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History Crew Ships Misc. Blog

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Site Update

- We are going to try adding a FORUM or bulletin-board to our web site. Visitors, who register at the FORUM, can post whatever they want as long as the administration deems it appropriate. Tell us some sea stories. Tell us about yourself. Tell us about a relative who sailed for States Marine. Search for an old shipmate. Ask a question that the viewing public might help answer. You can get to the FORUM from our HISTORY page or Click here.

1:20 PM - [Link]jkozel

Site Update

- Added review of Sailing Into the Abyss by William R. Benedetto to the HISTORY page.

7:34 AM - [Link]jkozel
Site Update

- Added a photo of the USS Waukesha, later the SS Bayou State, to the HISTORY page, courtesy of former crew member Jesse Bryant.

10:33 PM - [Link]jkozel


History Crew Ships Misc. Blog

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