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(Feb 2010 Update): Haloscan is no more. Therefore the comments on this blog are no more. Sad, but true. I'm not paying $12 a year for the occasional comment with Echo. Apologies to all those who have commented. I have saved them and may well stick them somewhere else at some point.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
John Peel RIP "Veteran BBC broadcaster John Peel has died at the age of 65, while on holiday in Peru. Peel, whose radio career spanned 40 years, was on a working holiday in the city of Cuzco with his wife Sheila when he suffered a heart attack. He was BBC Radio 1's longest-serving DJ."
The full story is here: John Peel Dies. For those of you who did not know John Peel, or never heard his radio programme,(with some of the most appalling demo tapes of all time!), you've missed out on one of the world's best broadcasters & possibly one of the most influential voices in the British music industry. I used to occasionally listen to Peelie's programmes when I was a studenty type. Amongst all the new wave and punky stuff he used to play there was always going to be some gems which floated to the surface in later months/years. He knew his music, and he was recognised, appreciated & applauded for it. The BBC report continued: "After announcing Peel's death on Radio 1, the station played his favourite song, Teenage Kicks, by the Undertones. Michael Bradley, bass player for the Undertones, spoke of his shock on learning of Peel's death. He said: "He was a very funny, very warm man and we will always be grateful for what he did for The Undertones. "Personally, I find it incredible what he did for the band and we always got huge pride out of the fact that he said Teenage Kicks was his favourite single. "He always had his finger on the pulse of the music industry and the fact that Radio 1 played the Undertones, the White Stripes and the Strokes today showed just how relevant he remained throughout his career." John Peel gave big breaks to more bands than anyone else in the UK music industry. From Pulp and The Smiths to The Undertones and The White Stripes, he discovered some of the most popular and influential acts of the last few decades. U2, Nirvana, The Velvet Underground, Roxy Music, Rod Stewart, Pink Floyd, The Sex Pistols and T-Rex are among the others he helped introduce to the public. It's a real shame. I never met John Peel, but it feels like a friend has died as well. He was a great broadcaster and a great bloke. If you would like to read/leave a tribute for the man himself, then pop along to the BBC website where you can leave a tribute John Peel RIP
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Monday, October 25, 2004
How Lucky Can I Be? Just when I thought that a lottery win would be really useful, look what dropped into my mail box: FROM: THE LOTTERY COORDINATOR, INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS/PRIZE AWARD DEPARTMENT DEAR SIR/MADAM THIRD CATEGORY WINNER After a successful completion of the third category draws of EGOLI LOTTERY, held on 10TH OCTOBER 2004, we are pleased to inform you of the official announcement today, 18TH OCTOBER, that you have emerged one of the winners of the EGOLI LOTTERY/INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS, which is part of our promotional draws. Participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 25,000 names/email addresses of individuals and companies from Africa, America, Asia,Australia, Canada, Europe, Middle East, and New Zealand as part of our International Promotions Program. You/Your company, attached to ticket number XXX-XXX-XXX, with serial number XX-XX drew the lucky numbers XX,XX,XX,XX,XX,(XX)and consequently won in the Third Category. You have therefore been awarded a lump sum pay out of US$1,900,000.00 in cash,which is the winning payout for third category winners. This is from the total prize money of US$5,700,000.00 shared among the three international winners in the Third category. CONGRATULATIONS! Your fund is now deposited with COMET FINANCE & INSURANCE LTD, insured in your name. To avoid mix up of numbers and names of any kind, we request that you keep this award strictly from public notice until the entire process of transferring your claims has been completed, and your funds remitted to your account. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants of this program. We also wish to bring to your notice our end of year (2004) high stakes where you stand a chance of winning up to US$1.3 billion; we hope that with a part of your prize you will participate. Please contact your claims agent immediately, to begin your claims process; MR. TREVOR Mc CARTHY, CLAIMS DEPT. MANAGER, COMET FINANCE & INSURANCE LTD. FAX: 27 115076316 EMAIL: For due processing and remittance of your prize money to a designated account of your choice. Remember, you must contact your claims agent not later than 29TH OCTOBER. After this date, all funds will be returned as unclaimed. NOTE: To avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers provided below in every one of your correspondence with your claims agent. REFERENCE NUMBER: XXXXXX BATCH NUMBER: XXXXXX Congratulations once again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program. Sincerely, THE LOTTERY COORDINATOR, EGOLI LOTTERY SA. #7 LE-ROUX AVE, ALBERTON, JHB. SOUTH AFRICA. Tel: 27 728898959 N.B. Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result to disqualification. Please do not reply to this mail. Contact your claims. Naturally, you can imagine my surprise when that arrived. "Whoopee!", I thought.....or shouted....or something. Anyway, I put fingers to keyboard to quickly blast off a reply to my newly found friend Mr Trevor Mc Carthy in sunny Jo'burg. Here is what he had to say in return: Dear Sir/Madam, We are in receipt of your claims file, with reference Number REFERENCE NO: XXXXXX and BATCH NO: XXXXX. Be informed that we have in our possession instruments of payment for the sum of US$1,900,000.00 to you. You will be required to fill a "Lottery Winnings Claim Form" with all necessary details.Please find attached to this mail the required form. Kindly print, fill, and send back either by fax or as an email attachment.You will also be required to pay a fee of USD6,450.00(Six thousand four hundred and fifty United States dollars only), or it?s equivalent in your local currency. This payment is to cover transfer charges, Insurance of vital documents like prize claim certificate and other transfer documents, handling and opening of account charges. Note that your total prize claim of USD1,900,000.00 has been insured to the real value and as such cannot be deducted from.This is in accordance with section 13(1)(n) of the n ational gambling act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3rd July 1996 by the constitutional assembly. This is to protect winners and to avoid misappropriation of funds. A certificate of prize claim along side other vital documents will be sent to you via Courier service immediately transfer of your winnings is effected. Note that your winnings will be transferred within 24hours after the receipt of all the requirements. I shall be awaiting your response. Truly yours, Trevor Mc Carthy. CLAIMS DEPT. MANAGER, COMET FINANCE & INSURANCE LTD. PHONE: 27 728898959 FAX: 27 115076316 EMAIL: And sure enough, attached to the email was a (virus free!), Word document, which wants me to fill in all kinds of details for me to get my lottery reward. So, the question to the panel..."Should I send the $6,450 admin fee in cash,cheque, or Twinkies?"
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
France Oct/Nov 2004 Oui. Attendez s'il vous plait. Je dormis pour deux ou trois jeurs - okay ? Et puis j'ecrit avec le photos ;)
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Okay - Lets Talk Computers, Shall We? Now this sounds like the kind of shout you'd get from the technologically inept, i.e. those who've had a computer for about, say, 3 or 4 days, and have had just had their first blue screen of death - and they think their PC is stuffed. Oh now. This is not one of those cries. C'est moi ici! So, there I was, minding my own business, working away all this week in France. On Wednesday morning my wife phones me to say that after accepting an update from Microsoft, the following error message came up, (and the PC was "hung"): explore.ex - entry point could not be found. The procedure point SHCreateThreadRef could nnot be loaded in the Dyanmic Link library SHLWAPI.dll On my return from France, (last night), after various attempts to fix this myself I (reluctantly!), phoned the Dixon's PC Helpline, (whom I purchased the PC off in May this year). They informed me that I was the 5th person that day to call them about this issue. They said it had something to do with the update conflicting with CD burning software(?) Unfortunately, their advice was to use the Destructive Recovery, (Packard Bell PC) to reinstall Windows XP - but wipe out all my personal files, and any software I'd installed! So, without the lack of any other option - off I went last night - losing EVERYTHING.....(okay losing bookmarks, emails, data files etc). However, now I'm back on the net, and searched through Microsoft and Google Groups, I find there were other alternatives to wiping my hard drive - and Dixons explanation was clearly - nonsense!
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Monday, October 11, 2004
(mobile phone blog) Paris, France - Italian restaurant - scrummy stuff ! ;-)
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Monday, October 04, 2004
Belated Apologies At some point in the not too distant future I shall redesign this site - as this is what I'm learning to do at the moment. Here is my first effort: John Clark's Art World. John's original website was here and was built by a friend of his in a couple of redesign took considerably longer! Also, I'll get back to putting some regular content on here again. For example, I went to an ice hockey game in Romford, Essex, last night - wot a larf! A good game - and a good punch up as well - on the ice :). I would load some pics up here - but time is a precious etc etc I was in France last week, and shall be there again over the next two weeks. It is, as always, a great place to take photos and observe "those continentals". More of that later. Anyway, I just wanted to say - thanks for sticking by me.....and dropping by :) I shall become more "internetedly active" in the future. Caio peeps!
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