Your Blogging With Dr P... search result is below this annoucement. In April 2008 Blogging With Dr P... moved to Blog Bypass.
If you're using the Blog Studio Search Facility to find a link to a previous blog, then I've been very generous, and NOT included an automatic re-direct which would take you there.
So, what this means is you have to use this link: Blog Bypass to find more Blogging With Dr P....
Thank you to Blog Studio for all the help over years! :)
(Feb 2010 Update): Haloscan is no more. Therefore the comments on this blog are no more. Sad, but true. I'm not paying $12 a year for the occasional comment with Echo. Apologies to all those who have commented. I have saved them and may well stick them somewhere else at some point.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Moving Into 2007Yes, it will soon be 2007. Time for a review of 2006? Nah - not really, I can barely find time to get here and say "hello", let alone review what I've been doing the last 12 months! :O) Okay, it's been a bit hectic recently. I've discovered a brilliant "script". It's all about creating a niche store. Have a look over here at Cre8tive Stores. To give you an example of some of the stores I've created recently, take a butcher's hook at Xbox 360 Store, (and it's UK partner: Xbox 360 UK Store), also the Nintendo Wii Store and Nintendo Wii UK Store. And, just in case you thought it was all about just producing template type stores, here is the Laser Eye Surgery Facts Store, which was based on the design of my Laser Eye Surgery Facts website. Of course there is a Laser Eye Surgery Facts UK Store as well :O) I can't stress enough how important it is for you to go to Cre8tive Stores and have a read about how to make really easy money of the internet - I am :O) Oh yes - 2007, almost forgot..... it's in a few days time isn't it? :O) Have a Happy New Year folks!
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Monday, December 25, 2006
Bad Santa Ho ho ho Merry Christmas! :O) My mother bought me a video that had a sticker on it which said: "WARNING - Contains twisted humour of a sexually explicit nature! Well, it sure impressed me that the over 80's can wander into dvd stores and buy those "type" of videos, (for their sons for Christmas!?), without even batting an :) Actually, the video in question was Bad Santa with Billy Bob Thornton, (2003). It is one of the funniest films I've seen. Sue suggested to my mother to buy it :). Anyway, this is just a quick Christmas Day blog for the purpose of embarassing my mother :O) Merry Christmas everyone! Paul
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Saturday, December 23, 2006
Merry Christmas From LondonI know I've been away from here quite a lot recently. I've been over "working" at Cre8asite, and guesting at XSitePro, and my newly found program/forum: Build A Niche Store Forums. But I have been taking notice of Christmas whilst walking through London. I was walking through Leicester Square the other day, and there was a huge fair on. Here's one pic The Leicester Square Fair. And there were some hard working girls in there as well -:
And they were hard working away making huge swirls of candy floss for people to munch. Anyway, if you're looking for Wii Christmas presents, you might want to try my new Nintendo Wii Store - for all Wii games consoles, games and accessories. Okay, advertising over! :) Time to wish y'all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :) Paul
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