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(Feb 2010 Update): Haloscan is no more. Therefore the comments on this blog are no more. Sad, but true. I'm not paying $12 a year for the occasional comment with Echo. Apologies to all those who have commented. I have saved them and may well stick them somewhere else at some point.
Monday, July 24, 2006
How Convenient!How very convenient! Just when you get caught short in the middle of London......
A row of urinals leant up against a wall. Now you can't get more convenient than that, can you? ;)
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Sunday, July 23, 2006
Cafe PacificoIs a very nice Mexican restaurant in Covent Garden. As the following photo shows it is a lively place - with Sue's head hiding behind the menu! :O)....
The Cafe Pacifico is situated at 5 Langley Street, Covent Garden, and is just across the street from the Covent Garden Tube Station, (go past Marks and Spencers and take a right turn into Langley Street). We've been there several times. Service is good. Food is great - and so is the beer! :O)
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
Escalator Clipboard ManSo, there we were in Lakeside Shopping Centre yesterday. We'd done a full few hours t-shirt and shorts shopping for Newmarket - which is happening again, as it always does, at the last weekend of July each year. Then, we managed to find ourselves in Starbucks, which lead to having a tall cup of hot chocolate and a toasted panini. Hmmmmm - yummy :) Anyway, whilst traversing our way down the south west face of the mall towards the bus station end of the centre - we rested a while on a craggy ledge - cleverly disguised as a leather sofa! And Lo! (Biblical expletive...!) And Lo!.......... There I spied through the hail and mist of the surrounding snow storm.... okay - there was no snow storm, but...... there I spied a man walking backwards down an escalator..... Of course we're in Essex, so had this been some spotty bedraggled youth decked out in an ill-fitting tracksuit, with the hood up over his baseball cap, mouthing some incomprehensible gibberish to his equally retarded hoodie friends lurching down the escalator with him and catching their scraping knuckles in the moving staircase - then I wouldn't have batted an eyelid. But it wasn't. It was a man with a clipboard, who bore all the hallmark features of a man with a clipboard: 1. A stout upright citizen of impeccable virtue. 2. A Noble prize winner in the field of Looking Clever In Public. 3. A knob. What attracted my attention to him first, was when in drifted into my field of vision from top left.... diagonally down to.... bottom right - he was travelling backwards on the escalator looking up. The following words left my lips to Sue: "What's he doing, the knob? Ah, he must be someone official - he's got a clipboard. See how he's trying to make out that he's really clever by looking at everything to do with the escalator?" After a while, watching him right little notes on his clipboard about escalatory type "stuff, he stopped and stared at the escalator for a long while. I think he was counting the steps, and then suddenly stopped. I beleive the thought process inside his head went something like this: "533, 534, 535 - hey, wait a minute, haven't I seen that one before?" ....... ;)
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
The Wind That Shakes The BarleyJust do not go there. Please. Here is the official The Wind That Shakes The Barley website. It's got lots of pics etc etc. This movie won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. And God only knows why?! Here is what is wrong with the movie: 1. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long - just about 2 hrs-ish. 2. It's got the elements of a movie - a hero, a girl, an overall story, the hero's "inner motivation" and "outer motivation", (scripwriters will know what I mean). It also has a "beginning" and an "end" - by virue of the fact that the titles roll, but it really has no "middle". The Wind That Shakes The Barley is a bit of a "ramble". 3. You have to have prior knowledge of the Irish history of the time to understand what is going on. (I do). But the 99% of the people wathcing this movie will be lost as to why certain things are done and said. for example the movie options with a scene that is captioned "Ireland 1920". Now as a date by itself it's pretty insignificant. But, if you know anything about Irish history, you'll know that 1920 is four years after the Easter Uprising 1916. This piece of knowledge then helps you to understand what happens in the opening scenes. Without that piece of knowledge it might be argued that the opening scenes then draw the viewer in to want to know more about what had just happened. But I just think it added to confusion in understanding just exactly what was going on. 4. The Wind That Shakes The Barley uses historical events. Some of the scenes, (attacks etc), I researched myself many years ago when I was about to wrote a screenplay on the very subject. And some of them seemed quite "accurate". But accuracy of the event is fine, if you understand the bigger picture of what was going on. I don't think De Valera was mentioned once. And I think Michael Collins may have got one mention. The whole movie revolved around "little events" which were barely contacted to the "big picture". I know this wasn't a movie about the history of Ireland. But, you can't do a movie on this subject without going into it in a bit more detail than they did. In short, The Wind That Shakes The Barley is a bit of a long yawn. I was very disappointed in it. It was neither a "good movie", nor was it properly "placed/balanced" historically. My advice is wait until it comes out on DVD, or even on TV in a million years time. You won't miss much if you don't go to see The Wind That Shakes The Barley.
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
What I did on my summer holiday By Theo Walcott Esq. I went to a place called Germany with my Uncle Sven and some other grown ups. It is a country in Europe where a bad man called Adolf used to live with his nazties, he does not live there anymore. Uncle Owen does live there and the grown ups say I cant talk about the bad man as it will make Uncle Owen cry if I do. In Germany there are lots of castles and some mountains. We are staying in a place called Baden Baden that's a silly name. Uncle Frank has the same name as his dad, that's silly too. His mum must get their underpants mixed up all the time. On the aeroplane Uncle Sol sat next to me, he got me some toffee and wants to be my friend. He works at the place where I do my YTS, so does Uncle Freddy but him and Uncle Sol are not best friends anymore. Uncle Owen met us at the airport, he talks foreign. Uncle Wayne, Uncle Steven and Uncle David also talk funny, my mum says Uncle David talks like Orville, he is a duck. Uncle Sol says uncle David wears dresses and knickers and asked me if I had ever worn them. Uncle Sol got me some pop. In Germany the grown ups are going to play football, my granddad says we beat them in the olden days before my mum was born. That is a long time ago. While the grown ups went to play football so I went shopping with Auntie Vicky and some other girls she bought me a big ice cream and got herself a little one but she said she was full before she had eaten any and threw it away. She bought lots of shoes and handbags and let me play with Brooklyn. She say's she used to be in a pop band and sang me one of her songs, I think she was telling fibs. I told Uncle Sol about my day out with Vicky and he sulked, then he bought me an even bigger ice cream with lots of hundred's & thousands on it. All the other grown ups have a girlfriend except Uncle Sol so he plays with me while they go out. Uncle Sven says I must keep Uncle Sol happy, that's why I got taken on holiday. The grown up's went to play Football against somebody called Sweden, Uncle Sol was crying as Uncle Freddy played for them and would not talk to him. Uncle Sol bought me lots of toffee today and some crisps. Uncle Sven is from Sweden and I heard him on the phone to their boss last night. Uncle Michael hurt his knee and had to go home to his mum for a plaster. Uncle Peter is a giant, a proper giant like you see in books; he is rubbish at football though. Uncle Wayne had a sore toe at the start of out holiday but it got better so they let him play football. Uncle Sol got me a present but I do not like it. He says all Germans wear leather underpants and I should while we are here. They are too tight for me. All the grown ups started to call Uncle Wayne a potato head who stood on somebody's spuds and the referee shouted at him. They are all saying that we have to go home now. Uncle Sol was crying again and I had to sit on his knee to make him stop. I think he had his mobile phone in his pocket. I did enjoy my holiday, and they say if I am a good boy for the next four years, they may take me again.
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
J-POPYes, J-POP. To be precise: Utada Hikaru. I came across j-pop a few years ago. It is a phenomenally huge form/art/evolution of music in Japan and Asia. And Ms Hikaru is one of it's exponents who has managed to bridge the gap to North America - and export her talents to the "west". Because I have a new Sony W800i walkman phone, I am experimenting with playing as many type of MP3 on it as I traverse my way across London during the day. I have to say listening to that 1977 Belgian punk Plastic Bertrand's one and only UK hit Ca Pleine Pour Moi while travelling on the tube, is quite amusing! :O)
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Sunday, July 09, 2006
Zidane Head ButtZinedine Zidane lost France the World Cup soccer final with this Head Butt. Yes, that link will take you to the Zinedane Zidane head butt which lost him all respct in his final soccer game before retirement - and lost France the World Cup. Here is a link to the Zinedine Zidane Head Butt. What a loser......
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Hitch Hike To France 1983It was Donna's link over in a Cre8asite Forum post that prompted me - rather hurriedly(!) - to go and re-visit the Hitch Hike To France 1983, more commonly known as The Fab Four's French Frolic. Basically, the page looked awful, (out-of-date links etc etc), so it needed some TLC. And with a wave of my magic wand, and a few hours of manic affliate advertising adding (!), the page now looks a whole lot better than it used to do. It was the 19th July 1983 when the four of us set foot on the Dover - Calais ferry.... read all about it at the: Hitch Hike To France 1983
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Friday, July 07, 2006
Hot FalafelIf you've ever wondered what goes into those delicious, mouth-watering kebabs you devour between the hours of 1am and 2.30am when staggering back from a night out on the piss...
Yes, I snapped this earlier today on Oxford Street, London, England. There, perched above the hot meat spit.... were two more candidates just waiting to be roasted! There - that makes you feel a whole lot safer about eating your next kebab don't it? ;O)
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Saturday, July 01, 2006
The Flyer WallPaul Dixon is a very inventive kind of guy. Over at The Flyer Wall he has a new take on an old form of advertising - sticking flyers on walls. There, his intention is to promote sites he personally likes and to offer advertising space for the chosen few who manage to get onto The Flyer Wall.
As you can see, I have a lovely, (illuminated)"eye" on The Flyer Wall, which links to my Laser Eye Surgery Facts website. With his unique artistic style, Paul recreates flyer style ads and posts them on his digital wall. The result is one of the coolest digital advertising pages ever conceived. Laser Eye Surgery Facts had the pleasure of having a flyer designed and posted on The Flyer Wall. And I couldn't be happier with his design :O)
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