "voice vote" so no one's name would have to be recorded as having voted in favor of sending the nation into permanent debt (a debt that may not be paid off in our lifetime). The Democrats, afraid of appearing "unpatriotic," agreed to the deal. This was actually a compliment to all of YOU, as both parties know that the people are simmering and the only way they can get away with continuing this war is to do so in hiding (like the way they hide the body bags from public view as they return home). What they don't get is that we are not going to let them off the hook so easily, and we will force them to take a stand sooner or later. How many more deaths will it take? Not many, if what I saw this past month on the road across America is any indication. I have many stories to tell you about the people I encountered, the things I saw and heard, and the strange hope and optimism I now have that we can turn things around. I'm sorry I couldn't keep the diary I wanted to on my web site, but we were traveling to two cities on most days and I was lucky to find time for a few hours sleep. Fortunately, our webmaster has been able to put up lots of good stuff each day and I hope you have a chance to visit it from time to time. I'm off to Europe tomorrow for the book's release in the UK, Ireland, Germany and Austria. If you live there, come on by to one of the events. In the middle of all this I've been shooting my next movie, "Fahrenheit 9/11," and I'm happy to report that it's looking good and is on schedule for release late next summer. Thanks for granting me the privilege of, once again, having the #1 book in the country. I am grateful for the support and I am buoyed by how large -- and how deep into mainstream America -- our little "community" has grown. Don't despair -- we will stop this war, we will create a better life for those who struggle every day, and we will reclaim our White House. Not a bad to-do list for the next 12 months! Yours, Michael Moore www.michaelmoore.com mmflint@aol.com --------------------------------------
jezebel 04:32 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.8.6"] [Round "NA"] [White "londoner62"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "0-1"] [Termination "White king mated"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.11.6"] [ECO "B00"] [Board "101074"] 1. e4 Nb8c6 2. Ng1f3 e5 3. d4 Qd8f6 4. dxe5 Nc6xe5 5. Bc1f4 Qf6xf4 6. Nb1c3 Bf8c5 7. Qd1d5 d6 8. Nc3b5 Bc5b6 9. Bf1c4 c6 10. Nb5xd6 Ke8e7 11. Qd5xe5 Bc8e6 12. Bc4xe6 Qf4xe5 13. Nf3xe5 Ng8h6 14. Ne5xf7 Rh8f8 15. Be6c4 Bb6c5 16. Nd6xb7 Bc5d4 17. Nf7xh6 gxh6 18. O-O Bd4xb2 19. Ra1b1 Bb2d4 20. Rb1d1 Bd4b6 21. Rd1d6 Ra8b8 22. Rd6xh6 Rf8h8 23. Bc4a6 Bb6d4 24. Rf1d1 c5 25. c3 Bd4xc3 26. Nb7xc5 Rb8d8 27. Rd1xd8 Rh8xd8 28. Rh6xh7 Ke7e8 29. Rh7h8 Bc3xh8 30. f3 Bh8d4 31. Kg1f1 Bd4xc5 32. Ba6b5 Ke8e7 33. a4 Rd8d1 34. Kf1e2 Rd1a1 35. g4 Ra1a2 36. Ke2d3 Ra2xh2 37. e5 Rh2g2 38. Bb5c6 Ke7e6 39. Kd3e4 Rg2e2 40. Ke4d3 Re2xe5 41. Bc6b5 Ke6f6 42. Bb5c6 a5 43. Bc6e4 Kf6g5 44. Kd3c4 Bc5d6 45. Kc4d4 Kg5f4 46. Kd4c4 Re5c5 47. Kc4d3 Bd6e5 48. Be4b7 Rc5c3 49. Kd3d2 Rc3c4 50. Kd2d3 Rc4xa4 51. Bb7e4 Ra4b4 52. Be4c6 a4 53. Kd3c2 Rb4c4 54. Kc2d3 Rc4xc6 55. g5 a3 56. g6 a2 57. g7 Be5xg7 58. Kd3e2 Rc6c3 59. Ke2d2 a1=R 60. Kd2e2 Qa1a2 61. Ke2d1 Rc3e3 62. Kd1c1 Re3e1 0-1 ...
jezebel 05:00 - [Link] - Comments ()
[Site "www.ChessWorld.net"] [Date "2002.8.6"] [Round "NA"] [White "2herwluv"] [Black "jezebel"] [Result "0-1"] [Termination "White resigned"] [WhiteElo "1441"] [BlackElo "1609"] [Mode "ICS"] [DateLastMove "2003.11.2"] [ECO "B00"] [Board "100919"] 1. e4 Nb8c6 2. c3 Ng8f6 3. d3 d5 4. d4 Nf6xe4 5. Nb1d2 e5 6. Bf1b5 Qd8f6 7. Nd2f3 Bc8d7 8. dxe5 Nc6xe5 9. Nf3xe5 Bd7xb5 10. Ne5g4 Qf6g6 11. Ng1h3 Qg6f5 12. Bc1f4 Bf8d6 13. Ng4e3 Qf5g6 14. Qd1xd5 c6 15. Qd5d4 c5 16. Qd4d5 O-O-O 17. Bf4xd6 Rd8xd6 18. Qd5f5 Rd6d7 19. b3 Rh8e8 20. Nh3f4 Qg6xf5 21. Ne3xf5 f6 22. Nf5e3 Ne4xc3 23. a4 Bb5a6 24. f3 Re8xe3 25. Ke1f2 Re3e5 26. Kf2g3 Nc3e2 27. Nf4xe2 Re5xe2 28. Rh1e1 Re2xe1 29. Ra1xe1 h5 30. Re1e8 Kc8c7 31. Re8e6 c4 32. bxc4 Ba6xc4 33. Re6e4 Bc4d3 34. Re4b4 Bd3f5 35. Kg3f4 g6 36. h4 a5 37. Rb4b5 Rd7d4 38. Kf4e3 Rd4xa4 39. Rb5c5 Kc7b6 40. Rc5d5 Kb6c6 41. Rd5d1 g5 42. Rd1c1 Kc6b5 43. hxg5 fxg5 44. g4 hxg4 45. fxg4 Bf5xg4 46. Rc1c3 Ra4c4 47. Rc3d3 Bg4e6 48. Rd3d6 Rc4c6 49. Rd6d8 Rc6c4 50. Rd8e8 Rc4c6 51. Ke3e4 Rc6c4 52. Ke4e5 Be6c8 53. Ke5d6 g4 54. Re8e5 Kb5b4 55. Re5e1 Rc4c3 56. Re1b1 Rc3b3 57. Rb1d1 Rb3c3 58. Kd6d5 a4 59. Rd1d4 Kb4b3 60. Kd5d6 g3 61. Rd4d1 Kb3b2 62. Rd1d2 Rc3c2 63. Rd2d3 Rc2c3 64. Rd3d2 Kb2b1 65. Kd6d5 a3 66. Rd2d1 Rc3c1 67. Rd1d3 g2 68. Rd3b3 Kb1a2 69. Rb3g3 g1=R 0-1 ...
jezebel 01:00 - [Link] - Comments ()