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If you're using the Blog Studio Search Facility to find a link to a previous blog, then I've been very generous, and NOT included an automatic re-direct which would take you there.
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Thank you to Blog Studio for all the help over years! :)
(Feb 2010 Update): Haloscan is no more. Therefore the comments on this blog are no more. Sad, but true. I'm not paying $12 a year for the occasional comment with Echo. Apologies to all those who have commented. I have saved them and may well stick them somewhere else at some point.
Saturday, July 31, 2004
Newmarket 2004 Okay, so once a year, meslef, me bothers and friends get together for a Games Weekend, where we drink, play snooker, go bowling, play cards, drink some more :). It's a good time. This year it happened last weekend. This year I also brought my digital camera with me. There was plenty of this:
But if you want the full flavour of the weekend - go here: Newmarket 2004. I make no excuses for the size of the photos once you've clicked on the thumbnails. (This was not designed for the non-broadband viewer in mind). However, you can click on the big picture once it's loaded, and it will shrink to the size of your browser window. Neat, eh? Enjoy :)
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Thursday, July 29, 2004
Rock N' Roll Skies With "Red Hot Chilli Pepper" Cows Inspired by the hot English evening summer sun, (a descriptive term you don't hear that much), I felt I had to put fingers to keyboard to rely the feeling of driving home last night. I'd been to see my osteopath, Andrew. A good bloke. A man who can dish out pain under the guise of "medical treatment" - and then still make you pay for it. But he does a great job in keeping my neck/arms in somewhat better condition than if I'd left them to creak & groan by themesleves like two sails on an abandoned windmill. And there' a nice drive along country lanes back from his place. So there I was. Just me.The evening summer sun. Open road. "Top down on the old jalopy". Actually, it's a Vauxhall Astra without a sunroof, but I still had the windows open and the air-con on. (Is this true - u can still happily blow cold air through the air-con AND have the windows open?). With the radio blasting away to the sound of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and the wind thrashing over the top of my newly cut hair - an ultimate No.1 cut - with no place for me to be accepted into society with a hair cut like that, except at the Marines Recruitment Centre. It was great. "Life on the open road". Not a care in the world. Then I had to slow down behind some slow moving agricultural vehicle. Off to my left was a field full of cows, ruminating their way along the edges where the fresher, longer grass was. They looked up as I came parallel with them. They conversed with each other briefly in "cow talk", and then resumed munching. They were Red Hot Chilli Pepper fans. I knew it.
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Unaccustomed As I Am To Public Speaking... I just thought I'd drop my and say 'hello' :) It is dreadfully bad of me not to keep up the scrawling on the internet wall here. But, "needs must" as the Devil do-da's etc (?). To keep y'all up-to-date with recent events here in little old England... Work still is trawling it's way through an implementation programme for a new stock/sales system for the company, which requires us to audit all the stores on the 'old' system, and then on the 'new' one. However, as this is being done geographically - it means a lot of moving around the country for a lot of people, (although I'm not doing much of that, just managing a team of people who are). It is - tiring. So that's work. "School" on the "web design" front is slowly chugging along as well. There is an awful amount to take-in & learn. But it is quite a rewarding experience when I can go to some of these internet forums and answer some of the queries & problems that other people have, or I can review someone's website from a design point of view. Outside of all of the stuff mentioned above - IT IS SUMMER IN ENGLAND! :) It happened last weekend for those who missed it. Some more of summer was scheduled for this week, and there ought to be the usual few days in September as well. And that's the meteorological (? - spelling?) news from your South Of England correspondant. I spent last weekend up in Newmarket - yes, I took LOTS which may be making their way up onto the internet soon. And speaking of things "internety" - I may re-install the webcam linky thing on the side of the page somewhere, as I've just rediscovered some software I've got, and found that it works! HURRAH! So, watch out for that - quite literally, in the future. Apologies all round once again for not being so internetedly socialble (? -spelling?) at the moment. As Mick Jagger once said: "Time is on my side" - except it isn't - so that was probably a crap quote, but what the Hell, I'm sure Mick has ben quite unaware of the passage of time at some points in his rock music career, and was unable to do anything about it. Indeed, I've been to some parties like that myself :). Well folks, that's all I've got time for at the moment. Remember - keep on talking with each other, it makes the world a nicer place when we chat :)
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
On the last train out of London at midnight after an evening of fixing my brother's PC. Why am I the only SOBER one onboard? ;-)
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
That Hussy Barbie! Remember this? Well, it didn't take her long to recover from the split up with Ken. Now she has herself hooked up with some Aussie surf guy called Blaine... It'll never last :) p.s. I'm just taking a beak from studies, and discovering I've got some kind of cold/chest infection due to the fantastically, (new word?), changeable weather here in England. And conversely, I phoned my friend Paul in California last night and he told me that if you see 80 degrees on the weather chart for Los Angeles - you can add a further 20 degrees for himself over in the San Fernando Valley - ouch that's hot! :)
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Thursday, July 08, 2004
"Paul calling Earth. Come In Earth...." Yes it's my VOICE ! I've tried experimenting with audio blogging. This was done today from my mobile phone whilst working in South West London. Work. That's the main reason I'm not here at the moment. Even the Macromedia self-education is taking a bit of a slide. (It's a tough old world, eh?) Anyway - yes - this was my voice also - the first attempt done at home the other day. I could get used to this, y'know! So tell me - do I sound the way I look? :)
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