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(Feb 2010 Update): Haloscan is no more. Therefore the comments on this blog are no more. Sad, but true. I'm not paying $12 a year for the occasional comment with Echo. Apologies to all those who have commented. I have saved them and may well stick them somewhere else at some point.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
You Know The Chilli Was Hot.... When you have Gaviscon for dessert........;)
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
How Does Kylie Minogue Wash Her Arse? Yes - I know it seems a bit of an odd question, but whilst I was in the shower this morning, (this being a vacation day - not a work day - and therefore my mind is left to wander to ponder on the most important things in life ;) ), I considered the various ways to wash one's arse: The "Traditional" Arse Washing Method 1. Right hand - right cheek; left hand - left cheek. 2. Large flannel/scunchy wire ball thing - the bit in the middle! More "Modern" Arse Washing Method 1. Detach the shower hose/pipe from the wall - and water-blast your arse to buggery! Or a combo of both methods - hands for the cheeks - and water-blasting the bit in the middle. So, how do you wash your arse? Once I have a concensus of methods and a sliding scale(!) of percentage of use, I shall go and ask Kylie how she washes her arse - and all the results will be published here :)
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Friday, July 22, 2005
"Smoking Spock" Caption Competition In continuing the Star Trek theme this week, I came across this little phohographic beauty the other day... "Fascinating..."
Yes - it's SPOCK - smoking on the set of Star Trek. Naturally, one cannot pass on a picture like this, and not invite a Caption Competition. So, the entries so far include: Paul W: The Captain has now turned off the non-smoking sign Bernie: Wow! Far outer spaced man Dom: Captain, the Dilithium Crystals, theyɖe vanished !! Dom 2: TPau to Spock, come in , Spock ! Dom 3: Letɓ try the original Mind Meld Ged: OK here it is - "CAPTAINSSSSSSS.....LOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" !!! Adrian: Now if I can just remember the Vulcan mind probe. Chis: Mmmmmmmm..............the purple, purple grass of home! Stephan: Ahh Nicotine.....Its life Jim but not as we know it. Maureen: If Scotty won't beam me up then I will have to get high by myself.....ahhh Paul Fin: Captain, according to my readings this is Class A skank ! So, as you can see there is quite a selection there so far. If you would like to contribute a caption to this competition - please add it to the comments section to the bottom right of this blog posting. What will be the prize for this Smoking Spock caption competition? God knows! Suggestions for that would be useful as well! :) (Edit) Late entry from Tom: Sceam me up Botty! Nice one :)(/edit)
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
He Couldn't Change The Laws of Physics... Poor old Scotty, actor James Doohan died today. Beamed up to that great Enterprise in the sky...
James Doohan, the burly chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise in the original ``Star Trek'' TV series and movies who responded to the command ``Beam me up, Scotty,'' died Wednesday. He was 85. Doohan died at 5:30 a.m. at his Redmond, Wash., home with his wife of 28 years, Wende, at his side, Los Angeles agent and longtime friend Steve Stevens said. The cause of death was pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease, he said. (The rest of the news story is here). Poor old Scotty. What a great guy. Where would we be today without such a phrases as: I canna change the laws of physics captain!. Oh yes - Kirk's catch phrase 'Beam me up Scotty' was never said in the real-life series, it came from the cartoon series that followed in the 70's. So - dig out those old videos, get those newly digitised episodes of Star Trek on DVD - and go and watch a good few episodes of the world's most favourite science fiction programme - Star Trek And if you want to have a good old sing-a-long then turn up the volume for a great original rendition of Star Trekking by the Spitting Image crew!
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Friday, July 15, 2005
London Bomb Travel Update Following the terrorist attacks of last Thursday 7th July, The London Underground,(the Tube)London Transport, and The Mayor Of London, have issued an update to the travel situation in London... "Tube Services are now running on most lines, although you may experience some delays. Due to the nature of the incidents, the following lines are still affected: Circle Line: There will be no service between Moorgate and Aldgate. Hammersmith & City Line: There will be no service between Paddington and Barking. King's Cross St. Pancras Station: King's Cross St. Pancras is open for the Metropolitan Line only with no interchange to the other lines. As Euston will be busier than normal, especially in the morning peak, you may wish to change at Warren Street. Piccadilly Line: No serice between Hyde Park Corner and Arnos Grove, or Uxbridge and Rayners Lane. Replacement Bus Services are operating in both directions until further notice: Route A - Arnos Grove - Finchley Central, (Northern Line). Route B - Bounds Green - Wood Green - Turnpike Lane - Seven Sisters (Victoria Line & National Rail) We will also increase the frequency of the 91 bus between the NAg's Head in Holloway and Euston Station. District Line: No serice between High Street Kensington and Edgware Road. During this time we appreciate your patience and vigilance. Please be aware that we are working to restore suspended services to full, safe operation as quickly as possible. Before you travel yo may wish to visit our website for up to date information as to when these services will resume. " I picked up this information brochure whilst I was in London today - it was being handed out at every London Underground station. I scanned in the document, so for a full review of the statement please go to London Transport Major Incident Update, and for a newly updated London Underground tube map please go to London Underground Updated Tube Map. Please note that the Circle Line, normally a pretty yellow colour, is now greyed out, as there is no service on the Circle Line at the moment. London was pretty much as normal today - ouside of the actual areas effected by the bomb blasts. Tourists were - well, they were there which was the first thing. Around Tower Hill tube station there were still crowds of folks getting that across the road camera shot of the Tower of London behind them. Down on The Strand life was trolling along as usual. The homeless were selling the Big Issue, buskers were busking, and office workers were sweating like pigs after leaving their air-conditioned buildings to go and get a bottle of cold Evian and a Weight Watcher's, (or something equivalent), sandwich from Boots. All was - as it should be. The aftermath of the bombings is still a very painfull thing here, but it will not break the spirit of the English people - or the City of London.
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How Smart Is Your Right Foot? I found this little trick on a web forum: How Smart is Your Right Foot? This will boggle your mind. And you will keep trying at least 50 more times to see if you can outsmart your foot, but you can't. 1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. 2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction! So I answered.... My right foot has been swollen up for the last three weeks! I've had blood tests etc - with no results. Finally, the doctor put me on "blood thinning" tablets incase I had a brken blood clot flying around my leg somewhere.... But I wasn't happy with that, so I went to one of these "herbalist" shops for a natural remedy - and walked out with a bottle of Celery Seed tablets - one to be taken three times a day with food - to reduce "water swelling". Well, what with wearing an elastic bandage, taking one a day blood thinning tablets, three times a day celery seed tablets - and intially trying ice pack compresses - today is only the third day I've been able to wear shoes - the last three weeks I've been looking like the "English Tourist On Vacation" - in socks and sandals. So - to summarize - "How Smart Is My Right Foot"? - real SWELL ;)
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Elvis Presley Died At 42 Years Old I just finishing watching a documentary about Elvis Presley - done by Priscilla and the Presley family. It was very good. There were a lot of home movies and insights into the real Elvis that made you sit up and think a bit more about the legend himself. But the worst fact of all was that Elvis Presley Died At 42 Years Old. I mean, that bloated, over weight sad sack of shit slurring his way through songs in a sweaty skin tight sequined sheath-of-suit - died when he was only 42 years old What a waste. I'm 42 now. I'm no Elvis Presley - even my humming socks are out of tune! But to waste your life - as he did towards the end of it - never. I've got too much to do still. And the one other statistic, (out of all the stats that came out of the Live 8 gig), is this one - the combined ages of Pink Floyd is 240 years old. Happy Birthday to whoever's birthday it is today. And please pass my kind regards onto anyone whose birthday you know it is today as well. :)
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Saturday, July 09, 2005
Google Adsense Top Paying Keywords - Making Money Off The Internet Would you like to make a fortune off the internet? Want to know which keywords & phrases you need to use to ensure a maximum return of revenue in the Google Adsense programme? Then look no further than Google Adsense Top Paying Keywords. It has ALL the top paying keywords for Google Adsense - and in alphabetical order. The most important part about the Google Adsense Top Paying Keywords list, is that it is FREE! This Google Adsense Top Paying Keywords list has been sold all over the internet from as little as $8 to $499! It's a long story, but basically I thought I'd share my good fortune with y'all. It's all about Google Adsense - and how you can use it to earn review off the internet by receiving a lovely cheque from Google every month! Okay, it's not as easy as that.... Take for example my Lasik Laser Eye Surgery "website". I say "website" - it's actually about 7 or 8 pages within the Blog Studio where I have my weblog. I have just produced the Australian Laser Eye Surgery Clinic Review. This, along with the other pages there have encoded into them Google Adsense javascript. What this will do will produce adverts, (pais for by advertisers with Google), based on the content of the pages - in this case, adverts about laser eye surgery. When people come to read the pages - they clcik on the adverts - and a fraction of the revenue that goes to the advertiser - also goes to me! The Google Adsense Top Paying Keywords website is just my way of sharing my good fortune by allowing you access to a list of Top Paying Keywords that could allow you to build websites which could result in you raking in a tidy sum from Google each month. Enjoy the Google Adsense Top Paying Keywords :)
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Thursday, July 07, 2005
December 10th 1992 I was about 30ft away from an IRA bomb that went off in a trash can outside WH Smiths in the Shopping City Mall, Wood Green, North London. The whole of London had been on a heightened alert. The IRA was having a bombing campaign on the mainland. We got one minute's warning from the police. 60 seconds to clear the store of customer's and staff. I'd never ran so fast and shouted so much in my life. We'd just got out of the glass doors and were locking them when - WHOOMPH!! - the bomb went off behind us. We could feel the shockwave of air... it made you want to duck & cover - in some futile attempt to protect yourself against something that had already happened. There was a cold fear surrounding us in those first few seconds. I turned to see one policeman dragging a colleague down the centre of the road whose face and hands were ripped to pieces by broken glass. Myself and the store manager snapped into action and turned and ran down the road - away from all the screaming, shouting, alarm bells and smoke behind us. The police had roped off the main road at one point. I was on the only payphone that was working - telling one of the directors at head office that " ....we'd closed the store because of a bo...." - then the second bomb went off! - somewhere further up the road. It was like a "dark evil" was covering the land - a menace that was going to keep on tormenting you. It was - momentarily - TERRIFYING. The crowd sceamed and scattered once more. The police sheparded hundreds of distraught shoppers up Wood Green High Road - and put the cordon across the top by Turnpike Lane tube station. And there it stayed until about 4pm that day. Finally, once the barriers had been raised, everybody, (of those that were still around), crept cautiously back down the High Road. Shop manager's and assistants nervously chattering away etc etc. It was very, very surreal. You think - "Terrorism? It'll never happen to me"......
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Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Gloat? Moi? :)

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Monday, July 04, 2005
Happy 4th of July! Click like a mad thing at the Statue of Liberty fireworks display to see lots of pretty colours and bangs :)
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Saturday, July 02, 2005
Vampires Get All The Good Lines Believe in me, in my words, in what I have said and what has been written down. I am here, still, the hero of my own dreams, and let me please keep my place in yours - vampires, eh? They get all the good lines. That said by the one and only Lestat de Lioncourt, Memnoch the Devil. Are you the hero of your own dreams? I suppose it could be fair to say that whilst day-dreaming - tootling around the ever popular M25 - that I am the hero of my own dreams. Lets be honest - nobody is going to argue with me and win once I'm behind the wheel of that car! And conversely, one would like to imagine, that the person I have vanquished in the great fight of good v evil - or "GET OUT OF MY WAY ASS MUNCH! IF YOU WANT TO DRIVE THAT SLOWLY - TAKE UP WALKING!" type of scenario, their dream will be one of licking their wounds and in some pseudo-magical way be thinking of an ant-hero's way to get me back, (overtake me at the next bend!), so that they become the hero of their own dreams. But what about "...and let me please keep my place in yours"? How do you maintain your position as being the hero in someone else's dreams? (I think the motorway scenario will have to be abandoned here!) Most of us, (excluding vampires it would seem), would have a hard time getting into someone else's dreams as their hero anyway. When was the last time anybody said to you - "I had a dream about you last night - you were my hero"? Okay, it's a rhetorical question - the chances are it has never happened. So, this weekend - make an effort to Be someone's hero. Do something special for someone, or some group of people. Go out of your way to show the world that you are still here and you are...."...still the hero of my own dreams", - and you want to be a hero in theirs. p.s. NO neck biting, heavy petting or "parking" allowed! :)
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