Your Blogging With Dr P... search result is below this annoucement. In April 2008 Blogging With Dr P... moved to Blog Bypass.
If you're using the Blog Studio Search Facility to find a link to a previous blog, then I've been very generous, and NOT included an automatic re-direct which would take you there.
So, what this means is you have to use this link: Blog Bypass to find more Blogging With Dr P....
Thank you to Blog Studio for all the help over years! :)
(Feb 2010 Update): Haloscan is no more. Therefore the comments on this blog are no more. Sad, but true. I'm not paying $12 a year for the occasional comment with Echo. Apologies to all those who have commented. I have saved them and may well stick them somewhere else at some point.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Paris - FranceOui - it's true. Last week I was in France, staying in the La Defense area of Paris:
I had a room on the 9th floor of the Mercure Hotel. It was a very international hotel - English, American, Japanese - the only French folks were those working in there. The large revolving door that opened up onto a spacious marble foyer had a very distinctive air raid siren tone to it. This, I found quite amusing. And the fact that should any future invading armies come through the "La Defense" - they'll be able to get their tanks through the doors of the Mercure Hotel - a design detail which I'm sure was incorporated delibrately! ;O) Anyway, the work was hot and sweaty. It got up to 29 degrees one day - very hot, you'll agree. But back on the 9th floor, (with the window open because the "air conditioning" didn't work!), I had a wonderful windswept view of the world below:
I did have some more snaps taken with my camera, but unfortunately I'm having a "downloading problem" at the moment. So, we'll have to make do with these phone photos for now. And, in the week when Liverpool was beaten by AC Milan in the UEFA Cup Final, I found this little piece of historical graffitti in a toilet on a service station heading towards Calais:
It begs the question - where has the cleaner been for the last two years?! Vive la France! :O)
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Blog Extra No MoreIt's true, here's what they say:May 3 , 2007 Due to the massive interest and use of the system, but not enough server capacity, we have been forced to shut down this service until further notice. Users wishing to claim their data, can log in and use the "Export Feedback Entries" option. This will create an export file in the CAIF format. Further more, this site is for sale. Bids start at 1000$, please send an e-mail to sj(a)
So, I managed to get in there and scramble all the weird and wonderful comments and conversations I've had using that comment system since 2003. I'm not quite sure if they're all there, but all the messages and coded "stuff" made for 445 pages of a Word document..... .... that's some conversations! I may dig out the .edited highlights later ;)
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Monday, May 14, 2007
Got The LurgySomehow, and I think it was whilst in Yate last week, I managed to contract the lurgy. My Friday in Slough, (what a great name for a band, eh? "MY FRIDAY IN SLOUGH"!!), anyway..... my Friday in Slough was spent coughing & spluttering - and generally spreading "the lurgy" around the depot I was working at. (I'm sure there'll be people phoning in sick today). There was also an interesting drive home in car, as I was sneezing every ten feet/2 minutes. Not a good experience. Weekend? Ha! As the doctor would order, if I could be bothered to go and see him, he would say - "Nurse call the police - get that bloody imbecile out of here!", no, he would really say: 1. Take paracetamol to reduce fever/temperature. 2. Take pain killers for pain. 3. Drink lots of hot drinks. 4. Do "steam inhalations" (his favourite treatment for anything!) 5. Keep warm and rest. So - that's what I did this weekend. I also included: 6. Bringing my lungs up in the toilet at 04:30hrs on Sunday morning. 7. Coughing/wheezing and tightening my chest like a drum (involuntarily, of course.....!) 8. Whining like a girlie. 9. Smelling like a whino - I think it's the mix of inhaling Vics and not getting showered for two days! 10. Watching ALL of the Eurovision Song Contest - YES I AM VERY ILL!!!! :o) I think it's best you wash your hands, mouse & keyboard with anti-bacterial hospital soap, and give the monitor a good scrub down after reading this blog entry. I wouldn't want to be accused of spreading the lurgy across the internet!
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
Kylie's Laser Eye Surgery?Imagine the surprise when the poor person in Gloucester, Ontario, Canada went searching to find their local laser eye surgery centre, and found How Does Kylie Minogue Wash Her Arse?!? :O) Google. Don't ya just love it? :O)
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Monday, May 07, 2007
No More BackBlog ExtraI thought I'd best put in an explanation here as to why there appears to be no comments throughout the whole of my blog - including the archives. Well, BackBlog Extra, (the outfit I've had my commenting service with for years), got sold at the beginning of this year. Sadly, the service provided by Yariv, (previous owner), was not being met by the new operators. Just recently it would appear that the BackBlog Extra website is no more - and so are my comments. This is sad, as I had some great conversations over the years in those comments. So, apologies to those folks I've chatted with in my comments sections - but all those conversations are not lost in the mists of time.... Which is why I've now opted for the pro version of Haloscan :O)
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Saturday, May 05, 2007
BridlingtonLast week I was in Bridlington. It was very sunny on the first day I arrived, (Sunday!)...
It was so warm I decided to do the touristy thing, and have a paddle in the sea...
Bridlington is a very old seaside coastal resort in North Yorkshire. It has lots and lots of small hotels, guesthouses and B&B's, which tend to look like this...
I suppose if you've read about Bridlington from the link above, you may have discovered many things about the town and area. But here's one thing you probably won't know - I was on holiday there with my mum, dad, and younger sister, Siobhan, almost 30 years ago to the day I returned there last week. And what's even funnier, (although not at the time!), was that I was having such a miserable time there, that my mother put me on a train back home! Yes - booted out of Bridders! :O) Anyway, the old town hadn't changed much, except for such things as a commemorative sundial in one of the little ornamental parks which had the following palque attached to it...
There. You didn't know that then did you? And to finish this blog entry on my travels, here's a piccy of Bridlington harbour, as taken from the cold, wet and windy harbour wall itself by yours truly....
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