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Thank you to Blog Studio for all the help over years! :)
(Feb 2010 Update): Haloscan is no more. Therefore the comments on this blog are no more. Sad, but true. I'm not paying $12 a year for the occasional comment with Echo. Apologies to all those who have commented. I have saved them and may well stick them somewhere else at some point.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
More Free Valentine ScreensaversYes - there are now more FREE VALENTINE's SCREENSAVERS at FREE VALENTINE SCREENSAVERS 1! Just click on the FREE VALENTINE SCREENSAVERS 1 link to take you to more FREE VALENTINE SCREENSAVERS 1 Okay - you know I don't do any type of freebies like this usually, so I have made an effort here folks (!) So go take a look at more FREE VALENTINE SCREENSAVERS 1
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Monday, January 30, 2006
Free Valentine's ScreensaversYes - Free Valentine's Screensavers - to share with your loved one for Valentine's Day and forever - it you want to :) Now don't say I don't give you anything - they're Free Valentine's Screensavers - and free is good - now go and get your Free Valentine's Screensavers now!
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Chinese New Year, London, EnglandIt's true. Yesterday, Sunday was the start of the Chinese New Year celebrations. And for the next 15 days, (certainly in London), there will be lots of dragons roaming the streets - as opposed to the usual sharks and rats, around Chinatown/Soho and the Leicester Sqaure regions. I was working in London yesterday as well. I very nearly came quite close, (well underground at least), to the celebrations above ground. London Transport had decided to close the Circle Line from Liverpool St to Baker Street, i.e. the northern part of the Circle Line for "engineering works". So, effectively London had a Semi Circle Line yesterday. Thus, getting to Paddington meant taking: 1. The Circle Line from Tower Hill, (I arrive into London at Fenchurch St station), to Liverpool St.... 2. Changing onto the Central Line and going to Oxford Circus.... 3. Changing onto the Bakerloo Line to Paddington. Oh joy. And mixed with all those bloody tourists, it made the journey a little more entertaining to see their balls of string run out as they had to take an extended route further away from their hotels than they had normally done, or anticipated. The most humourus part of the day when was Chinese guy stopped me in Oxford St and asked me where Chinatown was. I couldn't decide whether he was just being incredibley inscrutable in some bizarre manner - or he was, indeed, genuinely lost :)
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Shaving Mens LegsWhere to begin, right? Well, the old swollen feet issue took another interesting turn the other night. Basically, what's been going on is that my hairy legs have been getting really itchy beneath the elasticated bandages - so much so that it turns into a mass scratching session when I take them off in an evening. Anway, it got to a stage the other night, whilst staying away in a hotel near Bournemouth Airport, that I thought - "Sod this! Lets shave me legs!" So.... I ended up shaving the lower parts of my legs - where the bandages would go. And, amazingly enough I came across all those problems that happen when women shave their legs: 1. Yes - I cut my ankle at the back. (I often wondered how this could be done as you are shaving a realtively flat piece of leg. 2. Yes - it does sting when you cut your leg. I think, most embarassingly, that the worst part of the whole event was the state I left the hotel bathroom in - it looked like a rock n' roll Shaving Fest! I mean, I was resting my leg on the toilet seat, (figuring that was the best way to be able to reach around the back of my leg easily), and I ended up covering the toilet seat with excess shaving foam - and blood which had ran down my ankle! But worst of all was the state of the sink! I think they would have to have called Dynorod to get rid of the tonne of hair which was clogging up the drain! Blargh! Quite frankly the whole bathroom looked like I'd been dissecting kidneys from unsuspecting hotel staff I'd lured into the room. Not a pretty sight :) So, apologies to the hotel, (can't name it for legal reasons!), but "hello" non-scratchy/smoothie legs :) p.s. look up in my Best Of... for previous blogs on Shaving Mens Bits - it does become a recurring topic here! :)
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
Swollen Feet - The Final Conflict?Okay - Swollen Feet Part Trois and Swollen Feet - The Second Instalment - the saga continues. I finally got the results of the x-rays on my ankle. Not a sign of arthritis anywhere, thank God. And my doctor, quite frankly, has no clue as to what is going on. In his own words - "Come back and see me in three months time, and we'll see how it if then." What the hell do we expect to happen doc - some kind of divine foot miracle?! Useless tosser. Anywhere, I spoke to my sisiter-in-law, Helen, who was a nurse for many, years - and she diagnosed the problem straight away, and suggested a course of treatment. It's all to do with the Lymphatic Sysytem, whose three principal functions are to: 1. Collect and return interstitial fluid, including plasma protein to the blood, and thus help maintain fluid balance, 2. Defend the body against disease by producing lymphocytes, 3. Absorb lipids from the intestine and transport them to the blood. I beleive I'm failing at point number one. I am probably suffering from Secondary Lymphoedema which is caused by obstructions in the lymphatic drainage system, this may be due to, (of several things), lack of movement - muscular contractions are required to help pump the lymph through the vessels. Lack of movement allows the lymph to pool, particularly in the legs. Now if you remember - this all kicked off back in June last year when I suddenly increased my driving, from the job that I was doing, to the job that I went to do in PCWorld. It all makes sense now. Treatment. Elasticated bangdages up to my knees - which basically "pushes" fluid back up yout legs. (Helen warned me that it does make you go to the loo more. I also asked her where all the fluid goes, and she said it eventually makes it's way back to your bowels - and she was right!). The other main treatment is to sit with your legs up the wall for about 20 mins a day - literally to allow the fluid to drain down. Results so far? Well the elasticated bandages are a bloody miracle! My feet and ankles are not swollen at all - and they didn't even ache at all yesterday - they felt great - for the first time in a long time. True I could piss for Britain in the Olympics in the "Secondary Lymphoedema Elasicated Bandage Bowel Movement Sprint" - but I'm sure, (hopefully), that this will pass - if you'll pardon the pun :) If you want to know more about Secondary Lymphoedema that go to here:Better Health Channel - it's Australian, but we shan't hold that against them! Anyway, I hope you'll doing well. Sorry for not being around as often as I'd like to be. My working, offline days are a bit long, and then when I come in, I try to do some online work to try to expand by vast internet earnings. The newest website is Plastic Surgery Notes - plastic and cosmetic surgery news, reviews, blog and finally a directory of plastic surgery centres - when I can get around to doing it. Be good and enjoy life - with, or without elasticated bandages! :)
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
Hostess WarningHere is a genuine notice issued by the Metropolitan Police of Greater London, England and the City of Westminister, London, England. This is no joke:
And that's a fact! So, if you find yourself in central London, and not sure whether the hooker you've just picked is just street walking, or a Hostess - best get one of these useful Govt issue information leaflets to help you out! :)
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Sunday, January 08, 2006
Google VideoIn a bid for international stardom, I jumped on an internet bandwagon back in April of last year, and loaded up a video of myself into the new Google Video. Well, it took so long to sort out, that I completely forgot about it. However, this evening I came across Google Video again - and decided to do a search for myself - and lo! here I am:
And to see a very mismatched sound and picture 9 second video of me - take a look at the real me here: Paul On His Google Video Debut - what a star eh? :)
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Saturday, January 07, 2006
New Jersey New Year 2006And so it was a bit of a sad ending to 2005. Sue's grandma died suddenly. The funeral was in New Jersey, USA. So, without further ado we hopped on an American Airlines flight. This did not fly us direct to Newark, but went via Rayleigh/Durham, North Carolina... The best thing I can say about the airport is that it serves a good root beer float in the A&W - but that's about it. It's not a great place to spend 4 hours after an 8 hout flight from London, whilst waiting to travel further up the country. Incidentally, the American Eagle connecting flight had only 13 rows, one stewardess, one toilet - and stood on the runway for an hour(!), before it finally took off. Nice. The funeral was "nice" - as "nice" as a funeral can be. All that you would expect from a popular old ladies' family. It was very well done. Even the fact that the minister - some guy in sports slacks and a shirt and tie, (nothing like the Catholic church at all! ;) ), seemed to veer away into a bit of bible bashing at one point before he finally got back to the whole point of him being there. But even he made the whole day as less as stressful as possible. Naturally while we there I had my camera with me....
This is a lake just on the way out of Sussex, New Jersey where we were. It's a good old town, not very big. Est. population in July 2004: 2,186. Ancestries: Irish (20.4%), Italian (17.5%), German (16.0%), English (13.6%), United States (6.8%), Dutch (6.3%). And here...
Were some mailboxes on an old dilapidated building which, at some point in the past contained the junk mail, bills, love letters, final demands, newspapers, draft papers, divorce papers(!), pay cheques, etc etc of all the Irish, Italian, German, English, American and Dutch folk - and their ancestors(!) who may have lived there. The trip was quite exhausting. It's now the first weekned after we are back - and time to chill out for a bit. So, this is 2006, eh? Looks a bit dusty around this weblog, don't it? Time for a few changes later in the year. I hope you're all doing well. Now it's time to catch up on all the TV we recorded! :) p.s. If you're ever in Sussex - check out Just Desserts Cafe on 49, Main Street. Sussex, New Jersey. Amongst other things they serve espresso, cappuccino, lattes - all freshly roasted coffee beans - it's a very nice relaxing atmosphere. (There, advertisement ended! :) )
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