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(Feb 2010 Update): Haloscan is no more. Therefore the comments on this blog are no more. Sad, but true. I'm not paying $12 a year for the occasional comment with Echo. Apologies to all those who have commented. I have saved them and may well stick them somewhere else at some point.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Duran Duran Birmingham May 2005 Just got back from seeing Duran Duran in Birmingham last night - marvelllous entertainment! If you thought Mr Le Bon and Co. were a talentless bunch of miming, non-musical wasters back in the 80's, (or perhaps not!), - then things have radically improved. It was a superb performance - not just for them, but for a live gig in general. The weather was perfect, the sound system was brilliant, the large screens & backing videos were outstanding. And for "...all you cockneys in the crowd..." - they did a brilliant version of "Come Up And See Me Make Me Smile" (Steve Harley & Cockney Rebe) - that was excellent. Simon Le Bon Back In The 1980's
And the music? Was classic stuff from the "Girls On Film", "Planet Earth" right up to more modern stuff off their Astronaut album. They were supported by Daniel Benningfield who was a complete tosser. I didn't understand what he was doing there? At least he didn't get the benefit of the large screens & backing videos - you just had to squint and stare across the pitch at the squeaking little banshee on stage! The main part finished with "Wild Boys" - which was superb. The encore was "Rio" with a "band intro" talky/singy thing - quite good. Duran Duran are playing Earls Court on December 21st - I highly recommend you go and see them!
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Friday, May 27, 2005
When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth - Fuck Me It's Hot! 32 FUCKING DEGREES!!! - not since Albert Tatlock were knee high to a chip butty has it been this hot around here. Even when dinosaurs did rule the earth - they had air con in their caves for days like this. I have no doubt that there is no longer a single air con unit available to be bought between here and Finland. As long as I get a decent night's sleep tonight......... Tomorrow were off to Birmingham City Football ground to see Duran Duran. Yes. That's right. Duran Duran. Apparently they all managed to get their bus passes updated at the same tme, and after saving up a few giros from the social, they've organised another gig in their home town - Birmingham Daniel Bedingfield - a right tosser, The Bravery, ("Who they"? Ed.), and an undecided band are in support. The undecided band open the gig at 5.15pm, with Duran Duran coming on at 8.30pm - then off for a cup of warm cocoa and tucked up in bed with Paxman at 10.30pm :) Hey ho :)
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Liverpool European Champions - The Power of Email It was like one of those "Where were you when Kennedy was assassinated?" type situations! (Okay I was six months old and in a pram in the back of the living room whilst my mother watched it happen on TV as she was doing the ironing - I've been traumatised ever since!).... For the Liverpool game - I was in a hotel near Oxford - the night before a regional meeting. There were about a dozen of us. We'd ordered food in from local Chinese & Indian Take-aways, and the local pizza joint. We'd got the chairs postioned into the TV - and got the beers in..... Back on April 22nd I sent this to young Phil: "Coincidence? You decide. 1978 - Welsh Grand Slam. Pope Dies. Liverpool win European Cup. 2005 - Welsh Grand Slam. Pope Dies. ??? 1981 - Prince Charles gets married. Ken and Deirdre marry on the street. A new Dr Who is appointed. Liverpool win European Cup. 2005 - Prince Charles gets Married. Ken and Deirdre marry on the street. A new Dr Who is appointed. ??? Get to the bookies, quick.........." I never got to the bookies. Phil phoned me today.... he was on his way down to the bookies to pick up his 70 pounds winnings. He said after receiving my email, he couldn't resist having a little flutter......bastard! ;) Anyway, for those of you who have just beamed down from another planet. Liverpool beat Milan on penalties after being 3 - 0 down at half time. They came back to 3 - 3 at fulltime. At half time you could have got odds of 100 - 1 for Liverpool to beat Milan. I'm sure some lucky bugger did! :)
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Are You Having The Time Of Your Life - Or Someone Else's? So, there I was the other day walking around Tescos with Sue as we did the weekly shop. Usually, I'm on the phone to one of my brothers, as being in a shop on a weekend is the last place I want to be - as I happen to be in them all week. Before being married I used to shop online and have Tescos deliver all the food to me. In fact, if there was a service that would take your groceries from the car to kitchen, unpack them, put them away and make you a cup of tea - I'd gladly pay for that as well! Anyway, so there I was in Tescos.... and it occured to me as I looked around that there was an awful lot of people who, to me, were just playing the part. I mean there were far too many modular families in there. It looked as though people were acting out a role. That's to say there were young career women who had waited a while before they got married so that they could get a good career, then get married, and then have a child - and there they were in Tescos with the husband, (who clearly did not want to be there), and the child. And she was being as managerial in the supermarket with her husband as she would be at the place of work. It looked very odd. Then there was the guys. There were guys there who were clearly born to be fathers. I mean whatever they did before they got married was a souless, meaningless existence.... but.... once they got married and had a baby - that was their life complete. There were several other variations on the theme of those two outlined above. But the most overiding observation of this particular shopping trip was this: "Is it all real? Do they really want want they've got - or is it because they think that's what's expected of them? Are they just living that life because it's the easy thing to do?" It was a bit of a Matrix moment as well, I have to say. Was there somebody, (something), else controlling all their lives? Watching, observing, (see a movie called Dark City), Was I, in fact, Neo?
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
From In Box To Blog... Most people assume WWJD is for "What would Jesus do?" But the initials really stand for "What would Jesus drive?" One theory is that Jesus would tool around in an old Plymouth because the Bible says, "God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in a Fury." But in Psalm 83, the Almighty clearly owns a Pontiac and a Geo. The passage urges the Lord to "pursue your enemies with your Tempest and terrify them with your Storm." Perhaps God favors Dodge pickup trucks, because Moses' followers are warned not to go up a mountain "until the Ram's horn sounds a long blast." Some scholars insist that Jesus drove a Honda but didn't like to talk about it. As proof, they cite a verse in St. John's gospel where Christ tells the crowd, "For I did not speak of my own Accord..." Meanwhile, Moses rode an old British motorcycle, as evidenced by a Bible passage declaring that "the roar of Moses' Triumph is heard in the hills." Joshua drove a Triumph sports car with a hole in its muffler: "Joshua's Triumph was heard throughout the land." And, following the Master's lead, the Apostles car pooled in a Honda... "The Apostles were in one Accord." Thanks Frit :)
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Friday, May 20, 2005
I Don't Beleive It! Web sites that exist only to sell advertising Monday, May 02, 2005 By Lee Gomes, The Wall Street Journal Before I tell you about the remarkably useful and completely free information utility I've been using, I should describe why I needed it in the first place. But that requires, in addition, a lament about the current sorry state of the World Wide Web. As it does almost everywhere, spring in my neighborhood means the commencement of long-delayed home repairs. In setting about on these projects, I naturally planned to use the Web as a resource to not only bone up on topics like roof repair, but also to find experienced and honest local trades people to hire. How lucky we are, thought I, to be able to do spring cleaning in the age of broadband. What I actually found online was a different story. No matter what I searched for, I ended up with a distressingly large percentage of what might be called second-generation Web spam. (While mostly associated with email, "spam" is also used to describe undesirable search results.) This is not the search spam of the early Internet, where you would search for "Disney" and instead get a sex page. Rather, it's new and improved spam: pseudo-useful pages that are usually just shells for ads. In many cases, a page might at first glance seem like a guide to your topic. But after a minute or two, it becomes evident that the information is virtually useless but is surrounded by an ocean of ads. In other cases, you find "referral services" -- dozens of them -- that promise to put you in touch with reputable contractors. But these sites inspire little confidence that the contractors deemed reputable aren't simply those who have written the Web site operator a check. (A dead giveaway to these sites, by the way, is their abundant use of stock photos of improbably attractive, well-dressed people conferring enthusiastically on the telephone.) Noted search watcher Danny Sullivan says there is no specific word for these kinds of sites. (Folks with an historical bent might refer to them as Potemkin Web sites because they are all facades.) What's behind them isn't anyone with any particular interest or experience in what you're searching for, but instead someone who is trying to make money from the simple fact that you have arrived at the page. Meanwhile, though, the sites are cluttering up the Internet and making it vastly less useful, certainly for what I was trying to use it for. All of this is occurring because of a number of recent Web developments. The most important is that first Google and then Yahoo and everyone else have introduced advertising programs that make it easy and lucrative to sell ads on a Web site. If you can generate a lot of traffic to a roofing-related Web page, then you can easily make money off those eyeballs. Thus, a kind of schizophrenia exists at search-engine companies. Half their engineering staff is busy trying to keep useless pages out of search results; the other half is busy coming up with tools that make it easier for people to create and profit from the useless pages in the first place. The second development is that Web sites no longer use human beings much to help rank their search results. It's now largely done by software (even though some insiders say that Google and the rest use human editors a lot more then they let on). The search companies have reduced their reliance on humans in part because they are expensive, and in part because the Web lately has been enthralled by the success of Google's Page Rank algorithm, which ranks Web sites depending on who else links to them. The problem, of course, is that spammers know about these algorithms and are constantly trying to trick them. Search engines respond by fiddling with the algorithm; spammers make their own adjustments; the beat goes on. Human beings, though, can't be fooled as easily. Among researchers in academia, the pendulum is swinging back to getting people involved again, the way they were in the early days of search. One example is the "TrustRank" approach co-developed by Zoltan Gyongyi, a Stanford University Ph.D. student. With this method, first human beings pick reputable, high-quality Web pages, and then software automatically finds other sites based on the pages the people-blessed sites link to. With all the money involved, spammers will surely try to crack that system, too -- though Web users everywhere should be rooting for Mr. Gyongyi and the others to prevail. Future generations will marvel at the utter lawlessness of these early days of the Internet, with spam and phishing and viruses and what-have-you. Imagine a world where you could surf harmlessly and where things would be what they seemed. How cool would that be? My new information utility isn't quite that ideal, but at least it does many things better than the current Web. It's neatly indexed, making it a snap to find something. It's awesome for locating nearby merchants. In many cases, you can even use it to find email addresses and URLs. You have one of these information utilities, too, though there's a good chance you're using it now to elevate your computer monitor by three inches. It's called the Yellow Pages. Are there really people who create webpages purely for advertising reasons to earn revenue, shurely shome mishtake;
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
The Riddler Dies Actor Frank Gorshin, the impressionist with 100 faces best known for his Emmy-nominated role as The Riddler on the old "Batman" television series, died on Tuesday 17th May 2005. He was 72. Gorshin's wife of 48 years, Christina, was at his side when he died Tuesday at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center, his agent and longtime friend, Fred Wostbrock, said today. "He put up a valiant fight with lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia," Mrs. Gorshin said in a statement. Despite dozens of television and movie credits, Gorshin will be forever remembered for his role as The Riddler, Adam West's villainous foil in the question mark-pocked green suit and bowler hat on "Batman" from 1966-69.
"It really was a catalyst for me," Gorshin recalled in a 2002 Associated Press interview. "I was nobody. I had done some guest shots here and there. But after I did that, I became a headliner in Vegas, so I can't put it down." West said the death of his longtime friend was a big loss. "Frank will be missed," West said in a statement. "He was a friend and fascinating character." Gorshin earned another Emmy nominations one for a guest shot on "Star Trek." In 2002, Gorshin portrayed George Burns on Broadway in the one-man show "Say Goodnight Gracie." He used only a little makeup and no prosthetics. "I don't know how to explain it. It just comes," he said. "I wish I could say, 'This is step A, B and C.' But I can't do that. I do it, you know. The ironic thing is I've done impressions all my life -- I never did George Burns." Gorshin's final performance will be broadcast on Thursday's CBS-TV series "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation." Born in Pittsburgh, Gorshin broke into show business in New York. He did more than 40 impressions, including Al Jolson, Kirk Douglas, Bobby Darin, Dean Martin and James Cagney. Later, he took his impressions to "The Ed Sullivan Show" on a memorable evening -- the same night the Beatles were featured. He did impressions in Las Vegas showrooms, opening for Bobby Darin, paving the way for other impressionists like Rich Little. Sammy Davis Jr. said it was Gorshin who taught him to do impressions, Wostbrock said. "He said you had to look like them and walk like them. Once you get that down, the voice comes easy," he said. Gorshin's movie roles included "Bells are Ringing" (1960) with his idol Dean Martin and a batch of fun B-movies such as "Hot Rod Girl" (1956), "Dragstrip Girl" (1957) and "Invasion of the Saucer Men" (1957). "He was fun, fascinating, wild and always a class act," Wostbrock said. "Here's a guy who always wore great clothes, stood up when a woman walked into the room -- he was a gentleman. We did all our deals with a handshake. There was never a signed contract." His other TV credits included roles on "General Hospital, "The Edge of Night" and "The Munsters" as well as guest appearances on "Donny & Marie," "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson," "Late Night with Conan O'Brien," "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman," "Murder, She Wrote," "The Fall Guy," "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century," "Wonder Woman," "Charlie's Angels" and "Police Woman." Besides his wife, Gorshin leaves his son Mitchell Gorshin of Orlando, Fla., and sister Dottie Roland of Pittsburgh. Wostbrock said the funeral would be private and Gorshin would be buried in the family plot in Pittsburgh. I remember watching the Batman TV series when I was a lad. I never thought it was corny or anything, I just marvelled how The Riddler acted and used to, (almost!), get away with everything. We all have to go sometime I suppose - but it looks as though Frank Gorshin had a good life - and we enjoyed his Riddler part of it :)
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Monday, May 16, 2005
I'd Rather Be Scooping Up Dogshit Computer programmer Steve Relles has the poop on what to do when your job is outsourced to India. Relles, one of a rising number of Americans seeking new opportunities as their work shifts to countries with cheaper labor, has spent the past year making his living scooping up dog droppings as the "Delmar Dog Butler." "My parents paid for me to get a (degree) in math and now I am a pooper scooper," Relles, a 42-year-old married father of two told Reuters. "I can clean four to five yards in a hour if they are close together." Relles, who lost his computer programming job about three years ago, got the idea of cleaning dog dirt from people's back yards from Mark Booth, a friend in Buffalo, New York. Relles has over 100 clients who pay $10 each for a once-a-week cleaning of their yard. Relles competes for business with another local company called "Scoopy Do." Similar outfits have sprung up across America, including, which operates in Ohio. In the United States, there are about 63 million dogs, each producing about 23 "presents" per week, which if left can be unsafe for children and pets. Relles says his business is growing by word of mouth and that most of his clients are women who either don't have the time or desire to pick up the droppings. "St. Bernard (dogs) are my favorite customers since they poop in large piles which are easy to find," Relles said. His "scooper" is a converted ice scrapper duct-taped to a ski pole. He flicks the poop into a dust pan lined with a plastic bag, then loads the waste into a large garbage can which he takes to the dump when full. "It sure beats computer programming because it's flexible, and I get to be outside," he said. Now that's a shit job - but pays well! :)
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Busy Old Week And Paris Hilton's Underwear In My Teeth Apart from a three day training course this week, I was also accompagnied by a several day virus. Now, I don't know about you, but i usually know that when I get a virus of this type, that what I really need is some anti-biotics to shift the little bugger. However, when you're away from home, it's a little difficult to drop into the local doctors for an emergency get a prescriptiom..... and then to nip down the chemist. Nope - it just ain't ain't gonna happen. But I did have the usual box of drugs with me. Clarityn,(for hayfever), Nurofen, (for mind-numbing headaches etc), Sudafed, (for congestion in head), Vicks, (nasal spray), Chesty cough mixture - for chesty coughs, (cos I knew I would be that way by Friday), and some other normal stuff like Elastoplasts, Dioclam etc. So I ended doping myself up with all the shit from my drugs box all week - not the best way to be, but the only way to survive so I could come home and.......chill. Oh yes - I've been doing some work on my Lasix Laser Eye Surgery pages. There is now a LaserEye Surgery Diary Page, and a review of Canadian Lasix Laser Eye Surgery Clinics - go clicking - see what you think. Paris Hilton's Underwear In My Teeth? Nah - interesting thought though - just trying to see what the search engines will make of it :)
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
A Couple of Old Jokes Because I can...... ((((RING)))) (((RING))) **Pick Up** "Hello?" "Hi honey, this is Daddy, Is Mommy near the phone?" "No Daddy, She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Frank." After a brief pause, Daddy says, "But honey, you haven't got an Uncle Frank." "Oh yes I do, and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy, right now" Brief Pause... "Uh, okay then, this is what I want you to do. Put the phone down on the table, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door, and shout to Mommy that Daddy's car just pulled into the driveway." "Okay Daddy, just a minute." A few minutes later, the little girl comes back to the phone. "I did it Daddy." "And what happened honey?" he asked. "Well, Mommy got all scared, jumped out of bed with no clothes on and ran around screaming. Then she tripped over the rug, hit her head on the dresser and now she isn't moving at all!" "Oh my God!!! What about your Uncle Frank?" "He jumped out of the bed with no clothes on too. He was all scared and he jumped out of the back window and into the swimming pool. But I guess he didn't know that you took out the water last week to clean it. He hit the bottom of the pool and I think he's dead" ***Long Pause*** ***Longer Pause*** Then Daddy says, "Swimming pool??? .....Is this 555-7039??" And then... Three sons left home, went out on their own and prospered.Getting back together, they discussed the gifts they were able to give their elderly mother. The first said, "I built a big house for our mother." The second said," I sent her a Mercedes with a driver." The third smiled and said, "I've got you, both beat. You know how Mom enjoys the Bible, and you know she can't see very well. I sent her a parrot that can recite the entire Bible. It took 20 monks in a monastery 12 years to teach him. I had to pledge to contribute $100,000.00 a year for 10 years, but it was worth it. Mom just has to name the chapter and verse, and the parrot will recite it." Soon thereafter, Mom sent out her letters of thanks: "Million," she wrote the first son, "the house you built is so huge. I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house." "Marvin," she wrote to another, "I am too old to travel. I stay home all the time, so I never use the Mercedes. And the driver is so rude!" "Dearest Melvin," she wrote to her third son, "You were the only son to have the good sense to know what your mother likes. That chicken was delicious." Yes, I've been away with my new friends on a three day training course, and now I'm back - with old jokes from the bulging mailbox.
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Monday, May 09, 2005
THIS! Is The Way To Amarillo... 1.Catch flight from London Heathrow to Dallas Fort Worth Airport. 2.Hire car at Dallas Fort Worth Airport. 3.Start going toward the "Airport Exit" on "International Parkway South" - follow for 0.2 miles. 4.Bear left onto the highway toward "Terminal East Parking" - follow for 0.3 miles 5.Bear left onto "International Parkway North" toward "North Airport Exit" - follow for 2.9 miles 6.Take the "Highway 114 west" exit toward "Fort Worth" - follow for 29.2 miles 7.Then continue on "US 287 north" - follow for 91.1 miles 8."US 287 north" becomes "Interstate-44 east" - follow for 0.7 miles 9.Take left fork onto "US-287 north" toward "Vernon" - follow for 104.0 miles 10."US 287 north" becomes "Avenue F (US-287)" - follow for 2.8 miles 11.Continue to follow "US 287 north" - follow for 104.9 miles 12.Take left ramp onto "Interstate 40 west" toward "Dumas" - follow for 7.8 miles 13.Take "Exit 70" onto "US 60 east" toward "Dumas" - follow for 0.5miles 14.Take the "Buchanan Street" exit toward "Dumas/Pampa" - follow for 1.7 miles 15.Turn right onto "Old Route 66 (Interstate 40)" - follow for 0.1miles 16.Arrive at the centre of "Amarillo, Texas" So - you can all stop singing it now!
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Sunday, May 08, 2005
Anchor's Away! Whilst up in Great Yarmouth the other week, I did, indeed, take several photos all over the place including this one:
There was this HUGE German freighter ship at the quayside. This was the view I had from my hotel - very commercial don't you think. So I went for a little stroll after dinner and snapped a few pics of the ship. When you're bored - you're bored, right? ;)
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Thursday, May 05, 2005
Eltham Palace - The Courtauld's Bathrooms The other day we went to Eltham Palace. For many a year it was the home of Stephen & Virginia Courtauld. You really ought to go there. It's quite majestic. And if you're a lover of all things ART NOUVEAU:
Then get yourself down there this weekend. But for all the greatest, intelligence, style & flair of Stephen & Virginia Courtauld, you can tell who was in control of the purse strings in that house: Virginia Courtauld's Bathroom
Which, you'll have to agree is fairly spectacular. It's slightly reminiscent of the wall fountain/shower that Tom Hanks made in The Terminal, don't you think? And then just through an adjoining bedroom door, we have the less than salubrious: Stephen Courtauld's Bathroom
Now, I'm no design artist, or indeed, a great philospher on human life and interpersonal relationships etc etc - BUT - there's a sad inequality in bathroom design, which leads me to conclude that Virginia, perhaps, really did get her own way in that house!? ;)
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Monday, May 02, 2005
Last Day of Spring - First Week of Work Today we went off to an American Car Show in some fields on a nearby golf course. There were many, many cars & trucks there. As usual, I took dozens of photos. (Incidentally, did you know that I have taken nearly 5,700 photos with that digital camera I got a few years ago). But the one big grill I wanted to leave you with was this one:
It's off a Ford Torino. And, as all you Starsky & Hutch fans will know - that was the make & model of the General Lee - YEHA! (As I believe the expression is....) And tomorrow it's off to Big Boy's School. As part of these things* which have been happening around me, I'm off to join PC World on a merry crusade to right wrongs etc etc. It should be fun. Be good. Stay cool. And remember that no matter what happens - just keep smiling...oh yes - and dropping by here to say hello :)
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Sunday, May 01, 2005
Hottest Day Of The Year So Far Or Just Load Of French Dog Shit? Today in the UK someone told me it was going to be the hottest day of the year. I think it was my mate Phil - he's going to a Car Boot Sale today, I think, so I reckon it was a bit of wishful thinking. According to the BBC weather it's going to be 20 degrees in my part of this green and pleasant land. Oh well, onto more important things... Whilst working in France a few weeks back, I did have the pleasure of delicately picking my way through the dog shit of Paris on my 40 minute walk from the hotel to PC City France Head Office. It was generally an entertaining walk - seeing the same people at the same time, at the same bus-stops, the same train station, the same traffic lights. At one point by the corner of a park there used to be one middle-aged gentlemen come jogging by around 08:30am - closely followed by a young lady running past him & me racing for a train in the station across the road. If I could have stopped her, (and my French language been good enough), I felt like suggesting that she just got up a little earlier in the morning - then she wouldn't have to race for the train. C'est la vie, eh? Anyway, back to the French dog shit. And one clever person decided that this:
would be a good diagram to paint on the pavement outside their apartment building, to suggest to people that they make their dogs crap in the gutter - or in this instance, up against the side of that poor bloke's car who happened to park there! In any event, it never worked. But, as one does, one had to take a photo of it for future reference... An lo! (As they say in the Bible) And so it came to pass - there I was up in East Anglia last week. In fact I was in Great Yarmouth at the beginning of the week. I was staying in the salubrious Star Hotel - a favourite watering hole for auditor's. Anyway, I went out for a walk after dinner along the quayside, (which is opposite the hotel - yes, the view is awful!), and I came across this sign screwed to the quay wall:
And do you know what? There wasn't a drop of dog shit anywhere! Of course, the folks of Great Yarmouth neither have the quality, quantity or range of dogs that our continental cousins have, but I was very impressed with the sign and it's apparent positive results. I may go back there one day with a screwdriver, unscrew it, and send it annonymously to the Mayor of Paris as a little hint. What do you think? ;)
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