... methodically appearing not to be one of the global elite, daniel pipes defends with sloppy craft his anti-arab hate site, also known as campus-watch.org, in a recent radio program. it seems pipes, an exceptionally frightening and vocal member of the council on foreign relations, has been all over the media lately with his illuminations. ...
jezebel 19:26 - [Link] - Comments ()
much needed words of truth from arianna, a current goddess of words and ideas who should not be ignored. ...
jezebel 11:21 - [Link] - Comments ()
another intallation of the i am ... aka ... blog. ...
jezebel 03:51 - [Link] - Comments ()
R.I.P. this is probably not the first palestinian journalist killed. and it probably won't be the last. but is anyone ever going to do anything about it? ...
jezebel 15:26 - [Link] - Comments ()
recovering alcoholics, ex-smokers, drug addicts gone cold turkey, all fall into the same group -- "reformed ...." the group is -- if anything else -- annoying. i have the right to say so because i am one of those people. i fall into the recovering alcoholic and reformed vegan categories and possibly a few others i'm temporarily blocking -- or blacking -- out. luckily, i'm not a strict radical vegan anymore. increasing age, combined with ethics dulled from years of assault, has evolved me into a simpler, less caustic, mostly-macro scavenger. but that's neither here nor there. i try not to preach about diets, healthy or not, anymore. nevertheless, what these people, these anti-dairy people say, is true. one of the non-vegan habits i have yet to re-acquire is the sucking of cow milk, thank goddess. soy or rice milk is just fine thank you. ...
jezebel 14:07 - [Link] - Comments ()
lately i am a broken-record. but that word just keeps popping into my mind. it's the spewing of the world around us. it just keeps pumping out the propaganda. and for entertainment purposes it's getting better and better as time goes by. ...
jezebel 14:35 - [Link] - Comments ()
a case for tums or a case of rolaids. the decision of whose propaganda to accept as truth is up to its readers -- no matter how it is coated -- and propaganda aplenty is pouring in from all sides leaving its readers with much to digest. finally more propaganda follows, stuffing us with that unwanted third course which always brings an extremely acidic case of readers' reflux. maybe we should predigest this concept of truth to make it easier to swallow. or is that what the yank administration is trying to do with so much pepto-bismol? ...
jezebel 10:31 - [Link] - Comments ()
Italian proverb If the secret sorrows of everyone could be read on their forehead, how many who now cause envy would suddenly become the objects of pity. -- wordsmith
jezebel 23:12 - [Link] - Comments ()
between this blog and keeping up with all my too-many e-chess matches -- addictive personalities, chess and the internet can be a dangerous trio -- there's hardly any time for me to do anything else. sometimes i think to myself, "maybe i should get a life." but then i realize that would be even more of a mess. ...
jezebel 09:55 - [Link] - Comments ()
recycled -- what comes around goes around.
jezebel 11:33 - [Link] - Comments ()
election day. that everpresent and sometimes annoying little voice living inside me kept repeating, "paste this clip in the blog. put it in. put it in. paste it. paste it." so i'm gonna do it else that voice may never stop. it is election day, after all. don't forget to vote. it's a reminder for us that there's nothing to be confused about. good old usa is just repeating its own militaristic empire-building history. nothing new. just one more evolutionary step towards becoming another imperialistic dinosaur destined for extinction in this ever-struggling world for no better reason than making the stupid assumption that there is nothing else for us left to do besides step all over everyone else. ...
jezebel 18:27 - [Link] - Comments ()
one of my favorite movies of all time -- made long ago -- 20 million miles to earth, circa 1957, aired on tv again today, for about the 20-millionth time.
i remember once when i was very young and watching it. i was in the back storage room of the shoe store my dad owned. i stayed there many times after school and on saturdays. it was a musty-smelling refuge with lots of wing-tipped shoes in cardboard shoe boxes, a coffee pot, and a black-and-white tv to watch in times of dire boredom. i remember being amazed at how the roman colliseum was being destroyed just to make this movie. i almost had it right. at least i realized it was fiction. the last line in the film comes at the end, of course, after the monster has been destroyed, but not without causing lots of death and destruction. scientific guy peruses the effects of all the recent chaos, takes a deep breath, and then looks over at military guy and asks, "why is it always so costly for man to move from the present to the future?" ...
jezebel 13:21 - [Link] - Comments ()
believe it or not. according to some points of view, we are emerging from a relative period of calm in the middle east. maybe it was a misprint. maybe they meant calamity. ...
jezebel 11:34 - [Link] - Comments ()
and while we're on the bill maher topic, here's a more current article. an excerpt from his upcoming book. ...
jezebel 10:18 - [Link] - Comments ()
not being big on chat, this slipped by me a couple months ago. but for all those bill maher fans out there, (i am big on bill) here's a relatively not-too-old july 2002 chat transcript from his site. politically incorrect getting cancelled is just more proof that disney is the spawn of satan. ...
jezebel 10:07 - [Link] - Comments ()
go bugs! go bugs! go bugs! ...
jezebel 20:49 - [Link] - Comments ()
why does everyone wanna go to war? i just don't understand. one would think people have enough on their minds. oh! maybe that's why. people want to get all their other troubles off their minds, so they just invent some fresh quagmire to flop into and wallow around with for a while. ...
jezebel 09:48 - [Link] - Comments ()
and while we're on the subject of september memorials. let's not forget the past. here's an idea, let's learn something new about the history of the world instead of pretending we already know everything. ...
jezebel 12:25 - [Link] - Comments ()
speaking of syndication, last week, during all that whining about a year ago september. i was trying to avoid the cable tv news media and watching the current syndicated rerun of the 1966 tv series, dark shadows, of course, a tarot card came into the "current" scene. (no one could have set this up -- unless they were psychic.) the card was -- the tower. no matter how much we try to avoid them they haunt us. ...
jezebel 11:53 - [Link] - Comments ()
captain kirk's still kickin'. now he's trying to help explain the futility of it all, the vastness, the bigness and the agonizingly slow methods of transportation we humans exploit in his, and his ghostwriter's, latest book. good ol' bones, kirk, spock and scotty. where are they when you need them? syndication heaven -- or hell -- depending on what you think of the sci-fi channel. ...
jezebel 09:56 - [Link] - Comments ()
george II continues to lose it. tuesday in front of millions of viewers and tv cameras he completely forgot a famous saying he was trying to be clever with and quote. the saying is, "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me." but bush completely screwed up. he said, "fool me once, shame ... [long pause] ... on ... [pause] ... you. ... [long pause] ... you can't be fooled again." it was absolutely pathetic. it was hilarious. the new york times catches him in the act as well. ...
jezebel 01:02 - [Link] - Comments ()
here we go. now all we need is content. this could take a while. while you are waiting you are welcome to see me at spidermoon.net. we can play chess. ...
jezebel 23:40 - [Link] - Comments ()
ok that seemed to work ok. if anyone is puzzled or wondering what the hell i'm doing, it's because i'm trying to get this to work with webtv and not all of the buttons work, like link and italic and things. so i have to keep going back and forth between my computer and my tv, see what the buttons do on comp. and make sure it's possible to do manually on tv. proof -- i have no life. here's another link. this link goes to futurepast. ---
jezebel 21:33 - [Link] - Comments ()
this is a little link test. ok. here is a link: my site. now does that work ok?
jezebel 20:35 - [Link] - Comments ()
this could become addictive. ---
jezebel 15:58 - [Link] - Comments ()
ok. this is what's happened so far. got linked to my site spidermoon.net. so now if you go there you can click on a link to come here. and if you come here you can go there. so come to spidermoon.net and find me there. if you are wondering why oh why should this happen? i have no idea.
jezebel 15:48 - [Link] - Comments ()
third time is the charm, right? ok, here goes. quote of the day: "people in glass houses shouldn't take baths." xoxo
jezebel 14:30 - [Link] - Comments ()
i suppose one could call this beginning a s- s- s- s- stut- stut- stut- stutterstart. slowly- but slowly- i will understand. i will understand. i will understand. i will figure all this out. -------
jezebel 14:20 - [Link] - Comments ()
17 september 2002 tuesday many moons ago someone viewed my website and sent me an email suggesting i start a weblog. they said my site reminded them of a weblog. i really didn't understand what they were talking about so i dumped the mail and went back to my website. many moons later, about a month or so ago, weblogs insinuated themselves back into my consciousness. this time i took a bit more notice and attempted to sign up and begin one but i failed miserably. today i tried again and amazingly, even with webtv, it appears i have so far succeeded. we'll see how far this goes. hopefully, for some reason i'm not aware of yet, i will be able to somehow link this to my website -- spidermoon.net -- as for now it looks like an exercise in overkill, but we will see.
jezebel 13:36 - [Link] - Comments ()
Test Post
System 13:20 - [Link] - Comments ()