"pagans ate my sugar babies." they are becoming fewer and fewer these days. they are the people who still know about what things may have been like before their meanings and activities were twisted by the modern world. here is one current, enjoyable and even inspiring description of the real halloween and what it once meant. ...
jezebel 12:55 - [Link] - Comments ()
i try really hard not to post possibly offensive stuff on this blog. sometimes, however, the urge becomes irresistable and the only thing to be done is cut, paste and publish. this is "the sculptor's" plain-speak, no-nonsense, sci-fi explanation of the qabbalah. the qabbalah is one of my favorite, possibly one of the most beautiful and awesome working forms of philosophical communication. so please, no offense intended. after all, it's almost samhain. [snip] ----------------------------------------- The Qabbalah Hebrews, (a word derived from "I bray" in Aramaic, ie: Talking Mules) were taught their Old Testament long prior to the destruction of their Temple, in 586 BC. At that time the people had figured out that the Holy of Holies was a scam (an empty hole) and that the treasure had been systematically looted by the Tax Collectors of the East (with the acquiescence of the Temple High Priests) and they, the people not the Persians, destroyed the Temple. Rather than the historic diaspora, what really happened was a rescue mission by the Persian Zoro-Astrians, who then brought the Temple priests to Babylon for retraining, during the rewriting of history. Once there the High priests were also taught the Qabbalah, a book that helps them to decipher the secret Zoroastrian Masonic codes of the Bible. With the help of the Qabbalah one can eventually overstand the real mission of Freemasonry; which is to hijack creation from Creation, and then, by means of genetic engineering, reverse the process of natural evolution and thereby, to fabricate a "more perfect unisex slave" (the "nice" Hermaphrodite complete with a small but extremely focused brain), the Holy G Host. To achieve this end, the existing people of the planet must be sacrificed "at the crossroads of time." They are the allegory of Jesus (suckers) of the New Testament. With this culling achieved the attention will then be focused on the destruction of the remaining "originals" (before Caucasians), thereby leaving the surface of Earth devoid of human life as we know it today, under the control of 144,000 intraterrestrial Troglodyte who own "the third kind." The SculPTor [snip] ----------------------------------------- ... tell me another big one. ... need more entertainment. ... "i've made nothing but mistakes," is the caption under the photo above the interview in the current guardian. at one point deborah harry was the closest thing to a goddess in my safety-pinned universe. she was one of the most alluring voices pouring from the u.s. punk rock oracle. those punk days are now twenty-something-year-old memories, but harry's still there, at the right hand of Inanna. ... too long .............. is never long enough. ...
jezebel 12:06 - [Link] - Comments ()
for those who easily tire from the latest tactics and maneuvers, here's the newest concept in warfare: tag team terror. finally, something new for those of broadened taste. ... funky logo of the day ...
jezebel 14:43 - [Link] - Comments ()
WWII brought many new things to this planet. one of the amazing and bizarre things that came with it was the hitler youth. now the second generaton is beginning to appear. they have changed their name for the new times. the new name is, of course, what else would it be but bush's youth. ... today's chess move
 5. Be2 Nd4
jezebel 16:15 - [Link] - Comments ()
after being laid off 2001 jan and surviving on unemployment till that ran out, i finally got rental assistance yesterday. this article appeared in today's paper. the worker i met with yesterday commented they had just gotten more money from the benefactor gods. home again, back on the dole, in the dole state. back to food stamps and big blocks-o-cheese. after a ten-year over-extended tour in the working class world it's easy for me to see it as liberation and much-needed early retirement. ...
jezebel 18:20 - [Link] - Comments ()
as a dedicated label reader and chronic toothpaste avoider, probably one of the most bothersome daily duties i ever did was brush my teeth. don't get me wrong. it wasn't the brushing that was a problem or the clean teeth or fresh breath. the problem was the toothpaste. big brand-name toothpaste like colgate or crest is both frightening and disgusting. it should be banned. after all, it does say it is poisonous to small children on the label. luckily, new products and other brands with better ingredients are now available and safer to use for dental care, located in havens like natural food stores. ... OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD ...
jezebel 12:56 - [Link] - Comments ()
today's addition for "latest interesting links" is http://savethemales.ca. usually when i add a link to the column over on the side i don't mention it. but i think i'm gonna start mentioning it when i add new ones now that i've got a decent, by my standards, list of links going. p.s. i'm not an anti-feminist -- for now at least. ... as far as book reviews go, Illuminati Terrorists and the Cults of Death may just be as good, or even slightly better, than the book it's reviewing. but i can't be sure because i haven't read the book. it, and the book i suppose, is appropriate for the current times. one thing, the review is certainly a faster read. ... hellooo all you settlers. let these poor farmers pick their olives. just think what it's gonna be like when there's no more extra-virgin. how's anybody gonna cook? lately, things always seem to boil down to oil. ...
jezebel 10:16 - [Link] - Comments ()
things have been looking too depressing around here lately. the world cannot be that bad. since i sometimes portray a negative attitude, i'm happy to refer you to mark moreford in san francisco for some much-needed spiritual uplifting. maybe the cooler, crisper air up there offers a better environment for an optimistic point of view. ...
jezebel 13:56 - [Link] - Comments ()
relatively, things can be seen from various perspectives. what is relevant to one person might be completely irrelevant to someone else. but no matter how it ranks on a scale of relativity, it seems something eventually comes around that is bigger and more dangerous. when this happens the normal relativity scale gets completely skewed. and blah blah blah. ... today's chess move 4. Nf3 d6. ... QUOTE OF THE DAY "There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old system and merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new one." -- Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, 1513 ... poster of the day
jezebel 15:31 - [Link] - Comments ()
evolution meets humanity once upon a time there was a puddle of water. the puddle grew into a small pond. one day a nearby volcano spewed some goo into the pond. later a thunderstorm blew over and lightning struck the pond, sparking life into a few braindead dna molecules twisting listlessly amidst the pond scum. millions of years later a fish crawled out of the pond, which had now become a lake. the fish flopped around and over to a forest full of trees of life and started climbing. millions more years passed. homo sapiens ripened. one of this beautiful new species dropped out of the tree and met up with another, who hopped down from the tree next door. more humans got together and had a real good time, as did their descendants, for many millennia more. they created a mythological spirituality with ethics and morals to sustain a thriving, fearless culture of peace and love. then one day their king said, "ok guys, we gotta change our ways. i'm afraid we've been doing it all wrong." "why?" the people asked. "because." the king answered. "because why?" the people asked. "because zarathustra spake so," the king said. on that day the upward thrust of evolution parted ways with the downward spiral of the human mind. ...
jezebel 17:35 - [Link] - Comments ()
some people mumble and suck toes. some people misspeak and stick a complete foot in their mouth. other people tell whoppers and stick both feet in their mouth. lately, however, there's been one person with the mostest and the bestest ability to perform this type of pedal envelopment. with a flick of his forked tongue he can swallow as much as his whole body up to his neck. from this seemingly uncomfortable posture his utterances have enough power to literally start homicidal riots across the world.
On October 11, Canadian Press reported that at least five people were killed in Hindu- Muslim rioting and police gunfire in western India. According to Canadian Press, "The violence erupted during a general strike to protest remarks" by the Rev. Falwell. -- http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?itemid=13927&CFID=3154321
he's by far the winner in this category. spew the faith, jerry. spew the faith. ... one of the suggestions from yesterday's washington post, tips for staying safe: -- "If you are fired on in an open area, drop to the ground and roll away from where you were standing. Look for the closest protective cover and run toward it in short, zigzag dashes." welcome to the twenty-first century. ... today's chess move-of-the-day -- 3. e4 Bc5. ...
jezebel 11:22 - [Link] - Comments ()
and now for today's depressing news. more evidence the once-like-mortar and granite edifice, the home of the brave, the u.s. government is falling apart brick by crumbling brick. ... today's chess move-of-the-day, is -- 2. b1c3 e7e5. ... meanwhile, at the ATF psychic-sniper lab, things seem to be coming to a dead hollow point. ok. since no one has reasoned it out yet, let me give a little hint: miss cleo. ...
jezebel 17:25 - [Link] - Comments ()
perspective is a relative thing. self-defense or manslaughter -- it could be either, or is that the question? and after that one, if you need a more balanced point of view, don't be afraid of halitosis, try the onion. you will be pleasantly surprised. ...
jezebel 15:54 - [Link] - Comments ()
the beginning. match-of-the-day is changing already. it will now be called move-of-the-day. i decided to do this because i'm changing the strategy of this serial chess thing as i go. and this probably won't be the final adjustment. like i said, i'm making it up as i go.
 move-of-the-day crosta(w) vs. jezebel(b) 1. c2c4 b8c6 today's match is a special treat. this is the first match we are able catch at the beginning. we can now observe the complete match -- from move #1. crosta moves c2c4 and jezebel responds with b8c6. the match is on. and from now it will be the move-of-the-day. and instead of going from match to match, it will focus on this one particular match. ...
jezebel 10:03 - [Link] - Comments ()
winner! "most popular card" award. in honor of the d.c. beltway death card sniper. my interpretation of the death tarot card? after an approximate ten-year give-or-take, always-amazing relationship with tarot i can only say about the illustration above, "that guy up there has definite lower back pain. the thirteenth tarot trump card, death is the scorpio card, usually signifies change, sometimes painful but always monumental, most often of substantial import to the situation." that could sometimes be a good thing, sometimes not a good thing. ... new possibly-serial feature? chess match-of-the-day (or the week or the month or whatever i choose.) just click on match-of-the-day and you will behold an in-progress chess match between yours truly (jezebel) and some other unlucky bloke or blokess. just don't get in a rush. these are correspondence matches and even with the instantaneousness of email -- things don't happen quickly. feel free to check in every day. or drop back in after a few days or after a week or even after a month or so. watch the continuous monotony flow over the 64 squares. it always leads to exciting climactic glorious victory -- served side-by-side with bitter defeat. hopefully the excitement of the action will entice you into challenging me to a match. just let me know when you are ready and i will gladly accept. ...
jezebel 09:59 - [Link] - Comments ()
welcome to the times of cairo. ...
as a former and sometimes recurring misanthropically anarchistic punk, i thought i'd never agree with a conservative point of view. i suppose all good things must come to an end. ... speaking as one of the lucky few to escape the increased notching-up. i can attest to its powerful hold. the people within its tightening girth are just as, if not more, religiously zealous than any middle-eastern terrorist could possibly hope to be. heed the warning, beware the bible belt. it's the old-fashioned, dangerous kind with the heavy brass-as-tacks buckle. ...
 behind our fearful leader, aconquer we will go. ..
jezebel 09:35 - [Link] - Comments ()
here's a recently discovered news site that looks like it could be of use for finding current information in the near future -- and maybe even in the futurepast.
MER -- http://www.middleeast.org/ ...
jezebel 09:47 - [Link] - Comments ()
the battle of the bulge continues in jerusalem at the temple mount. it sounds like something is slowly building up to a climax undreamed. ... i've been reading messages from people on various lists around the world concerning the latest fun and games going on in the good old u.s.a. lately. here's a typical opinion: "Im glad I am not living in Amrica at the moment if I did I would have to keep the television off.Is this man Bush Deaf or retarded, Drunk, power mad, or just plain thick!!! He has been invited over to Iraq to see for himself so why doesnt he go!!! And why isnt anyone making him go. He stands there in front of his ruddy Podium spouting war on Iraq in slurred incomprehensible speech regardless of what he is told and it just makes me sick. Ive watched Hitlers speeches from the past and at least he had balls and strength of conviction this disgusting little slime Ball Bush is like a child banging on the floor with his latest Tonka toy crying WAR! How you poor American people can put up day after day with this revolting uncharismatic drunken sleazy ingratiate Ill never know.Why doesnt somebody do 'im in and shut him up?" [name withheld to protect the innocent] it's heartwarming to see just how much americans are loved and respected by people around the world these days. ...
jezebel 12:38 - [Link] - Comments ()
all this sniper stuff is really sad and all that, but it makes excellent reality tv. with survivor in their blood, i guess it's more than cbs tv can resist. sniper's spree will be a bonified reality tv series sooner than you think. cbs news is starting it off and taking it all the way with an interactive sniper's spree where you can follow the crimes, death by death and see it through the killer's eyes. plus, search for clues and visit the photo gallery for maximum effect. ...
jezebel 19:36 - [Link] - Comments ()
this week's animation by mark fiore -- whoops! brought to you by the village voice. ... Guardian - Make the pie higher
This poem is composed entirely of actual quotes from George Bush. Circulating on the internet for some time, it was reportedly compiled by Washington Post writer Richard Thompson. Here we reproduce it to mark National Poetry Day. -- Thursday October 10, 2002 The Guardian Make the pie higher I think we all agree, the past is over. This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses. Rarely is the question asked Is our children learning? Will the highways of the internet become more few? How many hands have I shaked? They misunderestimate me. I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity. I know that the human being and the fish can coexist. Families is where our nation finds hope, where our wings take dream. Put food on your family! Knock down the tollbooth! Vulcanize society! Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002 -- http://www.guardian.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4519497,00.html ... sometimes graphics work here and sometimes they don't. let's try this one and see what happens:
http://www.allhatnocattle.net/Iraqnaphobia.jpg ...
jezebel 09:34 - [Link] - Comments ()
once in a while, horoscopes ring surprisingly true, at least in the reader's eyes, in reflecting one's life at a given point. today mine is pretty much dead on. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Omigod. How much longer can you wrestle with the confounding angel? How much more melodrama can you wade through without seeking refuge as a daytime TV junkie, your curtains drawn and empty cookie packages accumulating on the floor? Will there ever be an end to the soul-boggling, gut-jiggling education? In lieu of hazarding a guess at these questions, Scorpio, I'll remind you of the vow you took before you were born: "My elixir of life will never taste like sugar water, but will always be a blend of at least 77 mouth-watering, high-potency, profanely sacred ingredients!" --freewillastrology.com .... technically, all this blog stuff is generating a lot of blog fog in my brain. either the instructions on how to do some things (like archive) are too vague, or it's so easy to do that it's confusing. maybe instead of blog fog it's more like blog smog -- too much info and too many by-products. maybe i should start a new blog called smog blog.... ...
jezebel 08:25 - [Link] - Comments ()
feels like it might finally be cooling off a bit. the last couple days i've experienced short but noticeable times of seasonally refreshing episodes of coolness. for the past three or four months the heat and humidity here somehow overpowered the tradewinds and the results were and are sweltering. i normally don't talk about the weather<>, but this has been the hottest summer i can remember in a long long time. i know it's oahu but really. ...
jezebel 21:30 - [Link] - Comments ()
of all the anti-war rhetoric i've seen and heard over the past few days, robert byrd's speech (and his tv appearances) are by far the most passionate and convincing -- unless i'm forgetting something, which is possible. ...
jezebel 17:11 - [Link] - Comments ()
don't know why this belongs here. but for some reason i just can't resist. ... but seriously folks, let's get back to sobriety. after all, the council's been working overtime. ...
jezebel 09:15 - [Link] - Comments ()
"how to draw a bunny" life=death=art. ...
jezebel 12:59 - [Link] - Comments ()
on this day ... october 4. Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi (1181-1226). In 1224, after a vision of the crucified Christ held by a six-winged seraph, St Francis developed bleeding holes in his hands and feet, greatly impressing witnesses including Pope Alexander IV. The marks looked like black nails which protruded considerably, as though a real nail pierced the limb with its point and head projecting either side. Domenica Lazzari exhibited a similar effect in the nineteenth century. There are over 300 recorded cases of stigmata, with a much larger incidence amongst women. ... "men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." -- sir winston churchill ... dangerous prayers, too much reverence could be hazardous. will the walls come tumbling down? or is it the violent birth of a baby mosque? ... read it and wipe -- from daddy's bloody lips. then get ready for the draft. ... at last, it seems a bit of truth comes from the desk of george.
jezebel 13:56 - [Link] - Comments ()
quotes for the day: "'at the end of the day,' people will stop using the puffy, overused phrase: 'at the end of the day.' put it to bed. at the end of the day, today will become yesterday and tomorrow will as usual squirt from our slimy grasp." -- jzbl ----- "let me put it this way: i had only one bullet and i used it to shoot myself in the foot." -- ari fleischer
jezebel 11:22 - [Link] - Comments ()
in the interest of balance, i feel compelled to post something about saddam. that's pronounced sah-DAHM, rhymes with tom, or bomb." i'm so tired of hearing people say sad-DAM, what do they think he's an unhappy blockage in a reservoir? or they say SOD-om and the worst by far, SAD-em. i think mostly those people are the ones that say NUK-u-ler. and don't skip the case not closed article, it's integral to the subject. ...
jezebel 21:37 - [Link] - Comments ()
this end-of-the-millenneum-survey just might be the winner of the century for saddest poll results ever. actually, it's probably a pretty close estimate of our disinformed society. the curse: we were what we were and are what we are. i try not to be a big part of it -- promise. ...
jezebel 20:39 - [Link] - Comments ()
thank goodness no more september. for the past couple of years it truly has been the cruelest month, stealing the prize from april with ease. now it's october, my favorite month. october is when old things start fading and turning wonderful colors. and i don't mean red, white and blue. here's hoping october brings things to talk about other than politricks, warfare and dirty bombers. wasn't there a time when those things were just small matters? or was i just a child in touch with other, more important things? ...
jezebel 15:26 - [Link] - Comments ()