Your Blogging With Dr P... search result is below this annoucement. In April 2008 Blogging With Dr P... moved to Blog Bypass.
If you're using the Blog Studio Search Facility to find a link to a previous blog, then I've been very generous, and NOT included an automatic re-direct which would take you there.
So, what this means is you have to use this link: Blog Bypass to find more Blogging With Dr P....
Thank you to Blog Studio for all the help over years! :)
(Feb 2010 Update): Haloscan is no more. Therefore the comments on this blog are no more. Sad, but true. I'm not paying $12 a year for the occasional comment with Echo. Apologies to all those who have commented. I have saved them and may well stick them somewhere else at some point.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It's My Birthday!Yes, on this day in history, little old me arrived on the Earth. But what year was it? Lets play a little quiz, shall we? Okay, these few clues should definitely be able to tell you what year I was born in: 1. The Roman Catholic church had a new pope ordained............. 2. The USA had a President assassinated a mere 8 months after I was born.... And if you haven't worked the year out yet... here is the clincher clue...... 3. I was born in the year which was three years before England won the soccer World Cup! There, you should have guessed it by now, or you're so old yourself that your own old grey matter has collapsed under the strain of TV soap operas and fizzy drinks, or something! ;O) Anyway, its HURRAH for me! I got a text from me mummy who's in Australia at the moment, on the way to New Zealand to see my bro Ged. And I got an e-card from Ged :O) At the moment I'm staying away on business up in a place called Market Harborough, (in Leciestershire I think), a quaint old market town where all the restaurants close on Monday evenings,(?!) Well, I have a few cards to open later on today from Sue and Dom & Chris - but it's time to get off to work now. See y'all later - and remember to put your guesses for the year I was born in the commnety thing below
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Sunday, March 09, 2008
Cowboy Breakfast Or, more accurately - a matching cow crockery breakfast -
Yes - this is what I usually have for breakfast. Cute, eh? ;O)
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Saturday, March 01, 2008
Mother's DayWhy is Mother's Day on the 11th May in the USA, and on March 2nd in the UK this year? And why are they always on different days/months every year?
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