Blogging With Dr P...
(Part 3)
life grand when you can take a photograph of one of those touristy type
signs and it can tell you all you need to know?
If you travel two miles south of Platteville
on Highway 85, you'll come across Fort
Vasquez. The highway actually splits and runs either side of it.
There's also a truck weigh-in
point at the same place - built a great many years after the original
fort :)
One of the most surprising things I saw when we got there, was that it
was so small. The walls, at
the highest, are only 12ft tall. Of course, over here in little old
England we are fed a diet of John Wayne
western classics, where the fort is a big wooden
structure with turrets etc. But, I suppose, when you're out in the
middle of Colorado in 1837, without your mechanical chainsaw, with
Indians a-whoopin' & a-hollerin' all around you, the quickest thing
to build is a wattle
& daub structure.

It is a very
interesting and photogenic place. Even a close-up view of a wattle
& daub wall looks a little intriguing. It's hard to believe that
something of this size was such an important trading place.
1835 fur-traders Louis Vasquez and Andrew
Sublett built the fort along the South Platte River for the Rocky
Mountain Fur Company with a license to trade with the Cheyenne and
Arapahoe Indians. The fort was stategically located between Fort
Larimie, to the north and Bent's Fort to the south, along the Trapper's
Trail. When the price and demand for beaver pelts declined the business
desolved in 1842 and was sold to the firm Locke and Randolph, who
abandoned it in 1842. It was partially rebuilt in 1935 -36, and
excavated properly by CSU students over 1968-70.
when in Rome - arse about with a digital camera, right? :)
So here I am tied to a post in the centre of the fort. You see, it
really isn't such a big place, is it?
And Sue got 'caught' in a turret thingy :)
During the week we were out the weather was glorious. Remember this was
the second week in February. Back in the UK we were freezing our arses
off. Out there in sunny Colorado it didn't rain, or snow all week,
(except for a little bit towards the end).The temps were in the upper
60's as far as I can remember, and it seemed even warmer when we went
up to...."other places" - Part 4!
although the sun shone down quite brightly virtually all week, and I
was never without my sunglasses - except in bed....and in the shower!
There was always ice & snow not more than a few feet away:
And that was just part of Monday 16th February 2004. We also went to
see some of Sue's friends that day as well - but more of that later.
Well, I'm glad you're sticking with us on this little adventure. Follow
the instructions below to decide what to do next :)
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This is a disclaimer. You have just read the Colorado Adventure February 2004 of
Paul & Sue. Nothing written here is
meant be be offensive. If you are offended - go join a bible group. No
offense to bible group members intended. (Good grief!). Copyright @ Dr
P Woodgnome 2004.